Airships Technology / Science in Taeva | World Anvil
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Easily one of the most influential inventions of the modern age, airships are an absolute technical marvel among the people of Taeva. While only the largest and wealthiest cities have the facilities necessary to house these ships, and only really the rich are able to afford to travel aboard them, airships are still an important aspect of trade and transportation between the major cities of Taeva, due to their ability to travel directly to these cities with almost no obstacles. In fact, many a foreign delegation would travel to the capitols of foreign nations by airship because of how quick, direct, and often luxurious they are. Additionally, many nations are hard at work making airships cheaper to produce and more accessible to the common folk, as well as trying to find military applications for them. Truly, it would seem that for the races of Taeva, the sky is no longer the limit.


Airships are largely used for travel between large cities. Additionally, some nations have started looking into developing small fleets of airships for military use.
Parent Technologies
While the human scientist Henry Rosenberg is the individual most frequently credited with the invention of the airship, there were many other scientists who contributed to its discovery.
Access & Availability
Due to the difficulty of producing them, as well as how cost intensive their production is, airships are only available to the military and wealthy cities, like capitols.
The construction and operation of airships is a very complex. Even though most airships are built essentially the same way as most sea bound ships, they are much more complex to pilot (naval ships can only go left and right, but airships can also go up and down). Also, while normal ships only really need the hull and sails maintained, airships require maintenance for the hull (usually made from wood and metal), any sails it may have, any balloons that the ship is using for lift (a process that requires great care in and of itself, to avoid rupturing the canvas or igniting the gas within), the engines used to propel the ship, and the Aether Reactor that powers all of the on-board systems, making airship maintenance a long and costly affair.


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