Bobak, "Lead" Investigator of the Adamantite Order Character in Tairos | World Anvil

Bobak, "Lead" Investigator of the Adamantite Order

Hunting the secrets of ancient Balmoral in Frial, all whilst maintaining the common illusion of the sterile streets

Babak Podpis (a.k.a. The Dread Pirate)

You can take the man out of the sea, but can ye pull the sea out of the man? Given that humans and elves alike are comprised of a majority of water it seems unlikely, and Bobak is living proof that the horrors of the seas surrounding Tairos leave their mark on soul.

Originally born in Far Harbor , Bobak made his way aboard a vessel there until fate, the bloody bastard that it is, should one day reveal that while a mutt by blood, there lay a sleeping power to his life. Morally disfigured by the cruel necessities of crewing a vessel, surviving the streets and hazings of senior deckies, and witnessing the barbarous reality of boarding actions first-hand, rumors about the ability he was now manifesting were rapidly catching up to him between press gangs and charters. Abandoning his birth name to the ill-tempered waters of the isles, he sought passage back to the mainlands to learn what he could of a less cold-blooded way of life, and after facing rejection in the outskirts of Melanthris, he settled in Frial , to be recruited into the Order by Joriah Basilocke himself. Blessed with the patience to translate the patently ridiculous drivel normally spilling from Bobak's maw, Mr. Basilocke has found a constant sieve of information and necessary know-how to make the inequities of the jockeying for magical dominance in Frial a step closer to possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very agile but physically weak

Identifying Characteristics

Piratical speech and colloquialisms

Physical quirks

Concealed tattoos across his back

Special abilities

Divine Soul Sorcerer

Mental characteristics


Persistently employed by the Kreastos' Constabulary, under the pseudonym of Jame Gumb, unknown to most
Primarily a skulk for the Adamantite Order

Personality Characteristics


Wanting to discover more about Old Balmoral and how they connected the empire
Heavily interested in his own bloodline and what the implications are vis a vis divinity

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Incredibly apt in skullduggery and learning secrets


Surprisingly good for a former pirate, likely due to the double life he leads in Frial
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Long and Ivory
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant

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