Primary Fae Races Species in Tairos | World Anvil

Primary Fae Races

When it comes to fae they can be anything from a talking cat to a snake-haired she demon but if someone asked ya to put money on what kind ya might you're most likely to get killed by then my chips are on one of these.
— Famed Mage Hunter Ghalrum Grannis
The term 'Fae ' is often used to identify the menagerie of different creatures that came through the gates along with the The Autumn Queen hundreds of years ago. The fae race itself is actually comprised of dozens upon dozens of different subspecies, some numerous and others incredibly rare. Most hail from original homeworld of the Queen while others have been adopted along the way. This fact has had the job of fae hunters particularly difficult. Not only do they struggle to identify their prey amid countless potential options but no one weakness universally applies to them.
Of the countless types however there are certain races that are more commonly encountered than others. The majority of fae come from one of the below peoples:



These unique little creatures appear to be a hybrid of faun and humanoid, standing roughly 4' to 5' feet in height and weighing 130 to 170 pounds. Their mass is mostly in the legs and hind quarters where a great deal of muscle can be found. Satyrs are a joyous people who savory any opportunity to celebrate something and when a satyr celebrates... it celebrates hard. Alcohol is a must as is food, games, music, and the company of a lover or two. Among the fae, few of their kind are capable of truly cherishing all life has to offer in the same way a satyr can.
They are one of the oldest members of the Fae people as well, hailing from the lost homeworld where they sworn allegiance to the Autumn Crown countless millennia ago. Those in service to the Queen and the Shadow Court have shown a great deal of versatility; being capable of filling roles like advisor or warrior and anything in between. That is, so long as the job allows for ample free time to enjoy their hobbies. Music, dance, performance, and art of any kind are their favored pastimes. Almost all satyrs have some kind of passionate interest they're fully dedicated to and little can separate them from pursuing it. It is because of their gregerious and amiacable attitude that many of the Queen's diplomats dispatched to meet with non-fae races were often Satyrs. They're able to find common ground with almost any people and for that alone they are unique among most fae.
Satyrs are some of the most likely fae to travel, having something of a natural wanderlust. Before the Queen's War they could be found all across the continent seeking out new experiences and people to share them with. They share a close bond with their family and often whole traveling groups made of Satyr kin would gallivant from region to region but during the war that ceased entirely. Many joined the fae army but many others fled the war entirely for the safety offered by the deep woods.



Beautiful, capricious, and intensely emotional. The Nymphs are a species of fae that have been part of the Queen's people since the final days of their ill-fated homeworld. These carefree and independent beings had no interest in politics or alliances and instead spent their days indulging in the warmth of the sun and the cooling waters of their lakeside homes. From there they sold their simple arts, potions, and sweetened nectars to travelers and tourists alike. It's also where they earned their reputation as prolific lovers and complex, sentimental beings who's behavior often borders on theatrical or manic.
The two most common traits associated with the Nymphs are their beauty and their passion for carnal pleasure. When it comes to beauty Nymphs whether male or female, tend to have heights similar to humans though a bit on the taller side of average with their weight matching their perfect physique. Not to say that Nymphs can't be chubby or overly skinny, they very well can be, but they always seem represent the most idyllic vision of whatever form their body takes. With regard to sex the Nymph do not view it as a simple intimate exercise; they worship the act in every way possible. Where Tairosian holidays might feature signature dishes or recognizable decorations Nymph holidays are punctuated by sexual displays both public, private, in groups, or with one partner. The act can me many things to them at once. A form of meditation, a coping mechanism for tragedy or excitement, a way to encourage physical or emotional healing, as a greeting or a gift, or simply as a means of connection with someone they care for. While they know races both fae and otherwise have different expectations when it comes to love making it often does not stop a Nymph from accidentally making those around them deeply uncomfortable with their lustful suggestions.
While beauty and sex are an intrinsic part of who these people are it is far from the only thing that defines them. Their emotions are raw and unfiltered even by the standards of most other fae. They feel things with such depth and passion that it can drive them to incredible heights and equally dark depths. It is for this reason that the Autumn Queen often employed them as fighters and barbarians in her armies. Those not inclined toward martial pursuits made excellent warlocks who's pacts with the Queen or the Shadow Court were obeyed more like promises made to a lover.



Brownies, Leprechauns, Silkies, Billys, Knockers, and countless other names are used when one speaks about a Spriggan. Unlike the variety of names they've gone by here is only one trait might use when describing most of their kind. Rude. They're independent people who value their solitude over almost all other things, the one exception being their collection. Almost every Spriggan is a collector of something, be it gold coins, strange knick-knacks, jewels, buttons, skulls, figurines, keys, or just about anything else. They seem to prefer small things who's beauty is often overlooked by all but the individual collector themselves. These collections can be valueless junk or trinkets worth a great deal but it's rarely the monetary value they're attracted to. Rather, there's some hidden allure that speaks to the Spriggan on an almost primal level.
Spriggan are one of the most numerous of the common fae races which, in a way, is the greatest curse ever laid upon their people. They truly do prefer their solitude over the company of others, be it their kind or others. This is not to say they do not have families, friends, and gatherings but their tolerance for these things is rather thin. They're the first to show up at parties and first to leave. They're the sort of shopper that knows exactly what they want without a drop of browsing. The concept 'awkward silences' is absolutely alien to them. Long exposure to big groups makes them rather cranky and quick to frustrate. When they're able to avoid other people a Spriggan's time is generally spent with their collections or quietly sitting alone (or with their very small families) indulging in a good book or soothing hobby.
This love of isolation and penchant for collecting has made a Spriggan into master thieves and even assassins. The Shadow Court has used Spriggan to infiltrate the ranks of their enemies and silence opposition on many occasions while the Queen herself relied upon them as scouts in her army or as retrievers of precious items. Many Spriggan turn their hours of quiet toward the study of magic; making them skilled wizards in a culture that rarely embraces academic arcana versus natural ability or pacts.



The name of the original fae homeworld is lost to time and remembered by few alive today. The Autumn Queen was the oldest living fae and believed to be the only one of her kind left to have walked on that ancient soil. The Sidhe were her people, the race from which she hailed, and the nobility of the fae both then and now. The Arcadians alive today claim the world they came from was called Arcadia and that they are the rightful inheritors of it.
Physically, the Arcadians look rather similar to Tairosian Half-Elves and have the same variety of body shapes as they do. However, their are some noticeable differences. Their eyes always possess a radiate, striking quality to them. These shimmery pastel colors stand out considerably when compared to those of other races. The coloring of their skin can range across all different tones or even have intricate designs/patterns as well, though many others will be indistinguishable from local human complexions. A rare few Arcadians, usually those that can trace their bloodline to the Autumn Queen, possess butterfly-like wings that are capable of slow flight or can collapse against their back almost like a cape. This is a rare feature that signifies a particularly important bloodline. Fae possessing wings are given an extra measure of respect among those who are loyal to the Autumn Crown and the Shadow Court. However, there are those who have a less than stellar opinion of the Queen and her kind. Those fae are more likely to pluck wings rather than stand in awe of them. And that might only be the beginning of the trouble in store for such an Arcadian.
These noble fae are well suited for just about any profession. Magic runs through their veins with such potency that careers as spell casters are common. Sorcerers, those with a natural talent for the arcane, are very numerous among them. Warlocks in service to powers such as the Shadow Court, The Autumn King, The Jaberwock, Hag Covens, fae monsters, and of course the Autumn Queen herself are all equally well tread paths for the Arcadians. Knightly traditions among their kind have bred fighters of considerable renown. Rakish nobles make excellent rogues and charming assassins. Bardic magic has a long history among the fae and carries with it a reputation feared by their enemies, and many of the most dangerous of these bards hail from this lineage. There is little they will refuse to do so long as it is worthy of their time and doesn't damage the persona they work so hard to maintain.



Gremlins are a problem. They're numerous beyond comparison, cunning and clever, and worst of all they're without fear. Stories told by the fae often cast the humble Gremlin in the role of scavenger, pest, or as one of a legion of nameless foes in service to a greater evil. Gremlins themselves would say that's all true and more but they don't see the ill of it. In fact, those are qualities they adore in themselves. Scavenging a precious life-skill that reaps many rewards and for free. Pestering people is good old fun; the more destructive the better. And, being a nameless goon for a greater power offers ample opportunity to do their two favorite things.
Gremlin appearances can very a bit from wretch to wretch but they're all generally horrific from the perspective of other races, fae or otherwise. They're slick-skinned and oily due to the greasy sweat that oozes from their pores as they toil away at their destructive hobbies. Gremlins are all some ugly shade of green ranging from a bright bile to a moldy moss and with mottled patterns of rusty red all over their body. Those same bodies are generally hairless aside from the occasional tuft hard, quill-like, hair that sometimes adorns the top of their head and/or along their spine. Tiny claws and needle teeth complete the awful package that is the Gremlin; yet despite it all the other fae reluctantly accept them as essential.
These tiny creatures, loathed by so many, are sought after by noble fae to take on the sort of dirty tasks that others wouldn't want on their hands. They can be knives in the dark, attentive eavesdroppers that others actively ignore, talented engineers who can craft deadly trinkets out of the most worm-eaten debris, and even deadly fighters who rely on cruel tricks in combat to frustrate and demoralize their targets. All of these roles are made possible by the gremlins' reckless abandon in the face of danger. Injury is an inconvenience that can be overcome with gremlinoid ingenuity or the application of the right magic. Death is equally unimaginative. One's demise is not to be feared but instead looked upon as the ultimate opportunity to showcase their destructive craft. Gremlins truly do live for the moment; everything else is just a fond memory of past mayhem or a coming opportunity to cause more.



A scream in the dark. A bloody end heralded by teeth in the night. The Barghests were the nightmares the Autumn Queen set loose upon those who deserved far worse than just a quick death. Their victims are eaten alive.
Or, they were, in the old days, before coming to this cursed land. When the Queen brought her fae to this world the vision she had for this new world was different than all the others previous. Here; there were powerful enemies that could not be battered into submission and unity among them that meant no one target could be assailed without earning the ire of them all. Everyone had a role to play in this new world except the Barghests. They were told to lurk in the deep woods and distant ruins, to feed on beasts and lonely travelers, to stay out of the work of the Queen and her Court.
The war between the Fae and the nations of Tairos war inevitable and something long craved by the Barghests but by the time they were called from hiding it was far too late to make a difference. In truth, most fae were reluctant to include the Barghests in any of war effort. They'd long grown accustomed to not having to deal with loathsome killers at all so treating with them during these dark times was unthinkable. Only a small handful of Barghests were actually part of fae society during the war. Those who could keep their bestial natures in check or those willing to hire themselves out as assassins, bodyguards, and enforcers. When the war ended and the Queen perished each Barghest was faced with a new world now. Remain in the woods and continue to embrace the old ways or, accept themselves as part of the fae community and seek out the safety of their surviving kin.
Today, the Barghests walk a thin line between their feral calling and their desire to have the sort of civilized life their kind was always been denied. The isolation forced on them from the Queen has had its benefits though, chief among them being anonymity. While the Barghests are monstrous in the eyes of most native Tairosians they are not immediately recognized as being fae. The pogroms after the war never targeted their kind and left them with plentiful numbers compared to the other fae kin. It allowed them to exist nearer to the surviving nations, to learn their ways, and to even walk among them at night. And there in lies the greatest struggle facing the Barghests, the choice between trying to join civilization as they've always desired or to remain as the monsters in the dark. Those that try their hand at civilization become shadowy figures prowling the streets of cities long after sunset looking for quick jobs and easy coin. They're sought after by the likes of the Black Thorn Society , the Shadow Court, The Cult of the Chain Maker and anyone else who's in need of a silent and reliable killer. Others channel their hunger toward rage, fueling ravenous combat frenzies and making them excellent barbarians or skilled fighters. When it comes to the practice of magic formulaic wizardry is not their path of choice. Instead, most Barghests rely on natural-born talent or pacts with powerful patrons. Bardic traditions have a long history with the fae and the Barghests are no exception however the melodies they choose are dreadful to most ears. Their regular, hyena-like, screech-speak combines with unearthly whispers and eerie humming to make their form of bardic tradition even more terrifying. This becomes the dirge that haunts those foolish enough to walk Barghest forests alone at night.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction

Growth Rate & Stages

Varies from species to species

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Social Structure

While it varies from species to species the Shadow Court can be considered to sit at the pinnacle of any hierarchy held dear by smaller groups. However; a growing number of surviving fae are throwing in their lot with a self proclaimed heir to the throne. Recently, a third option has given faith to many fae that a return to the old ways is possible.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In the years that followed the Queen's War many backward surviving societies began to seek out fae body-parts. Some believe that their organs and blood could power spells the same way Manacite does. Others think they can be used as curatives or even elixirs of immortality and everything in between.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

At the height of their time in Tairos they were found everywhere. Today, they are thought by most to be extinct and have become the boogeymen of land. In truth, a small number still survive and lurk on the fringes where they can plot, scheme , and survive.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Fae are a people that rely heavily on magic and any type of parasite that preys on such energies are especially dangerous to them

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Shadow Court , the court of the Konning Sisters , the court of the The Autumn King

Gender Ideals

The fae races have no preset notions regarding gender and the role it plays in a person's life.

Courtship Ideals

Love, sensuality, sex, and courtship are some of the most important cornerstones of fae society regardless of the species one hails from. While the traditions will vary; all of them place great value on these concepts.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Each of these species once used to have their own languages but long ago the Autumn Queen decreed that only a single unified language would be used (Arcadian). The old languages are lost now.

Common Taboos

While each will have their own taboos the one common to all fae societies is the destruction of magic or sources of anti-magic energy.

Common Myths and Legends

The Autumn Queen is the single most mythic character in the minds of all fae. In modern times her legend has become clouded and complicated among some due to the failure of plans and of course the effects of her Rebuke .

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Somewhere between caution to hate. There are those that would love to integrate into the societies of places like Frial and Ghal Pelor. Others would rather see Tairos burn, even if it means they burn along with it.

Table of Contents

Genetic Ancestor(s)
The common fae races generally share the same lifespan range of 200 to 800 years. The Arcadians are at the top end of that range and the Gremlins at the low end.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fae are a very diverse people, even among these common types. While each species has certain characteristics that can be counted on just about any variance one can imagine is more than possible when it comes to fae.


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Aug 19, 2020 05:49

I really enjoyed this type of Fae, And great art

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Aug 19, 2020 15:40 by Christopher Dravus

Appreciate the kind words! Thank you sir!

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