spellcheck nano Prose in Synergasia | World Anvil

spellcheck nano

nov. 1

  The moon is big and bright against a haze filled city sky. a large group of figures stand chanting around several dead goats and one still, horribly still, young man. the chanting slowly begins to get louder as the group starts gesturing along with their ritual and a hair raising feeling passes into the decrepit apartment complex like a weather front causing the dark billowy clothing the chanters are wearing to billow. the already tense feeling in the atmosphere becomes more pronounced as the coordinated raving reaches an apex and a leader in the group shows them self by breaking off from the rhythmic noise of their compatriots to call out loudly in a begging voice to thin air. As this continues the air above the young man suddenly seems to shimmer with mist as if a invisible cold hand suddenly plucked the liquid from the air and pushed it into a single mass. Silently a shape stretches out of the mists and fills the area in the midst of the circle. and as the leader raises their voice to offer their sacrifice the Thing visibly shudders a blood curdling sobbing noise echos into the night and the circled figures drop like empty puppets. The sobbing continues and their might even be words but the voice is too alien to discern a language increasing in volume until its a horrible din. Suddenly, the wail of a police siren splits the air and the sobbing shape falls silent and slips away through nothing leaving the still still young man alone in room of corpses.  

nov. 2

  Water dripped onto the forest floor leaving a smell of sky and musty leaves to be stirred up from the mulched ground as Mitchel shuffles about looking for salamanders, a particularly large drop lands smack dab in His dusty brown nest of hair and he shivers as it runs down his neck. As he kicks another pile of decomposing brown foliage a flash of red catches his eye, he bends down to investigate. Its a feather, the top is an inky black that glints purple and blue in the patchy lighting, he turned the feather over to see a rich red color cut by two green and yellow stripes. Brushing his fingertips down the feathers shaft he noticed a odd texture that, with a closer inspection, proved to be an small lump of cartilage-like material that was perfectly clear. Mitchel carefully pulls a large sketch book from his backpack, gently slides the feather between two empty pages and puts it away again. Another drop falls and he reaches up to brush it from his eye but his arm pauses halfway realizing that he had no clue where that feather had been and for all he know the strange clear growth on it was some rare poison mushroom.

He started back towards the neighborhood hopping over a creek on the way and scrambling through the roadside ditch onto the sidewalk. His watch says 10:43 so his mother will want him home for lunch, and Carson would be done helping at his brothers workshop and come over for the rest of the day most likely.
Dark clouds frothed overhead and Mitchel picked up his pace so he could try to outrun another summer downpour, which was looking more futile as he went on so he started to pull out his umbrella as he went. He was so busy with his struggle that as he rushed around the corner he slammed into someone going the opposite direction and they both landed and a heap and actually skidded a few inches. Levering himself of the other person Mitchel crouched and realized that the person he had run into was a girl his own age, who was now bleeding from a impressive scrape on her elbow. "Uhhh-oh er sorry!?" Thunder grumbled " Sorry i wasn't looking where you were going, do you live nearby? I could walk you home, that scrape looks nasty".
"Yeah nasty is one way to put it, but I live a good ways down the road in the next neighborhood so dont worry about it." The clouds lit up briefly and let out another rumble, if he left a girl several miles from home in a thunderstorm, bleeding from a scrape HE was responsible for his mom... Yeah operation invite girl to use house phone to save my sorry skin begins immediately. "No! uhh I mean the next neighborhood is a ways out and my house is real close, you can use our phone and wait or call a ride or whatever."
"And i suppose your offering because your just that sweet huh?" She leveled a calm stare at him that creepily reminded him of the look his grandma gave him when she knew the real reason he volentired to clean the ditch out for her was that old man miller was out and would call him a 'good hardworking young man' and give him ice cream.
"Well, my mom will kill me if I let a girl walk home in the rain so please help preserve my sorry hide?"  

nov. 7

  she gave him another slightly suspicious look but said "Fine, the storm probably will not last that long but we had better get going". "This way then."
Mitchel had helped the girl get up and grabbed his umbrella before heading down towards his house when lightning arced through the clouds and they both started sprinting.   "Mitchel's house wasn't far, a couple of minutes and they were already at his front door. The rain, which was coming down in sheets already hurried him in getting inside.   "MOM I'M HOME AND I BROUGHT A GUEST!" "IN THE KITCHEN DEAR, GRAB SOME TOWLS AND COME SIT CARSON HAS BEEN WAITING!"   The towels she was talking about were in the wardrobe by the front door. "Orange or green?" "Green." He tossed the girl a green towel. "Okay, the kitchens this way. Whats your name by the way, i don't think is asked? I'm Mitchel." "Call me Aspen, nice to meet you mitchel, sorry if i was rude earlier." "I did kinda run you over" By know they had reached the kitchen as they were walking, Carson was on a bar stool at the counter drinking cocoa.  



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