Florian Ley Character in Symbols of Power | World Anvil

Florian Ley

Scoundrel Florian Ley

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Florian es un societario de muy baja estatura. Sus manos son finas y largas, y su pecho amplio. Sus emociones suelen ser difíciles de leer, ya que tanto su expresión facial como su voz suelen ser neutras. Sus plumas son negras, mullidas y suaves. Su cuello y espalda baja lucen especialmente mullidos.   Es ágil y veloz, acostumbrado a tener que correr y esquivar obstáculos frecuentemente. Es bueno trepando y escabulléndose por recovecos. Sabe abrir candados y cerraduras, mentir y no mostrar emociones. Además, Es capaz de dormir en casi cualquier lado, por más incómodo que sea. Desgraciadamente para él, parece estar convencido de que no puede ser engañado de la forma en que él engaña a otros. Además, le gusta mentir aún cuando no es necesario, y a veces no puede mantener su red de mentiras.  


Florian no parece tener un trabajo fijo, pero suele realizar trabajos para terceros que requieren una mano ágil y con moral maleable. Florian tiene un amplio historial de estafas y crímenes varios, de igualmente variada gravedad. Muchas de las tareas que realiza Florian parecen venir de un mismo empleador, al que ocasionalmente Florian llama "jefe".  


Florian parece estar obsesionado con apropiarse de toda la comida que encuentra. Si bien no come mucho en general, siempre que tenga la oportunidad de adquirir comida sin pagarla, va a tratar de comer al menos una parte en el mismo momento, como si tuviera miedo de que su adquisición fuese a desaparecer. Éstá convencido de que las casas ajenas (y sobre todo las camas, en habitaciones) son lugares donde es peligroso dormir, y prefiere dormir en rincones, cajas, cuevas, etc. Sin embargo, si logran convencerlo de que alguna casa es segura, va a dormir mucho más relajado y cómodo que lo normal.   Florian tiende a romper o arruinar sus relaciones con las personas bastante rápido, y se le conocen pocas amistades. Sin embargo, los pocos que lo conocen bien saben que guarda lealtad a una persona a la que arruinó en el pasado, y que siente profundamente la necesidad de resarcir a esta persona. Es extremadamente lento para la confianza, malo para hablar de sus sentimientos, y muy sensible con su ego. Cualquier persona que se burle de su apariencia o parezca hacerlo, aún sin malas intenciones, puede causar que Florian se sienta realmente dolido y se descargue con crueldad y odio. Cuando Florian aprecia a alguien, su forma de demostrarlo suele ser la obediencia.  


Aprecia la creatividad por sobre todas las cosas, que respeten su espacio personal, y le gustan las temperaturas cálidas. Detesta el frío, y cualquier clase de burla respecto a su altura, físico o dificultades con el habla. Florian es extremadamente respetuoso de no burlarse del físico o condiciones de los demás, pero si alguien se burla de él, recordará ser extremadamente cruel con esa persona y encontrar cuanto defecto o cualidad negativa sea posible aprovechar.   Le gustan las mujeres rudas, y, en lo posible, igualmente amargas y desagradables que él.   Es un hombre frustrado por pésima combinación de mala suerte con el destino de las mujeres que le suelen gustar, su vergüenza e incapacidad para hablar de sentimientos honestamente, y sus pocas habilidades sociales.  

Una voz peculiar

La voz de Florian suena extremadamente grave para su tamaño reducido. Su habla suena monótona y suele carecer de tono haciendo dificil interpretar su intencion, y en ocasiones le cuesta pronunciar algunas palabras, las cuales divide en sílabas más separadas de lo debido. En ocasiones, Florian emite chasquidos secos, usualmente para reprobar las actitudes de otras personas.

Physical Description

Body Features

Florian is a feathery societarian of very short stature. His hands are slender and long, and his chest is quite wide for his small frame. He has black, soft feathers which are especially fluffy in his neck and lower back.   His emotions are difficult to read, since both his facial expressions and his voice are extremely neutral most of the time.

Mental characteristics


Symbol of the Underfolk by Naelín
Florian doesn't seem to have a regular job. Instead, he performs small tasks for occasional employers that require a deft hand and malleable morals, while fulfilling the rest of his needs by relieving other people of the things he needs "more" than them.
He has a long record of thefts, scams and various other crimes, of equally varied gravity.   Most of Florian's small jobs seem to have a single source, whom Florian occasionally calls "boss". While he is usually emotionally disconnected from any other tasks he receives and from his self-assigned ones, he seems to get invested in doing the job well when any kind of request comes from "the boss", whom he seems to respect greatly.

Mental Trauma

While nobody seems to have any clues as to why, Florian seems obsessed with looting and storing food, to the point that he usually hides food in his pockets and inside his jackets. Whenever he gets an opportunity to acquire food without paying for it, he will eat at least a portion of it immediately upon acquisition, as if he feared that it would disappear. Some people think that he may have suffered hunger during his childhood, and attribute his very short stature to that, though he is quick to snap at anyone daring to even touch the topic.   He also has a deep aversion to sleeping in other people's houses, especially in beds or bedrooms in general, saying that it is dangerous. He prefers to sleep in corners, caves or even cargo boxes and other small compartments. However, if someone manages to convince him that a specific house is safe, he actually sleeps a lot more relaxed and comfortably than normal, though he may not admit it.

Personality Characteristics


Florian feels the deep need to make amends to a specific person, for an unclear reason. Though it seems that he feels guilty about having done something terrible to this person, it is difficult to imagine what could be bad enough to make this man feel so terribly in debt to someone.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Florian is agile and very fast, as he is used to having to run and dodge obstacles frequently. He is good at climbing and sneaking around nooks and crannies, lockpicking, lying and hiding his emotions. He also has the ability of sleeping almost anywhere, regardless of how uncomfortable the place may be.

Likes & Dislikes

Creativity in any form is one of the things that Florian loves the most, closely followed by his personal space, and warm climates.
He likes women of strong character that make themselves be respected, especially if they do so by being as rude, bitter and unpleasant as he is.
He is, however, a man frustrated by his lousy combination of inability to talk about feelings honestly, general lack of social and communication abilities, and his bad luck regarding the destiny of the women he fancies.   He hates cold temperatures with a passion (especially cold water) and any kind of joke (or even mention) about his height, body or speech difficulties.
While he otherwise has no problem being cruel and unpleasant, he is extremely careful with not making any kind of jokes or references to other people's bodies, physical and mental conditions or race, but if someone makes any kind of joke about him, he will hold the grudge and will put an effort on being cruel with the person, finding as many defects or negative qualities as he can use against them.   Florian's morals are quite loose, but he holds a deep hatred for slavery.

Vices & Personality flaws

An expert trickster and crook, Florian is convinced that he cannot be deceived in the same way he deceives others. He is also sometimes driven to lie even when unnecessary, which makes his webs of lies fall apart pretty easily if he preserves any kind of relationship with a person for too long.   This doesn't happen too often, however, as he is a truly disgraceful person to have around. He is rude, extremely egoist and cares for no one's wellbeing except his own. On top of all that, he reeks of fish.


Quite simply, this is a man that stores food in his clothes, sleeps on boxes, streets and caves, and has been seen on more than one occasion pulling a fish out of his jacket to slowly and firmly rub it on someone else's face. Do not ask too much out of him.


Social Aptitude

Florian tends to break or ruin his relationships with people pretty fast, and he has very few known friends, assuming any of them are still alive today. However, it is know that he is loyal to one specific person that he ruined in the past.   He is extremely slow to trust others, incompetent when dealing with his own emotions and unable to talk about them, and he is very sensible about his ego. Any person that jests about his appearance even without bad intentions may cause Florian to feel truly hurt and to unleash his feelings in the shape of cruelty and hatred. In the rare ocassions where Florian appreciates someone else, his way of demonstrating it is usually with obedience, by complying with the other person's requests.


Florian's voice is extremely deep for what you would expect of his small size. His speech sounds completely monotonous and devoid of tone, making it difficult for others to correctly interpret his intentions, and, in seemingly random ocassions, he has difficulty with pronouncing some words, which he ends up dividing in spread out syllables. Sometimes, Florian makes snapping sounds, usually as a way to express displeasure about another person's attitude.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
29th of Burning, 2988
Current Residence
City of Endure
Pale blue
Aligned Organization

Out of Universe Trivia

Florian Ley was originated as a single use character for a D&D one shot. He was an arcane trickster kenku and, since kenkus can't speak, he was played by using a soundboard app.   Afterwards, Florian was turned into a khajiit nightblade in Elder Scrolls Online, where all the personality traits described here were developed, by roleplaying him with other friends' thief characters.

Cover image: Banner for the Underfolk by Naelin
Character Portrait image: Florian Ley by Naelin


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Apr 26, 2021 08:58 by TC

Interesting character!! I'm very curious about this person he feels so indebted to, and about what might've happened in his past that makes him so worried and anxious.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Apr 26, 2021 17:05

'Guess I will have to translate this person's article next *wink*

Apr 26, 2021 17:10 by TC

*Waves a bunch of little flags excitedly!!*

Creator of Arda Almayed
Apr 26, 2021 15:26 by Luca Poddighe

It sounds like a character that has a lot hidden under the surface. Very funny to see how he gets easily offended. Typos: "Florian is conviced that he" and occasions is misspelt at least three times as ocassions

Apr 27, 2021 00:36

Thank you Luca! I have fixed them and found a couple more in the process :p

Apr 27, 2021 08:30 by Luca Poddighe

Me olvidé de escribir en espanol otra vez...

Apr 26, 2021 20:40 by Simo

This is such a mysterious character... I too am very curious about his past and what happened with his "boss". Also the food in the pockets reminds me of a real story I read not long ago...

Apr 27, 2021 19:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'and has been seen on more than one occasion pulling a fish out of his jacket to slowly and firmly rub it on someone else's face.' Oh nooo.   I love the sound of him and I'm really intrigued by his backstory. I kind of want to pick him up and give him a big hug. <3

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Apr 15, 2022 20:21 by Morgan Biscup

Oh my goodness I can't believe I haven't read this article yet. I love him. I laughed a lot, too, especially the Hygiene... But also I want to know what happened.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.