Gulderry Settlement in Tales of the Transmuter | World Anvil


Gulderry is one of many small island villages spread out through the vast Grand Triskele Lake. It is most famous in the Kingdom of Rosethorne for its unusually prodigious crops and delicious apple cider, both of which were the achieved with the aid of the island's most famous residents: Eustorgius Polycarp, also known as The Transmuter of Gulderry, and his children, the animants.


The vast majority of Gulderriers are human. There are a small number of anthropomorphized objects and other 'spiritually enhanced' beings living on or around the island, though these are seldom encountered by the wider population. A narrow majority of the island's inhabitants live in multi-generational homes or properties, especially among the farming families, while others prefer to live in lofts over their places of business (i.e. the cooper lives over his workshop). The village is small but comfortable, with most residents enjoying a roughly middle-class standard of living. True homelessness is incredibly rare in Gulderry, as, when someone falls on hard times, either the extended family takes them in or one of the various cog crews operating out of the island offers them entry-level work in exchange for boarding and provisions.


The Gulderry Village Council is comprised of an elected Mayor (appointed by biannual democratic election), a Portreeve (appointed by the Kingdom), a representative of the Gulderry Temple, a representative for the guilds (appointed by election among the local guildheads), and a representative for the farming interests (appointed by election among the patriarchs of the local farming families). While the Mayor is invested with executive authority in cases where decisive action must be taken, he must either act on the approval of the council or immediately seek approval for any actions he takes in these circumstances. Though few take the opportunity to do so, coucil meetings are public affairs by statute and may be attended by any citizen of Gulderry.  
While The Transmuter does not have an official place within the political structures of Gulderry, he is one of the most influential figures in Gulderry politics. This is due to the wizard's long-term role as advisor to local farmers, artisans, and even the Mayor on matters relating to the arcane sciences. Eustorigus has become wealthy off of the various magical, alchemical, and clockwork processes he has discovered to increase crop yields and reduce the production times of various consumer goods, further augmenting his clout with the local leadership. Even so, The Transmuter wields his considerable social power cautiously, preferring to be left to his experiments when his expertise is not required.
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by Hero Forge
Eustorigus "Eustace" Polycarp, also known as The Transmuter of Gulderry, a notable long-time resident of Gulderry Island.


Gulderry has never been subject to outside attack, but this does not mean that it would be defenseless should such a situation arise. The Transmuter is not the arcanist on the island. Some members of the Temple and the Winder's Guild being capable summoners, with the former calling forth animals and spirits and the latter calling forth clockwork automatons to defend themselves. The Portreeve, as a member of the Council appointed by the King in a law enforcement capacity, is proficient in the breastplate, sword, and shield which serve as his badge of office. Lastly, as an island municipality, Gulderry has a large population of sailors, many of whom would serve well as merchant marines or even privateers if called upon by the Mayor or Portreeve to do so.

Industry & Trade

Other than agricultural products - including its famous Gulderry cider, a product of The Transmuter's estate - Gulderry has a fully-developed artisan sector overseen by local guilds. Oak barrels, wicker items, and pottery are common products of Gulderry industry; these items often go out on cogs after being packed with locally-produced cider, mead, and dry vittles. While the Port of Gulderry is relatively small, there are a few shipwrights on the island, meaning that cogs (including clockwork-driven cogs) can be repaired and refitted there as necessary.   Worked metal goods and clockwork items are also produced in Gulderry, though these often require imported materials to be made. Gulderry frequently imports iron, copper, tin, wool, and pigments to support local industries. The island also imports salt, cheese, citrus, tea, and exotic spices to diversify its cuisine.


Most travelers to Gulderry come as sailors, traders, representatives of the Kingdom, or academics looking to fete with the famous and well-repected Eustorgius Polycarp.


Most buildings in Gulderry are comprised of brick or hardwood and are covered with red tile roofs. There used to be large copper deposits beneath the hard rocky substrate of Gulderry, but the mine has long since run lean. The tailings of this mine still find use, however, in the construction of important buildings like the Village Council hall. The Gulderry Rock Clocktower and many of the local industrial buildings feature clockwork equipment, most of which are maintained by a small group of mechanics from the Winder's Guild who live on the island.


Gulderry Island is a small, rocky island found within the Great Triskele Lake. It's highest point is only around 100' over sea level.   Gulderry Island and other islands in the region were low mountaintops in what was the Great Triskele Mountain Basin in ancient times. Around one million years ago, the pocket plane in which the planet resided underwent an unexplained period of cooling. Then, the movement of tectonic plates narrowed the basin's river outlets to mere trickles of their former selves, causing the now increased snowmelt to accumulate in the basin faster than it could leave. This led to the formation of the Great Triskele as a freshwater lake, leaving only the peaks of the rocky mountain peaks visible over the waterline.

Natural Resources

Most Gulderry farmers grow corn, bean, squash (namely pumpkin), and amaranth plants to make enough food for export. Apples and acorns are also common food crops. Chicken is by far the most common animal raised on the island, providing eggs, feathers, and meat, though there are also a few apiaries on the island to pollinate crops and produce honey for consumption or medicinal purposes. The fresh water of the Grand Triskele is bountiful with fish, and more than a few villagers make their way aboard fishing cogs. Large oak trees on the island would make for excellent ship hulls, but are seldom cut for this purpose.


  • Gulderry Island
    The town of Gulderry rests on the eponymous Gulderry Island in the midst of the freshwater Grand Triskele Lake. It's primary connection to the greater Kingdom of Rosethorne is via clockwork-propelled cog.   This map image was created via procedural generation using Watabou's Village Generator with edits by BCGR_Wurth.
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Cover image: by Jacopo Marello


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