Susanawoo Character in Tales of Arbitrium | World Anvil


The god of the Sea and Storms. Susanawoo is one of the last children of Kierra and helped build the storms that would water and tend to the people they nurtured. Eventually in time they even had a masterpiece- the Monsoon, a storm that would rain so much it would soak deep into the soil and prepare a nation for a drout.
It was just after creating the Monsoon they ended up creating a NEW masterpiece: The Merfolk. Upon creating the Merfolk they desperately wanted to make a species that would enjoy the water they would make. The very first Merfolk were small and not much, but over time they became more human-like and even developed a strand that would be able to magically generate legs to walk on. These Merfolk started making their own cities at the bottom of the sea and, rumor has it, they still live and thrive to this day.
However, these beings had little thought for their creator, typically opting to love the sea and it’s chaotic flow rather than a god who can control the tides and storms. In his anger, he sunk to the bottom of the sea and attempted to systematically wipe out all of them- city by city. After several had been destroyed, leveling so many cities of innocent individuals, Ydam and Tsukuyomi worked together to imprison Susanoo, burying him in the bottom of the sea so that he could hurt anyone anymore. Some speculate where he is in the sea but none have yet to pinpoint the exact place.  


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