Malmorus in Tales of Cevantia | World Anvil
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The Offspring of Shadows

From the Shadows, Life and Death Unite
In the realms where shadows dance and darkness reigns, Malmorus, The Lord of the Underworld, commands attention with his captivating presence. Handsome in his pale fair skin, long black hair cascading like midnight tendrils, and piercing grey eyes that hold the weight of eternity, he embodies a paradoxical allure. Standing at an average height with a muscular frame, he exudes a sinister aura, as if cloaked in the mysteries of the depths he governs. His chosen attire, ragged and torn garments dyed in the deepest shades of black, are adorned with a humble rope wrapped around his form, hinting at the transient nature of life. As the patron of the realms between life and death, Malmorus is intimately associated with the delicate balance of mortality's two sides. His worship extends to diverse circles, drawing fervent devotion from those standing on the precipice of life's greatest miracle, expectant parents seeking his blessings for the journey ahead. Yet, his influence extends to the shadows of society, attracting individuals engaged in clandestine affairs and practitioners of the arcane arts, particularly necromancers who seek communion with the spirits of the departed or servants for nefarious affairs.   The countless followers of Malmorus are distinguished by their daily prayers, whispered invocations, and the profound iconography they bear as badges of their devotion. Temples dedicated to the Lord of the Underworld can be found nestled within solemn cemeteries, their somber structures paying homage to the eternal cycle of existence and the transitions between realms. Within these sacred spaces, his presence is palpable, a reminder of the inseparable bond between life and death.   Legends and tales abound, weaving narratives of Malmorus's ill-fated adventures as both a mortal and a demigod. Born as the son of Kouskel, the god of the sun and civilization, and leader of the pantheon, Malmorus emerged from the trials of mortality with a unique understanding of the fragility and transience of life. This knowledge shapes his interactions with the mortal realm, intertwining his enigmatic presence with the fates of those who walk the ephemeral path.   Among Malmorus's followers, an esteemed organization known as the The Grave Order has emerged. Bound by their unwavering dedication to the Lord of the Underworld, members of the Grave Order embody the Creed, an oath that commits them to the eternal pursuit of entities and creatures that threaten the sanctity of life and joy. These solemn and dark guardians, armed with their unwavering conviction and honed skills, vigilantly protect the delicate balance between the realms, ensuring the continuity of existence while upholding Malmorus's vision for harmony.   In the ever-shifting tapestry of life and death, Malmorus's presence looms, a figure of both dread and reverence. With each breath drawn and each heartbeat, mortals acknowledge the inevitability of their journey into his realm. Through his followers and their steadfast commitment, the influence of Malmorus permeates the world, a testament to the delicate dance between life's fleeting moments and the eternal embrace of the Underworld.  

Life As a Mortal

Before ascending to godhood, Malmorus led a remarkable life as a mortal, filled with extraordinary accomplishments and profound experiences that shaped his destiny. From an early age, Malmorus displayed exceptional abilities and a thirst for knowledge that surpassed those around him. His insatiable curiosity led him on countless adventures, exploring the hidden depths of the world and seeking enlightenment in the most unexpected places.   During his youth, Malmorus honed his skills in various disciplines, becoming a formidable warrior, a skilled scholar, and a cunning strategist. He embraced the teachings of his father, mastering the art of combat and channeling the power of the sun in battle. His prowess with weapons and his charismatic leadership earned him the respect and admiration of his peers.   As a young adult, Malmorus embarked on ambitious quests and undertook daring feats to prove his worth and forge his own path. He delved into ancient tombs and forgotten ruins, unraveling arcane secrets and uncovering lost relics. His explorations often took him to treacherous lands and brought him face-to-face with formidable adversaries, testing his mettle and resolve.   Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Malmorus sought wisdom from sages, scholars, and mystical beings. He delved into the mysteries of magic, studying arcane arts and mastering spells that surpassed the abilities of ordinary mortals. His deep connection to the realms of life and death began to manifest, hinting at his destined role as the Lord of the Underworld.  

His Ascension

Malmorus's ascension from a demigod to a full-fledged deity is shrouded in myth and legend, woven through the tapestry of ancient tales. The story speaks of a pivotal moment that forever changed the course of his existence and elevated him to the ranks of the divine. In his ceaseless quest for knowledge and power, Malmorus embarked on a perilous journey to seek the legendary Well of Eternity, a sacred font of celestial energy said to hold a key to godhood. Guided by cryptic prophecies and hidden lore, he ventured into treacherous realms and overcame insurmountable obstacles in pursuit of this ultimate source of transcendence.   The path to the Well of Eternity was fraught with trials designed to test the very essence of his being. Malmorus faced his inner demons, confronted the darkest corners of his soul, and emerged triumphant from each trial, fueled by an unyielding determination to surpass his mortal limitations.   Upon reaching the sacred well, Malmorus encountered an ethereal presence, an ancient but dying being known as the Guardian of Souls. Recognizing the demigod's extraordinary potential and unyielding spirit, the Guardian bestowed upon him its essence, merging it with his mortal form.   The infusion of the Guardian's power ignited a metamorphosis within Malmorus, causing him to transcend his demigod status and fully embrace his newfound divinity. His mortal essence melded with the essence of the Underworld, further deepening his connection to the realm of death and shaping his divine domain.   With his ascension complete, Malmorus emerged as the God of the Underworld, a figure of awe-inspiring power and authority. His dominion extended over the realms of life and death, and his influence reached far and wide across the pantheon of gods.   As a deity, Malmorus wielded his divine might to shape the fates of mortals, presiding over the delicate balance between life and death. He became the arbiter of souls, guiding them through the veil and overseeing their journeys beyond mortal existence.  

Tenets of Malmorus

  • Embrace the Cycle: Recognize and honor the natural cycle of life and death. Understand that both are essential parts of the cosmic order and should be respected. Strive to find harmony within this cycle, for it is the foundation of all existence.
  • Preserve the Balance: Uphold the delicate equilibrium between life and death. Act as a steward of this balance, ensuring that neither force overwhelms the other. Seek to prevent unnecessary destruction or manipulation of life and the natural order.
  • Seek Wisdom in Shadows: Embrace the depths of knowledge that lie within the realms of darkness and the unknown. Explore the mysteries of life, death, and the realms beyond, seeking understanding and enlightenment. It is through embracing these mysteries that true wisdom is found.
  • Honor the Departed: Show reverence for the souls that have passed into the realm of the Underworld. Respect their journey and offer solace to those who mourn. Aid the spirits in finding their rightful place and guide them with compassion.
  • Challenge the Status Quo: Question existing beliefs and challenge stagnant traditions. Strive for personal growth and encourage others to do the same. Embrace transformation and change, for it is through evolution that progress is made.
  • Embody Resilience: Cultivate inner strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Understand that challenges are an integral part of life's journey and offer opportunities for growth. Persevere through hardship and emerge stronger, for even in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light.
  • Uphold Justice: Advocate for justice and fairness in all realms. Stand against those who exploit or abuse power, ensuring that all beings are treated with dignity and respect. Seek to bring balance and righteousness to the world around you.
  • Embrace Mortality: Recognize the beauty and fragility of mortal life. Cherish each moment and live with purpose, knowing that one day you will return to the embrace of the Underworld. Use your time wisely and leave a meaningful legacy.
  • Embrace the Unknown: Embrace the mysteries that lie beyond mortal comprehension. Embrace the ambiguity and uncertainty of existence, for it is within the unknown that true growth and discovery occur. Do not fear the shadows, but rather walk alongside them with curiosity and courage.
  • Serve the Greater Balance: Dedicate yourself to serving the greater balance of the cosmos. Use your talents and abilities to promote harmony, healing, and understanding. Strive to be an agent of positive change, bringing the gifts of life and death into alignment.


  • Lord of Darkness
  • Emperor of Death


  • Underworld


  • Death
  • Life

Favored Weapon:

  • Sickle & Chain
  • Rope


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