Non-agression pact between the Calamor Empire and the Dominion of the Hobgoblin

After the Rending, the so-called fair folks went into a decline, making space for other species. The two most prominent of these species are the calamor and the hobgoblin. Both had territories before the cataclysm, but their respective sphere of influence has grown significantly since then. The Calamor Empire had the technical advantage. Although their weaponry was not as useful on the surface, they still had the edge. But the Dominion of the Hobgoblin had the overwhelming number because, within their border, other species who swore allegiance to the hobgoblin ruler lived too. Everybody agreed that it was just a matter of time before the two countries went to war.
But for some reason, still unknown to a select few, Vovleg the Cruel, king of the hobgoblins, started peace talks with the Kraken, emperor of the calamor. It took years before the final document was written and signed. At first, getting questions, answers, and replies from the surface to the undersea nation and back was hard. When they solved this came the bigger problem of not understanding each other. Until the Rending, the Calamor Empire was unknown to the surface world, making their language unknown too. This language barrier brought in Böhömish, the common language of Then. The hobgoblin knew it, and the calamor scavenged enough shipwreck to have some clue how this language works.
The third and final problem was to find a neutral place where neither the king nor the emperor felt threatened. Finally, they chose the flatlands of the skat'ra. The skat'ra cared only about their hills and hives but were ready to lend a few thousand warriors to guard everybody against everybody else. Finally, both parties signed the non-aggression pact.
The pact states that
  • The two countries respect the boundaries of the other - one on the surface, the other on the sea.
  • They allow dealers of the other country through their respective areas of influence.
  • They can trade technology with the other country, but this will be a state-handled activity.
  • Every one hundred years, both sides will review the pact to see if changes are required or not.
I'm still not convinced that these two powers won't go to war in the future
— Brec Raincrest, kobold historian


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