Lady of Love Pandephra (a.k.a. Mother of the West)
Pandephra, the lady of love, is the mother of many beings in the world and the eighth child of Tai'San and Rinushka.
Her children are by far the most widespread elves of all, albeit in low densities.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Pandephra is a relatively plain looking, tall elf with flowing hair, but has an alluring presence. She is often described by those around her as the most beautiful being they have ever met, despite not fitting most the classical beauty ideals of most sapient folk.
Body Features
Pandephra is a tall elf who seems to naturally become the center of attention wherever she goes. Unlike herself, her descendents are the only elves that are considered conventionally attractive by most other species, including humans, orcs and other elven folk.
Facial Features
Pandephra has a highly symmetrical face with sparkling green eyes. Her ears are relatively small and have the shape of a rounded dagger.
Special abilities
Pandephra seems to always know exactly what the person opposite her seems to need or need to hear. Her presence can be heartwarming, endearing or intimate and sometimes even all three at the same time, but never cold or cruel.
Like all other Princes of the Dawn, Pandephra could originally sustain a Meld, but has since given up that ability to pass it on to her descendents. Children of Pandephra are able to create a personal meld for themselves and the person or people they love in their most intimate moments.
Apparel & Accessories
Pandephra prefers to wear light clothing with deep cuts, designed to entice. She is pacifist by nature and therefore the only Princes of the Dawn without a signature weapon.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Ever since her childhood, Pandephras main goal was to spread love and affection throughout the world. As she grew up, that goal expanded and now not only covers chaste forms of love, but also carnal lust and everything in between.
Pandephra is pansexual and polyamorous, although her greatest affection is for the fallen Markazz. She often keeps a small group of lovers at a time.
Like all Princes of the Dawn, Pandephra is content with her sexuality. It does not occur to her that someone might not be.
Pandephra is a skilled smith, having picked up the craft from her mother. She is also a trained healer, knowledgable in healing herbs and potions alike.
Intellectual Characteristics
Pandephra has an excellent memory, which aids her in her crafts. She also has a deep empathetic understanding of those around her, not unlike Peithemos, yet not very similar either.
Morality & Philosophy
Pandephra considers love, in whichever form someone decides to live it, to be the highest good of the world. She actively pursues a life full of love whenever she can and will gladly support those around her that seek the same.
Personality Characteristics
Pandephras goal is to truly achieve happiness for as many people as she can give it to you. Her recent efforts have been concentrating on her older brother Hedhros, who seems to need it more than most.
Family Ties
Pandephra is sibling to the other Princes of the Dawn, daughter to Tai'San and Rinushka and mother to many different families of elves and hybrid folk.
Whoever Pandephra is talking to immediately becomes the center of their entire focus and attention. She truly cares for what the other has to say and makes a great effort to actually listen.
Apart from that Pandephra is a very physical person, hugging and touching people whenever they allow it.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Searching for a way to Hedhros
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Pandephra
Year of Birth
45391 BTO
546688 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Under the light of two moons.
The Hearth
Current Residence
light green, elven shape
long, red, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bronze tan
1.8 m
75 kg