Tales 2.0 Patrons in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Tales 2.0 Patrons

Tales 2.0 References On This Page Tales 2.0 Game Masters
  • GM: Jack L.
  • GM: Bill M.

Your character starts out indebted to a larger organization. This debt covers all your begining credits, training, equipment, and for the most part, lodging and employment. Whatever reason has brought yout to the Mid-Rim, this benefactor, or Patron footed the bill for you.

The goals of your patron should align with your characters. While some leeway is to be expected, having a diametric belief system to the person who lines up jobs for you winds up in debts never being paid off. In each patron description below, you'll find a brief summary of the patron's overall agenda and the means that they employ to get there. Individual missions will vary, but the types of missions listed are most common with that patron.

Choose from one of the patrons below, or if you have an idea for a more specific individual or organization, talk to your GM.

The Network

goals - Stabilize Independent Systems, Eliminate Neo-Imperial Influence, Monitor Force Users

methods - Covert, Espionage, Leverage, Less-than-legal

description - Known by many front businesses (some real, some purely legal loopholes), organizations, and gangs, "The Network" is a covert operation across the sector that moves behind the scenes to enact its agenda. It is not always clear if there is a single agenda, or if the various fronts may even be working at odds with one another, but generally, the Network aims to stabilize the systems in which it operates.

This does not always mean they are working with the nascent New Republic. In fact, in systems where the NR does not have a strong presence, they will support any factions that appear to have the safety and stability of the population in focus. This makes for strange alliances when forces manipulated by the Network find themselves on the same side.

in play - Your character will have a contact, or handler, available to you to give you relevant missions, receive repayment of obligation, or open new loans for gear, ships, or services. The contact may be an individual or a front business that your character has a working relationship with, possibly even a as an employee.

New Republic

goals - Restore the Republic, Secure Former Republic Assets, Eliminate Neo-Imperial Influence

methods - Fixed Objectives, Diplomatic, Military, Legal

description - Still reeling from their near extinction at the hands of the First and Final Order Fleets, the Republic is slowly rebuilding its influence across the galaxy. Unfortunately, outside the Core and Colonies regions, there just aren't enough ships and personnel to cover all the former Republic systems. As they build back from the brink, they place operatives in sympathetic systems to help them with problems and guide them back into the alliance.

The galaxy's memory of the Republic's failures have made this an uphill climb. Many systems now prefer independence or regional coalitions than trusting a far distant bureaucracy to aid them or look out for their best interests. At present, the key to the Republic's success is trade and navigation. The Bureau of Ships and Services is still tied closely with the Republic and is key to galactic transportation. It is unclear if this will lead to a Republic as strong as it once was.

in play - Your character is either an intelligence or colonial asset, employed by the Republic to aid in their missions to stabilize the systems you visit, or otherwise offer aid to other Republic operatives. Your contact is a direct superior, either militarily or logistically, that employs you for your skills, and often more importantly, location, as available assets are vastly outnumbered by problems to resolve.

Temple of the Icons

goals - Promote the faith of the Icons, Monitor Force Users, Expand Ord Mantell's Influence

methods - Arcane, Diplomatic, Missionary, Legal

description - The faith in the Icons is deeply rooted in the history of Ord Mantell, and, on many levels, the cause for much of their strife throughout history. This rather simple faith in divine beings, The Nine Icons, has persevered through untold kingdoms, coalitions, the Republic in all its forms, and the Empire. It is, on the surface, an outright rejection of the Force. Instead of being part of a conscious galaxy of life, followers of the faith believe that the divine created life in their own imagine to enjoy the vast creation they had fashioned into reality.

To this end, the Temple of the Icons works against overtures made by those promoting the Force. While they do not preach a damnation or persecution, indeed they do not believe in any afterlife whatsoever, they teach that meddling with such powers denies the grace of creation. Missions for the Temple are often very destructive when it comes to the artifice of Force Users and their teachings, but they have not yet resorted to violence against those who are Force Sensitive.

in play - You are part of the church, maybe a missionary, or someone rescued from the streets by the Imams of the Temple. They periodically contact you during regular services or sacred rites on Ord Mantell. Opportunities to repay them often involve the collection of secrets of the Force.

Illip Kajidic

goals - Promote Trade & Technology, Eliminate Neo-Imperial Influence, Expand Ord Mantell's Influence

methods - Profitable, Covert, Leverage, Legal

description - The Kajidic is one of the most influential industrial collectives in the Bright Jewel and Paqualis sectors. Originally a fairly standard Hutt Cartel, the ascension of Kestra Illip Oggurrobb to the seat of power some two centuries ago dramatically shifted both the Kajidic's focus and fortunes. The Kajidic is focused on the development, licensing, production, and distribution of advanced technologies of all kinds. Their main areas of development are cybernetics, defensive systems, and terraforming devices.

However, rumors have always swirled that Kestra, being a Hutt, still wields the infamous tactics of her kind to drive her agenda and influence across the sector. Whether this is true or not is, as of yet, mere unproven conjecture. Her people are fiercely loyal and well compensated. Her influence among the corporations of Ord Mantell is significant without resorting to syndicate levels of crime. Missions for the Kajidic almost always involve technology, and the ramifications of who is or is not using it properly.

in play - As an asset of the Kajidic, you will be contacted by a handler or senior team manager in Ord Mantell space. This will often consist of face-to-face meetings on the Jubilee Wheel as communications, even encrypted ones, are too easily eavesdropped upon.

Hundred Families

goals - Expand Ord Mantell's Influence, Thwart Republic Expansion, Reduce Foreign Influence

methods - Pressure, Profitable, Blatant, Less-than-legal

description - Ord Mantell has a war torn and fractious history concerning the Republic. Many times in this history it has chafed under foreign rule and sought to separate itself from the influence of the Core Worlds. At the collapse of the Coalition of Independent States in 19 ABY, those few moderate voices in Ord Mantell nobility, who spoke out against secession, were tasked with rebuilding the government. These Hundred Families, as they became known, installed a corporate coalition government on the planet that was largely left alone during both the Imperial and New Republic eras. While the families do not directly participate in the government, they enjoy a level of prestige as founding families for the planet.

The Hundred Families each pursue vastly different agendas, but several things are common. First is secrecy, each family operates largely using discrete agents who may not know which family they are working for. Next is loyalty to the cabal, as in the Families never directly act against one another. Last, whatever their operations, they will benefit the Families first, Ord Mantell second, and her people last. No other impact is ever of any value to the Families.

in play - As an agent of the Hundred Families, you will be given often strange assignments, from the retrieval of obscure artifacts, to planting evidence, or even simple surveillance of disparate individual or corporations. Other than recognizing the passcodes, it will be difficult for you to identify which family is pulling your strings.

The Vigil

goals - Relocate & Aid Refugees, Eliminate Neo-Imperial Influence, Restore the Republic

methods - Relief, Fixed Objectives, Far Ranging, Legal

description - The Vigil is a relief organization dedicated to dealing with medical and refugee crises throughout the galaxy. While officially independent, they maintain strong ties to Republic operations and seemingly act with their approval. Founded from the remnants of a number of galactic survey organizations, they maintain a vast refitted fleet of ships of all designs and provenance. It is not uncommon to see reactivated Imperial vessels flying side-by-side with Old Rebel ships in their task forces or supply missions.

It is unclear where all the Vigils' funding comes from, or indeed where they have the shipyards needed to refit as many ships as they are known to operate. Whatever the source, however, its largess allows them to provide fast relief to outbreaks, relocate refugees, or respond to other spaceborn crises at no cost to those aided. This has placed them at odds a number of times with profit based transport services, such as those in the Corporate Sector, as well as those on the wrong sides of wars they intervene in.

in play - As a contractor for the Vigil, you will get missions and objectives from one or more contacts in outposts scattered throughout the sector. Often these missions will be of a time sensitive nature in order to fit in with a larger Vigil operation.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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