Yulia Haust Character in Synkros: Universe in Feud | World Anvil
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Yulia Haust

Head Councilor Yulia Haust

Born in the Haustwen on her homeworld of Nadorei, Yulia was a fiercely independent child, even compared to her brethren. After years of studying kestrid behavior and society, she has come to develop a much more romantic view of love than her kindred, and she constantly reaches out to her numerous nadorean children (despite the same feelings not being reciprocated by them). This same love of the “dryskins” draws the ire of many of the nationalist element on her homeworld. She believes that she is fighting for the greater good now, and that her racial ties, if they ever existed, are inconsequential. She was the first nadorean to make official, federal contact with the kestrid in a monumental meeting for both races, and it was during that month of meetings that she made history amongst her people. Her affinity for the kestrid landed her a permanent position as the prime nadorean ambassador, but she declined it in favor of joining the newly‐formed UNA to work on behalf of her growing conception of a grand, galactic empire that would transcend the sins of their collective societies. In a sense, she feels she is saving the kestrid and many of the other races from themselves in her attempts to craft the perfect government. Edmun was one of Yulia’s first contacts within the budding Assembly staff, and their shared ideologies quickly became apparent to one another.

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