The Vulcan Isles (Vull-ken I-ullz)
Off the South East coast of Balrund lies a collection of volcanoes and split land masses. These are known as The Vulcan Isles by residents and passer-bys.
Separated from the Balrund mainland after the Voscoyas Eruption, the Vulcan Isles have been an intriguing sight for tourists. At least from a distance. A majority of the islands that make up the Vulcan Isles were created or expanded as the volcanoes erupted, eroding plant life with magmatic rock and spilling towards the coastlines. This grew them into what were viewed as mostly desolate landscapes, save for a few land and aquatic creatures that adapted to its harsh environments.
As the lava flows developed common routes over repeated eruptions, some preserved areas are actually more habitable than others. On the East faces of most the islands hides rich soils, glowing yellow sands, crystal clear waters and lively tropical forestry. The forest houses beautiful flora such as the Vulcan Charlily; a large single-bulb flower that grows rapidly in the nutrient rich soil. With blackened leaves, chromatic petals that form black at the base and come to a deep crimson at the tips, yellow stamen that lead to an orange tip and a lightly reinforced under-petal that feels harder than most petals, but is smooth and malleable with applied force.
Some people venture to the Isles intentionally to collect samples of the magmatic rock, the molten magma itself and the ashes of its aftermath; which makes an excellent fertilizer for soils. Adventurers tell of the ever-creeping magma near the coast and even recount witnessing strange forms of life there. Usually described as moving rocks or beings of "walking fire" even collected visual proofs don't convince most common folk of their existence, claiming them as nothing more than costumed pranksters or illusionists creating the creatures.
Whatever the case may be, the Vulcan Isles are far from dead and can make a wonderful adventure for anyone with the spare coin and time to travel there. Mind yourself during eruption season though; venture at your own risk during those times!
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