Marrow Character in Tales of Justice | World Anvil


Marrow brands herself a "DPS Specialist" and gets all her work through the Henchmen's Union forums.
Or, more accurately, she (used to) demand that Mongrel and/or Geist do so on her behalf. The guys are not actually a hundred percent certain that Marrow can read. What they know is that she won't read anything more complicated than a Darren's Pizza menu. She won't read the instructions from the Theme Criminal for whom they are working. She won't read a job description. She won't read the newsletter from their local union rep. She absolutely won't read navigation directions!
More broadly: She has bone parts growing out all over the place, a mean spirit and a basic resentment of everyone that breathes. She won't negotiate. She won't see reason. She will attempt to pin people to walls like a bug collector pinning a beetle to a display case.
Marrow used to be part of the "Blood Pack" Henchman team with Geist, Mongrel, and Sunder. They split violently during the job on Murder World, and she wound up locked in the not so tender custody of Negate for a long while. Sure, he made her bone spurs quit growing for a while ... but that is because he was feeding his power off her metahuman energies. She is in favor of stabbing everyone. She now despises her former comrades, the men of Wyldfire, most of the Henchmen's Union, Carcharo and Rán, and of course Arcade.
And she hates Negate like weasels hate wendigo.
Marvel Comics character, no infringement is intended or implied.
Much thanks to Writeups dot Org for the character sheet we adapted!
Story-Relevant Numbers:

Quick Facts:
Chaotic Malicious
Metropolis Underground
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
ruddy, with harlequin ichthyosis in spots that eventually turn into the "bone spurs"
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
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