Bannes Orb Item in Tales of Everia | World Anvil
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Bannes Orb

Owned by Seeker Ilsen Banne his orb is a one of a kind magical artifact from the time before the mortal races walked upon the sands and loams of Everia. Thought to have been in the Seekers Possession for several hundred years it is was crafted either by one of the Everliving or could possibly pre-date even them.  


As stated in a document in the Library in Hegelind Seeker Ilsen Banne has been said to say he discovered it in the lost city of Paloria that stood at the southern point of Kaladar. Due to his Everliving status time is of no consequence to him and so more precise information is hard to come by. There is every chance he may have even received it before the fall of the city but the fact he uses the term "discovered" in his notes makes it more likely it was after the fall.  


Measurements recorded in the same document of the orb show it to be approximately 4 inches in size and of a weight of 2lbs. Its heavy nature could be due to its construction from an unusual material that resembles very polished iron. When within close proximity the orb is said to emanate a sub-sonic hum but upon holding it there is no apparent detectable vibration.   Sketches of the device show there to be six small indentations on the surface. One on the upper and lower surfaces and then 4 distributed equally around the equatorial circumference.  


Primary use: Seeker Ilsen Banne it is written used this device primarily to annotate documents and missives. Upon placing the device down onto parchment or a stack of parchment it will scribe the spoken word thus making mass missives very easy or if writing notes the need to stop to write manually is removed. This is much conjecture if the above is the only use for such a strange device primarily as any recorded images of it with Ilsen from the past show it to only be glowing from the one upper indentation.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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