Cult of the Scorned One Organization in Tairos | World Anvil

Cult of the Scorned One

In the time before recorded history the world was said to belong to an entirely different sort of life. Mutation, madness and unquenchable hunger ruled unchallenged. The Scorned One and his seven children ruled over landscape of unfathomable nightmares created and destroyed over and over at their whim.   This is what the Cult of the Scorned One seek. The return of their god and his children and the end of the world as we know.   Madmen, outsiders, criminals and blasphemous sages make up the rank and file membership of the cults that dot Tairos. Each worships the Scorned One or one of his children and each works tirelessly to unleash or awaken the horrors of the distant past.   Most members bare the scars of mutation and madness on their bodies and minds. Having tapped into mere fragments of the power of the old gods can warp a mortal beyond recognition. Some cults are said to willingly infect themselves with viruses and parasites from the ancient temples of the Scorned One, allowing their bodies to transform into some semblance of the handcrafted abominations their patrons once brought into being.


There is no real organization. The Cult of the Scorned One is a collection of different groups who worship the old gods and their creations in a number of different ways. They are as deadly to each other as the rest of Tairos. Groups will often try to assimilate or destroy each other

Public Agenda

The Cult is rarely public facing. In some cities it hides behind a scholarly veneer, university or hospital. These false fronts allow them to operate largely unchecked and supply fresh recruits and sacrifices as well


Varies from group to group depending on the assets of the members. Generally, the cults have access to ancient knowledge, living weapons, viruses and magic.


The cults began to proliferate during the closing days of the Queen's War as desperation, despair and chaos reached their zenith. Today they prosper in many regions due to the lack of any central authorities to quash them.
Scorned One Cultists
Religious, Cult
Controlled Territories
Racial Demographic- Mostly human and halfling.


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