The Constellations of Tariek Geographic Location in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

The Constellations of Tariek

Born under the signs, one of Tariek cannot escape fate, though they can work to avoid it. However all souls are marked at birth and all children of all races will find themselves with inherent ability, they will grow up having a part of themselves that was gifted by the stars that they can rely on more easily than others. But this is neither a blessing or a curse, merely a marker. It decides nothing, merely makes certain paths of both righteous and the chaotic easier, often in near equal numbers.


The night sky of Tariek is home to a variety of constellations, stars that if one traces imaginary lines between them, form images. The planet itself rotates in such a way that though the North Star stays centered in the night sky at its location, the planet at a seemingly divinely inspired perfect month by month pace, will have different constellations overhead at different times. This, seemingly, effects children born in that month, marking them of the sign, seeing them have a innate knack and talent in certain areas. Below will be listed the constellations in a table for you to roll, if you wish for character creation. Each will then be briefly detailed with a bit of lore, much like a zodiac, with attitudes and attributes. Along with a small list (4 class/career combinations) that if you rolled as your random, you will gain a small exp boost (+20 if first roll, +10 if you got it on the set of three and picked it, +0 if you didn't roll it and just choose it.) You also will gain that +20 boost in game if you manage to switch into that career later in character. You may roll randomly and if you are happy with the first result you may gain +40 exp. If not you may invert the number (so 52 becomes 25) and if happy with that result, gain 20 exp instead. If you roll any of these numbers 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, or 99 you may pick your star sign and gain the +20 exp. If you roll a 1 you may pick your star sign and gain the full +40 exp.
1d100....Constellation Name...Associated Birth Month....Character Creation Effect........Class/Career list for Bonus Exp
2-8..........Cliabhan (Cradle)...........Jundar............+1d10 Fellowship, -5 Strength............Academic/Priest, City-Folk/Merchant, Ranger/Entertainer, Warrior/War-Priest
9-15........Fitheach (Raven)...........Fenrok...........+1d10 Initiative, -5 Ballistic Skill........Academic/Lawyer City-Folk/Investigator, High-Borns/Advisor, High-Born/Duelist
16-21, 23...Seichiarainn (Boar)..Halan...........+1d10 Toughness, -5 Intelligence.......Peasant/Miner, Rogue/Outlaw, Rogue/Racketeer, Warrior/Pit Fighter
24-30......Damh (Stag).................Agun.............+1d10 Weapon Skill, -5 Agility............Peasant/Baliff, Ranger/Zealot, Warrior/Cavalryman, Warrior/Knight
31-32, 34-38...Deilf (Dolphin).......Borin..............+1 Movement, -1 Resilience................City-Folk/Agitator, High-Born/Envoy, Peasant/Scout, Ranger/Messenger
39-43, 45-46..Buralo (Wolf).......Camor..............+1d10 Intelligence, -5 Toughness........Academic/Nun, Academic/Physician, Academic/Scholar, Peasant/Herbalist
47-53.......Imoproidh (Bear).......Tovanna..........+1d10 Strength, -5 Fellowship.............Ranger/Witch-Hunter, River-folk/Wrecker, Warrior/Guard, Warrior/Slayer
54, 56-61..Dobharchu (Otter).....Acrom.............+1d10 Agility, -5 Weapon Skill............High-Born/Spy, Ranger/Bounty-Hunter, Ranger/Coachman, River-Folk/Smuggler
62-65, 67-69..Dilleachta (Orphan)..Gont............+1d10 Dexterity, -5 Willpower............Academic/Apothecary, Academic/Engineer, City-Folk/Artisan, Rogue/Thief
70-76.......Seamir (Clover)..........Tigre..............+1 Fate Point, -1 Movement...............Rogue/Bawd, Rogue/Charlatan, Rogue/Fence, Warrior/Protagonist
79-84.......Boghaiuir (Yew Bow)....Fosta.......+1d10 Ballistic Skill, -5 Dexterity.....City-Folk/Rat-Catcher, Peasant/Hunter, Ranger/Road Warden, River-Folk/River-Warden
85-87, 89-92..Stail (Stallion).......Heva.........+1d10 Willpower, -5 Initiative........Academic/Wizard, Peasant/Hedge Witch, Peasant/Mystic, Rogue/Witch
93-98, 100...Broc (Badger).........Menata......+1 Resilience, -1 Fate...................City-Folk/Beggar, High-Born/Warden, River-Folk/Stevedore, Rogue/Grave-Robber


So within this section will be a brief description of the constellation's meaning, what it suggests, certain beliefs on how people will act, etc. Everyone's Geasa they receive when they come of age, (10 years old for humans) from the wandering seers known as 'Voices of the Ancients' oft is drawn in part from this. No one truly knows who these seemingly eternal seers are. They seem human, but yet come and go. They appear where needed, as if a vision, to show and offer people coming of age their Geasa, and disappear just as suddenly. Some in more rural or remote areas hold secret faith to these, for they believe these are the Fae folk, the Forgotten people, the Children of the Primordials. The Sidhe. Whoever or whatever they are, they have become more and more elusive, being barely seen as they deliver their messages, because the Witch-Hunters, the over zealous 'heresy police' of each religious order have begun hunting them and beings like them. As such this is meant to offer a vague clue, some hint of something, a key choice or moment that their decision will have large rippling effects for their family, community, region, nation, or even continent. That part is up to you, but try and tie it to the player in question's boost when the time comes, but not in the easy, technical way. For example Strength, but of Character, of morality. So below you will find each Constellation laid out thusly;
Constellation Name: Brief explanation of the shape/name. Also number of stars involved.
Constellation 'Virtues': These are three or four traits generally perceived to be attached to such people that are good. Do not feel obligated to behave this way. Do not as a GM punish players for not embracing any or all of these. Think of this like a zodiac. Myth born of coincidence. It would effect things like crime, investigation, suspicion, if known, as Valarain Society is highly superstitious, but that's if known. It is a conversational topic, but does not mean one must talk about it. Though there does exist some biases obviously as any religious feudal, colonial, superstitious society is bound to have.
Constellation 'Vices': These are three or four negative traits generally perceived to be attached to people under this sign. Do not feel obligated to behave this way. Do not as a GM punish players for not embracing any or all of these. Think of this like a zodiac. Myth born of coincidence. It would effect things like crime, investigation, suspicion, if known, as Valarain Society is highly superstitious, but that's if known. It is a conversational topic, but does not mean one must talk about it. Though there does exist some biases obviously as any religious feudal, colonial, superstitious society is bound to have.
Constellation Geas Example: This is a section meant as a simple example of a Geas, cookie cutter like.
So here we go.
Cliabhan (Cradle): This shape looks the part of a simple crib or manger, a baby's bed. Ten stars are part of this constellation.
Cliabhan Virtues: Soft-Spoken, Compassion, Friendliness, Loyalty
Cliabhan Vices: Soft, Quiet, Lazy, Weak
Cliabhan Geas Example: When hope seems lost, let your loyalty shine bright.
Fitheach (Raven): This constellation shape is that of a bird, simple in make, its name comes from the story of how it was noticed first. An astronomer long forgotten had a pet raven whom one night got him to look through his spyglass, because whilst flying some nights, the raven had noticed the constellation. So the creature showed him. Fifteen stars are involved in this constellation.
Fitheach Virtues: Reactive, Attentive, Forward-Thinking, Quick-Thinking
Fitheach Vices: Easily Distracted, Over-thinker, Panic-Prone
Fitheach Geas Example: Silence will seem golden, but on the full moon it is not. Your ears will lie, but your eyes cannot.
Seichiarainn (Boar): This constellation is one of the more complex shapes, a round head, two ears, and two triangle shapes protruding as if tusks, like a boars mouth would have. It contains nineteen stars.
Seichiarainn Virtues: Tough, Dauntless, Bold, Fearless
Seichiarainn Vices: Stubborn, Tunnel-Vision, Cocky, Stupid
Seichiarainn Geas Example: When the beings of scales arrive, rattling like steel. At this time, toughness within you must wield.
Damh (Stag): This constellation is again the head, and again complex. But fourteen stars used to show the basic shape that astronomers have agreed is a stag.
Damh Virtues: Proficient, Well Spoken, Brave, Committed
Damh Vices: Stubborn, Tunnel-Vision, Slow, Foolhardy
Damh Geas Example: When the wolves seem at every side, fighting there is not wise. Flee and trust you wider gaze, and turn the fight another way.
Deilf (Dolphin): Another complex form, this one is comprised of seventeen stars total.
Deilf Virtues: Fast, Creative, Quick-Thinking, Friendly
Deilf Vices: Vulnerable, Illogical, Fanciful, Childish
Deilf Geas Example: Be careful how and when you play, for on a new moon, you wouldn't live to see another day.
Buralo (Wolf): This constellation is of a more simple form once one is show, a wolf howling up into the darkness.
Buralo Virtues: Smart, Teamwork, Adaptable, Reliable
Buralo Vices: Socially Reliant, Over-Thinker
Buralo Geas Example: Sometimes, a red sun rises and at that point you must remember, it is time for a leadership change.
Imoproidh (Bear): One of the most complex constellations to follow, this form is twenty-one stars to trace. 
Imoproidh Virtues: Strong, Brave, Fierce, Fearless
Imoproidh Vices: Tunnel-Vision, Wild, Brash, Abrasive
Imoproidh Geas Example: There are times where force is not bravery. When you witness roses blooming, on that day, standing down is the bravest thing you can do.
Dobharchu (Otter): This constellation is a simpler one, and a favorite to learn and to search for among children. It consists of eleven stars.
Dobharchu Virtues: Swift, Fun, Friendly, Investigative
Dobharchu Vices: Childish, Scatter-minded, Fool-hardy, Cocky
Dobharchu Geas Example: When the rivers run wild, dancing fey will play. But only a fool would join them in a game this day.
Dilleachta (Orphan): This constellation is one known but not oft talked of, due to the connotations of it. It contains 18 stars
Dilleachta Virtues: Quiet, Nimble, Quick, Quick Thinking
Dilleachta Vices: Dirty, Timid, Dishonest, Uneducated
Dilleachta Geas Example: When the chittering comes alive, the quiet is a lie. 
Seamir (Clover): This simple shape is a favorite among halfling star gazers. Fourteen stars make up this constellation.
Seamir Virtues: Lucky, Funny, Happy, Friendly
Seamir Vices: Gambler, Fool-Hardy, Cocky, Childish
Seamir Geas Example: Sometimes luck is in the eye of the beholder, so don't be afraid to bluff when your card holder.
Boghaiuir (Yew Bow): This is the simplest of the constellations in the skies over Tariek. It only consists of nine stars.
Boghaiuir Virtues: Perceptive, Patient, Calm, Quiet
Boghaiuir Vices: Distant, Cold, Abrasive
Boghaiuir Geas Example: On the longest day, when the shot seems simple, seek the target but barely visible.
Stail (Stallion): This constellation seems as if a stallion in full sprint once one is shown it. It consists of twenty-eight stars, the most of any constellation.
Stail Virtues: Strong, Fast, Willful, Spirited
Stail Vices: Timid, Over-Reactive, Wild
Stail Geas Example: On the night of the harvest, there will come a time you feel the urge to fight or flee. But sometimes the strongest and fastest way to insure safety is to stand. To freeze. To hold defiantly.
Broc (Badger): This constellation is one that is the smallest in size, but a favorite to see amongst star gazers, for it is hardest to find, but satisfying to follow. It consists of sixteen stars.
Broc Virtues: Tough, Fearless, Fierce, Brave
Broc Vices: Aggressive, Unlucky, Fool-Hardy, Abrasive
Broc Geas Example: The fool who attacks a beast of the pit head on, is a fool who is not brave but gone.
Alternative Name(s)
The Signs, The Star Signs, Soul Stars, Soul Brands
Star System


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