The Water Key Item in Tairos | World Anvil

The Water Key

While all the elements were held in high regard by the Keepers it is water that represented something more. To them, water was a place of origin. The heavens above were viewed as an endless sea of stars. Deceased Keepers were placed on funeral barges and cast into the endless ocean. Water was tranquility, serenity, and sanctuary for the ancient masters.
— Excerpt from Tales of the World Birth
Water was a symbol of one's strength of mind to the Keepers. Water gardens consisting of shallow, still, pools of pristine water with perfectly smooth stones were a common place for meditation and relaxation. The placement of the stones and the degree of the smoothness that could be sculpted into the them was seen as the highest form of art their kind could produce.
Water was in many ways a metaphor for what other races would consider willpower and the fortitude of the soul. This was especially so for the Keeper who created this key. It was believed that this being possessed a mind that was both impenetrable and unfathomable. To try and touch his thoughts was akin to driving into an ocean seeking the treasure resting below only to find there is no bottom. Only endless depths both below and above in which to lose one's self.


Game Statistics

While holding the Water Key in a free hand or wearing it as an amulet you have Resistance to Psychic Damage. The wielder of this key also has advantage in all Wisdom and Charisma savings throws.

The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC+2: Shape Water (1 charge), Create or Destroy Water(1 charge), Mind Sliver (1 charge), Detect Thoughts (2 charges), Mind Spike (2 charges), Calm Emotions( 3 charges), Sending (4 charges), Rary’s telepathic bond (10 charges)

The Water Key regains 1D6 charges per day at dawn.

The Water Key cannot be damaged by any known means of normal or magical damage.

Manufacturing process

The Water Key was created by one of the last of the Keepers. This individual was an expert in matters of the mind as well as water itself and this key contains embers of that knowledge within it. Its creation required both their mortal life and eternal soul in order to forge.


This Key was locked away within a temple to Ssambrae The Clock Maker on Pocketwatch Isle in the Tairuk Island Chain. It remained here within the sealed vaults of the Clock God's factory-temple until recently. The temple was also a prison for many djinn who were inadvertently freed while the crew of the Paradise Lost pursued a fleeing enemy. The temple flooded and the whereabouts of the key are now unknown.
Item type
Current Location
Subtype / Model
This is a unique item. There is only one in existence
Raw materials & Components
The key is made of Dolomite or possibly Limestone. The gemstone that forms the water drop is Sapphire.


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