Wyverns Species in Taeva | World Anvil
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Commonly found among the mountain peaks and deserts of Taeva, Wyverns are one of the most widespread and recognisable species of Dragonkin. During the early days of civilisation, particularly among the Humans, these creatures were a menace to settlements constructed near their lairs, due to their highly territorial nature and tendency to prey on livestock. This has resulted in a number of campaigns by the affected populations to push Wyvern populations away from civilised lands over the years, which have successfully confined them to their current remote habitats. While the majority of Taevas civilised populations prefer to keep their distance from these creatures, some of the more daring folk have made efforts to domesticate some of the more docile breeds of Wyverns, though this has proven to be a challenge even under the best of circumstances.

Basic Information


Wyverns have a body similar to that of Dragons, but with some notable differences. Not only are Wyverns much smaller than Dragons, they also lack front legs, possessing only a pair of hind legs and wings, and lack any fur on their bodies, instead being covered completely in hard scales.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyverns are an egg laying species, with eggs taking around 3 months to gestate, and another 4 to hatch.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyverns prefer to live in remote lairs in mountains or caves, though some breeds can be found in desert and savannah environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyverns are carnivorous

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All Wyverns have Dragon-like faces, with a long reptilian snout, and a pair of horns on their head.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wyverns are most commonly found within the various mountain ranges throughout Taeva.

Average Intelligence

While not as intelligent as true Dragons, being closer to wild animals, Wyverns are still intelligent enough to recognise individuals and locations, and are cunning hunters.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wyverns have keen enough eyesight to spot prey from high altitude.
Genetic Descendants
70 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wyvern scale colours are commonly shades of brown or grey, though some subspecies can have other colours.


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