Case File: AIMing to Misbehave | Wyldfire Field Database in Tales of Justice Discussion Boards | World Anvil
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Fri, Sep 30th 2022 02:07   Edited on Sat, Jan 7th 2023 06:06
We have replacement comms gear. These are barely-finished prototypes. if they get compromised, we will have to acquire a new set of extremely cheap cellphones from the gas station, activate on prepaid cards, wait for the activation to complete, and dial in to the throwaway voicemail box whose number we all memorized last month. Also at that point we won't be able to go directly back to HQ, we'll have to wait for someone to come check us for additional tracking.   If that worst case scenario crops up, I would like to suggest we channel our frustration into infiltrating -- messily! -- the public relations office on the ground floor of the LexCorp tower. And fill it up with knockoff Hostess Fruit Pies.
Oh. And. I have a question.   Where are we right now?
Have scouted lines of sight for the official entrance and exit for the under-park garage.   No active cameras.   Some will have constant surveillance of in/out traffic once they are fully installed.
Hey Dr. A.   Does it make any sense to you that they excavated a huge hole in the ground here. Poured a foundation. Laid pipe and wiring and built a frame for a parking garage. Covered it in dirt. Went out and purchased soil in sufficient quantities for all these trees. Topped it off and laid sod and added a stage shell, a statue, pavement for walking paths, light poles.   And then abandoned it?   Nobody bought the land the split instant its previous owner went to bankruptcy court?   In a city inhabited by alleged philanthropists, multiple, including Luthor and a couple other mob bosses and the legacy Gironde family that originally led a colonization effort around here?   Does this make sense to you?
Sat, Oct 1st 2022 02:06   Edited on Sat, Oct 1st 2022 02:06

I agree it is strange and weird, but odder things happen. There is a chance that the trees were here originally and they dug under the root system and just move it a bit to add the shell of the garage. Since we haven't been down yet, we do not know how deep it is and whether it has a high roof or just enough to fit cars, but no trucks.
The building that had the security plans is an old LexLabs building. It's on the east side of the park. It's near the stage. They were instrumental in the electrical work for the park.
Sat, Oct 1st 2022 02:46

Why would they want/need another hidden anything?
Sat, Oct 1st 2022 03:59

“Who the hell is this? Why are you on our comm channel?”
Sat, Oct 1st 2022 04:01

Humming catchy show tunes waiting for the elevator to get to the top
Sat, Oct 29th 2022 12:52

BTW, who made me project lead?!?!? After all, I was supposed to find Trevor and I did. case closed - NEXT!
Note To Self: Taken 4 Mind Points

Sat, Oct 29th 2022 04:30
Direct, exact answer: Wyldfire's "employer" (and funding source) did that. Officially. Surely you remember, you were there in the staff lounge with the tv quietly NOT running this week's racing game competition -- Amythyst's daughter is going to win that one -- and the snack board NOT being raided by three quarters of Young Justice.
The truer answer: When I reported the last Wyldfire assignments results to our employer, I included that one of the Oscorp employees (named "Robin Finn") turned out to be an involuntary AIM agent. That this information was contributed to the team's knowledge by you, Dr. A, because Ms. Finn -- while supporting your work on the Oscorp computer-controlled systems -- pled for help to "track down and rescue" her brother, Trevor Finn. WHo was being held hostage by AIM to make Robin obey.
Also my report said that you agreed to this rescue. And reported it back to team.
I expected one "Ah, so that's why my business contacts are suddenly arranging employment for a biotech programmer where a theoretical stalker would have difficulty in tracing." I expected the follow-up to be "Here's an authorization for the next mission, Feral. You can take a team of such-and-such size along for such-and-such many days of 'work travel' to locate this man, extricate him, and clean up (or chaos up) the situation in which you find him." I predicted that the number of days he'd authorize day job coverage would be two, probably, so I best get a good description of Trevor and his skills ready and start doing after-hours research to narrow down the location. Three days of day job coverage at most before I would be "over budget".
You can imagine my delight to have this particular sludgy pumpkin NOT returned directly back to me, with a ticking clock inside it! I got to help my kids with their Halloween costumes. I got to go frighten the wee out of some belligerent teenagers planning late-night Halloween tricks in that new housing neighborhood up the road from our HQ. I got to take a short trip to deal with some trailing details from previous Wyldfire work.
Thank you for being Project Lead!
Which was assigned to you by our employer, or sponsor, or whatever you want to call that relationship.
But, really, was assigned to you by you and Ms. Robin Finn when you met her and looked all hero-shaped!
A "bad plan" is better than "no plan at all".
I'll grant that.
My plan got me inside a panel truck, surrounded by extremely solid objects, filling the air in this underground parking garage with the screech of multiple comms creating a feedback loop. Feeling a pain in my mind that might be the start of a migraine or a Traumatic Flashback. And none of the enemy are coming in here to undo what I did, which reduces my ability to thump someone.
Anybody want to suggest a third option?
Sat, Nov 26th 2022 03:57

BUT!   Once mission is complete, shouldn't there be a new team lead. Things keep getting added to the mission...........   However, I am thrilled that you got to enjoy Halloween. Please let me know how you took care of the teenagers as that might come in handy in any number of situations - this one included! I am thinking that might actually be your third option while in the truck?
Dr. I recalls that Grimm was jealous of
Niles McCormick
Sat, Nov 26th 2022 03:57

BUT!   Once mission is complete, shouldn't there be a new team lead. Things keep getting added to the mission...........   However, I am thrilled that you got to enjoy Halloween. Please let me know how you took care of the teenagers as that might come in handy in any number of situations - this one included! I am thinking that might actually be your third option while in the truck?

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Scaring the teenagers was a Venn overlap of "stalking noisy goats through a hedge maze" and "old-fashioned Lakota tradition of counting coup". The hedge maze was the neighborhood northwest of the stadium, mostly side streets. I was very careful to thwap them only hard enough to make them see stars, muss their hair and put tears in their clothes. Very little bleeding at all. Lots of hysterical bleating, though.
Sat, Jan 7th 2023 06:02

TaPPY TAPPY DEVICE   Purple - paralyze Orange - magnetize Green - Healing
Sat, Jan 7th 2023 06:06

Must remember to tell boss about Medkit getting a new archnemesis - Dr. Grimm.   totally unexpected, but that should be interesting to watch develop