Ironwood is a ancient strand of lumbar that is harvested from Ironwood trees mainly found near the region of Branglade. It is known around the world and highly sought after in trade due to their variety of uses as well. Ironwood is mainly used in the fabrication of military arms for the Branglade militia as well as their defenses unless they have an abudance of stone. Most villages use the local ironwood to form palisades which give it formidable defenses against such threats as giants and siege equipment.
Material Characteristics
It seems as if it is ordinary wood except that it does not bleed sap.
Physical & Chemical Properties
It feel similar to normal wood though it has the strength of the steel.
Geology & Geography
It is found mainly in the region of Branglade. Small pockets are scattered around the world.
Origin & Source
No one knows how it was created but these trees are often found near Branglade with small patches spread out the world.
History & Usage
Branglade often uses Ironwood to produce their arms and armor. Instead of using steel for their guards they will use Ironwood as it is lighter and just as strong as stee.
Everyday use
It is a strict upgrade to regular wood and it is used for arms and armor.
Cultural Significance and Usage
Branglade is one army that can easily capture and incapacitate a enemy force as they can make blades that are blunt and can withstand combat.
Industrial Use
It sees a heavy industrial use in construction and in ship construction. Nobles have bidding wars in order to acquire enough wood for their own personal vessels. Small villages often get palisades made from the wood as it helps withstand foreign attacks.
Trade & Market
Branglade sells this to their own cities for construction and defenses. Often Tandari and Je'kal bid for shipments either for their nobles or to trade further along.
Triple the price of normal wood
Related Locations