Tales 2.0 Player Guide in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Tales 2.0 Player Guide

Tales 2.0 References On This Page Tales 2.0 Game Masters
  • GM: Jack L.
  • GM: Bill M.

Setting Overview

In Tales from Nigita the characters are struggling to find their way in a galaxy left unstable by the collapse of the New Republic and the devestation of the First Order. Taking off from the ending of the first season, the focus shifts to new adventures in the Paquallis and Bright Jewel Sectors. The villains have shifted, but some are still out there. The machinations of the Hutt Cartels, Corporate Sector Authority, and Pentastar Alliance are all working towards increasing their influence and power across the galaxy. New threats emerge as local warlords, pirates, slavers, and corporations wield more and more influence where the old galaxy wide organizations of the Republic and Empire no longer have any.

First and foremost, the characters are heroic, or at the very least, borderline ones. While they may lie, cheat, steal, or otherwise break the established laws of their regions, they draw the line when it comes to cruelty for cruelty's sake, and many of the more heinous crimes the Empire commited, or those the Old Republic perpetrated in its coreward focused apathy. Basically, if you think that your character could get along with the freedom fighters in The Last Jedi or even clunkily fit together like the team freeing Grogu in The Mandalorian, this is the story and setting for you.

New Player Characters

Character Creation

As a character in Tales from Nigita the following guidelines will help create your character. While certain things aren't available at character creation, even for characters joining later in the season, there will be opportunities to gain those specializations, skills, talents, and powers throughout the course of the campaign.

1. Basics

Choose a species from any core book, or the Complete Species Guide (v5) available on various fan sites and recommended on r/SWRPG. This sets your Starting XP for the character.

2. Career

Choose either the Edge of the Empire or Age of Rebellion core book for your base Career. You can also choose any specialization from that core book - or - the companion specialization book for that initial career. This is referred to as Core + 1.

3. Improvement

Spend 50xp beyond your starting XP on skills, talents, or Force Powers (more on that in a bit.)

4. Gear Up

Spend 3500 credits on starting gear, none of which can be greater than Rarity 5. This cannot be spent on vehicles or starships. Once the equipment is chosen, any excess is discarded.

5. The Force

The only specializations available for Force Sensitive characters are the Exile (from Edge of the Empire) and the Emergent (from Age of Rebellion). Since this is not a career, but a universal specialization, you can still select both a career and specialization book, but are not obligated to purchase a second specialization at character creation.

6. Force Powers

With no real organized training in the force available to players, starting characters are limited in the powers they can initially invest XP in. All Force Sensitive characters can learn the Sense and Foresee basic powers, as well as select one additional power from the core rulebook selected. Only the Base Power can be invested in at character creation. Opportunities to improve those powers or add additional ones will occur in game.

7. Obligation

Characters start with 100 Obligation accrued (per Edge of the Empire.) This debt covers their starting credits, basic training, home, or passage to the starting world. It can be held by any one of several organizations (see Patrons) who provide backing for the character and expect repayment in the form of missions.

8. Temptation

All Characters possess a new derived attribute, Temptation, which replaces the Morality system that was unique to Force Sensitives in Force & Destiny. This is a measure of how villainous a PC has become, and if exceeded, the PC becomes an NPC Villain (though redemption is possible.)

9. Starting Credits

All Characters start with 250cr cash in hand. Starting funds from gearing up that have not been used are lost.

Session Rewards

Depending on the session, between 5xp and 10xp will be awarded. If the session is working towards the goals of one or more of the patrons of characters in the group, additional Obligation repayment will be awarded, the amount determined by the success of the mission. For co-GMs with active player characters, they will earn a flat 10xp and 5 repaid obligation for one of their active characters.

Future Characters

New characters can join the campaign at any time. When they do so, they will abide by the creation rules above. Once they enter the campaign, they may be introduced to various NPCs or sources for additional training unlocked by those other characters. New characters will gain XP at a slightly accelerated rate of +5xp per session until they are within 50xp of earlier characters.

Character XP Limits

There is an upper limit to character experience gain, force sensitive or otherwise. Characters can continue to adventure and gain all other awards, credits, obligation, etc. for doing so, and are still a valuable part of the story. Both New and Old Characters stop at:


Character Focus

Characters are the life blood of the campaign, they are the protagonists of the story and have a great amount of leverage over where the story goes. Players should feel free to incorporate interesting elements into their backstory and motivation, just be aware that they may develop differently once those elements get into the GM's hands.

In addition to the overall arc of the story coming from external forces, each character should expect a sub-plot to be focused on their characters. The timing, of course, is still on the GM, but never be discouraged from spending time between sessions narratively pursuing their backstory elements. Some of the best RP happens between missions.

House Rules

Several points in the current rule set do not work as well as we'd like, often allowing for broken skills, combinations, or talents. While it is impossible to predict and account for all such broken cases or situations at a table that may arise, the following must be clear: In all cases, the table GM has final say over what happens at the table. This is especially important when other GMs are players. Additionally, if you are designing your character around something that seems too good to be true, or presents an unbalancing situation, it probably won't remain that way for long. Have a discussion with the GMs to see if what you had in mind works. This isn't to stifle creativity, but promote everyone having a fair shot at having agency in any given situation.

Some situations may affect whether or not a specific ruling applies, however, the following rules have proven to be reliable and are to be considered always in effect.

  • Autofire - No modification, talent, or effect, can reduce the triggering cost of Autofire below two advantages. (Clarification.)

  • Sunder - No modification, talent, or effect, can reduce the triggering cost of Sunder below two advantages. (This is a change from the printed rules.)

  • Critical Hits - Modifications, talents, or effects that reduce the critical rating of a weapon only apply to the first critical of the hit.

    So if you have a Pistol with a Crtical Rating of 3 (1 after modifications), the first critical costs 1 Advantage, subsequent magnitude increases cost the original rating of the weapon, or 3 Advantages. (This is a change from the printed rules.)

  • Passing Boosts - A character may pass a single boost to the next allied roller for the cost of one advantage. A character may pass a single boost to each and any allied characters for the cost of two advantages. (Clarification.)

  • Reflect - Certain weapons in fiction are not subject to the Reflect talent. This includes vehicular weapons, blast effects, flame projectors, and other area effects. (This is a change from the printed rules.)

  • Crafting - Characters may craft one permanent item per session. They may additionally modify one attachment per session. Adding/removing attachments on items is not limited. (Clarification.)

  • Rarity - Characters may seek out one rare or hard-to-find item using Negotiation or Underworld per session. (Clarification.)

  • Recharge Destiny - A Triumph generated in any roll can be used to flip a Destiny Point from Dark to Light. (New Rule.)

  • Recovering Strain - A Triumph generated on a Strain Recovery Roll at the end of an encounter recovers and additional three strain. (New Rule.)

Force Duels


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse venenatis mi eu purus molestie, quis aliquam urna vulputate. Sed a dolor in mauris hendrerit fermentum. Morbi ut tincidunt magna, ac condimentum neque. Donec nec auctor turpis, in rutrum purus. Proin ultricies ultrices dolor. Donec id volutpat lorem. Aliquam vestibulum nibh nulla. Phasellus at eleifend massa. Pellentesque vitae imperdiet libero. Donec ut nisi tortor. Sed diam justo, vestibulum eu dolor vitae, lobortis dignissim eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Pellentesque efficitur sem in massa posuere semper eu vitae purus. Phasellus sed nibh interdum, commodo magna non, malesuada lorem. Mauris sed mattis mauris. Sed congue interdum justo sed ultrices. Donec posuere faucibus mauris, quis fringilla nibh tempor ut. Integer placerat nec sapien et ornare. Aliquam in magna mi.

Existing Player Characters

Existing characters have a slightly different experience adapting to the new rules for the campaign. No significant changes to their builds are required, and they are not required to secure any obligation. The changes vary by individual character but the steps are outlined below.

Careers and Specializations

Characters may improve any Specializations they have already acquired, including any Signature Abilities available to those specializations. They may add any new specializations available to their Starting Career. New Specializations must be gained access to narratively.

Force Powers

Characters may continue to progress in any Force Powers they currently have the basic power for. New powers must be earned narratively.

Temptation and Dark Side Points

All characters use the Temptation rules to determine your character's Dark Side Threshold. Once you have that, if you are a Force User with a Morality score already, for every five whole points below 100 of Morality, add one Dark Side Point. Ignore amounts less than five.

Example: Doggo, a Bothan Makashi Duelist, has 79 Morality, Willpower 3, Presence 2, Force Rating 2. He will have a Temptation Threshold of 12 (5+3+2+2) and have earned 4 Dark Side Points (100-79=21, 21/5 Rounded = 4).


Make one last big purchase or expenditure of any remaining Duty. Factional duty will no longer be earned as currency, but leveraged narratively. If, after a year in Paquallis, folks don't know you, you've been living under a rock.

Experience Cap

If your combined species xp + earned xp, including XP gained under the old monthly rewards, exceeds 1000xp, reduce it to that number. (This should not change any characters active in play as the final XP monthly cap was 850 (910 for Humans.)


By default, all S1 characters are assigned missions through existing contacts, not any of the Patrons, but for purposes of narrative, are considered assets of the Trans Celanon Coalition Government. This is the joint partnership of Nigita and Ord Mantell, seeking to expand its influence across the new hyperlane that connects them.

Retraining Existing Characters

Building an XP Pool

As you adventure at the high level tables, you'll notice that only lower XP characters are earning XP. This is by design as they are catchign up to the XP cap that the characters are already at. However characters at cap can still make use of XP. For each adventure they play in, they will earn 10xp in retraining. This continues to accrue for up to ten adventures or 100xp.

Using the Retraining XP

Once you have a pool of retraining XP, you can remove up to that amount of XP from your character in skills, talents, or other options (such as those granted by Battle Scars). This reduces the total XP from your character by the amount of the Retraining XP spent. Now that your character is below cap, they earn normal XP again (until they again reach the cap) and can spend this XP on new skills, specializations, and talents.

(Yes, this does mean that it takes twice as much XP for changes to the character, but it's designed for important changes, not to be used for flavor-of-the-month or weekly build shuffling.)

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue sapien. Curabitur eu dolor eget sapien tristique cursus in eget augue. Sed volutpat, tortor cursus porttitor iaculis, eros mi luctus urna, sed sagittis sem ligula in arcu. Mauris ac dui at dolor auctor fringilla quis non tortor. Integer nec commodo magna. Phasellus eu suscipit nisl. Maecenas ac turpis lorem.
2. Curabitur a tortor scelerisque, suscipit lorem quis, mollis nisi. Nulla dapibus odio eget ultrices faucibus. Nulla magna mauris, sagittis a ex eget, maximus tempor tortor. Etiam nec cursus odio, eget ultricies lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam quis blandit lectus. Curabitur mauris arcu, iaculis nec tristique eget, finibus ac nisl. Sed consectetur id purus sit amet vehicula. Nulla fermentum non urna in aliquam. Morbi at sem nulla. Proin lobortis turpis turpis, vel tempus ipsum iaculis id. Nullam nec dapibus elit, sed efficitur ante. Nulla facilisi. 3. Aliquam luctus dolor non urna eleifend tincidunt. Sed maximus scelerisque libero, eget rhoncus lectus consequat nec. Vestibulum vel turpis leo. Suspendisse tortor justo, eleifend at varius eu, blandit id risus. Etiam interdum, tellus sed sagittis dictum, nisi orci tincidunt orci, consequat varius tellus elit sed neque. Proin in ipsum interdum, auctor sapien sed, sodales sapien. Pellentesque ut vulputate sapien. Aenean sed libero leo. Sed finibus ligula vel felis convallis accumsan. Vivamus id dictum neque. Quisque egestas mi ac tellus cursus, vel sodales lectus egestas. Vestibulum sit amet porta dolor, a pulvinar sem.
4. Vestibulum dictum tellus sit amet accumsan semper. Sed dictum iaculis laoreet. Aenean accumsan quam vel ornare porta. Sed convallis mi at viverra viverra. Etiam eu lacus sit amet nulla tincidunt varius. Praesent libero tortor, finibus sit amet elit in, lobortis bibendum tellus. Nulla placerat ligula libero, ac condimentum erat consequat at. Nunc in quam ligula. Ut tempus ornare ultricies. Vestibulum sit amet mauris risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed lacus nunc, sollicitudin eu lorem at, sagittis commodo ante. Donec elementum ultricies ligula ut iaculis.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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