Corvus Sulinus Character in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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Corvus Sulinus

Praetor Corvus Sulinus

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In good shape, trains relatively often.

Special abilities

Wields the combined powers of a judge and a general

Apparel & Accessories

Robes and a armour of a praetor

Specialized Equipment

Enchanted sword, enchanted cloak, mark of the emperor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Corvus was born into the Sulinus family around the time that they began to gain a certain amount of favour from the empire. Demonstrating considerable ambtion and resilience he seemed driven to outperform his brothers, and did so regularly, despite the acrimonious consequences that would often arise. Although he studied law and had intentions of joining the senate, he was instead persuaded to join the army and served in Rhaneland and Bueland. Married a Beulander noblewoman. After serving in the military carried out some diplomatic work in the spiteful kingdoms before returning to Cardenna to run for senate, unsuccessfully. He was later granted the position of Praetor.


Privately educated with access to good tutors and instructors. Studied law at the temples of Nemesis.


Entered the military as a centurion. Promoted to ambassador after 8 years, then praetor after a further 5 years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eliminated a number of bandits of Rhaneland that were proved to be agitators in the pay of the Raskans. Also successfully purged a number of witches covens. Cited and received medals for dimplomatic work in the Spiteful kingdoms.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ran for senate after serving as an ambassador but was not elected.

Intellectual Characteristics

Possessed of a ruthless determination to accomplish his goals. Logical and inventive.

Morality & Philosophy

While able to see the world in shades of grey, takes a very much black and white attitude to alliances.
Dark blue, steady
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Imperial, Talnin, Rhanelander, Beulander

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