
(a.k.a. The eternal Furball)

Having barely escaped the clutches of the undead in the harrowing tomb, the Boridan brigade, a team of daring tomb raiders, sets up camp in the field on the other side of the river. The wheat stalks sway in the wind around the location of their camp.   While not very protected from the elements, it promises a good view of the surrounding area, and after their brutish leader, Olag, lost his arm to the ravenous, seeing the enemy coming seems like the more important thing.   The rest of the group has already started sleeping, leaving Gregon alone with his thoughts. Normally Olag would have taken first watch, but the group had agreed, that the wounded colossus needed the sleep.   Suddenly a rustling comes from the surrounding sending Gregon from a passive state into full alert. Had the undead followed them? He gets out his weapon and considers waking the others. The rustling draws closer and Gregon prepares for the worst. The grass parts revealing...   "Woof!" - "What the f--"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When in the care of new friends, Murr'fais stomach is sometimes larger than is good for him, making him prone to putting on a little weight. Other than that, he is in perfectly good health for a dog, which is surprising given he is over 1 million dog years old.

Body Features

Murr'fai is a shortlegged dog breed, with long flappy ears and a straight hound like fur. Despite his wild living style, Murr'fai never seems to need combing, his hair staying in decent quality even without care from others.   His fur is white, with black marking along the body and black spots sprinkled into the white fur.

Facial Features

Murr'fais snout is white, while his eyes and ears are black, a thin white line running along up the face from the snout.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

No one knows where Murr'fai originally came from or when he was born. He must have meant a lot to someone very powerful though, because whoever he belonged to made them functionally immortal. The earlierst known account of Murr'fais existence comes from the orcs, who found him in the wild around 63000 ATO, meaning that he is at least 240 thousand years old by now.   Murr'fais history has large gaps, but so far he has always reappeared somewhere on the tapestry of the world, after vanishing from it.


Someone must have trained Murr'fai to respond to commands at some point, because he pays close attention to others when they speak, but whatever language his commands where given, it is long gone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Murr'fai is a playful and sweet fellow, with a calm demeanor. He is always happy to listen, no matter if he understands the language, and loves to just relax with any newfound friend he comes across.

Personality Characteristics


Whatever motives Murr'fai might have are likely only short term. He loves to make friends who he can relax and cuddle with, sometimes staying with his new companions for a while, before going wandering once more.


During a stay within the Kingdom of Osylana, Murr'fai became acquainted with a small village in the northern hills. The villagers took a liking to the small dog, so much so, that when the Kings decree that all settlements must elect a representative leader came into being, they elected Murr'fai and went about their business. Murr'fai reigned for two human generations, never causing any scandals, except for the infamous raid of the butchers shop of 3041 OE.
In solemn memory of Murphy, a very good dog, and friend to Autumn.
Image source: Murr'fai in field by Ninodonlord (via Midjourney)
Divine Classification
Immortal Dog
Current Status
Strolling about, making friends
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Right Honorable Mayor of the village of Eldenhill near Karanion.
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Spotted white and black fur
~30 cm
31 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)
Character Portrait image: Murr'fai in field (via Midjourney) by Nin


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