Elira's Spinning Top Item in Talthei | World Anvil

Elira's Spinning Top

And the wordwitch Elira emptied her bag, jars and trinkets clinking as the hit and rolled across the table. Her fingers quickly plucked a toy from the pile -- a pewter-colored spinning top.   "A toy?" One of the men scoffed, but the leader of the troupe kept his eyes pinned on the witch. To her right, she could feel her First reach towards his blade, but Elira lifted her hand. Arrogance was something common, and despite the Alk Kenai's general opinion, a little disrespect was not a capital offense to her.    "If you're so sure on how magic works, please do it yourself." Elira rolled her eyes at the doubter before spilling a pool of ink into the center of the parchment. Her other tools sounded like chiming raindrops as they hit the floor, pushed aside to clear the space. Without a blink, she caught a falling pen nib and used a corner to jab her thumb, a deep red welling up before she smeared it into the dark pool as well. She looked back up, locking eyes with the demon. "The one who killed Tilini Dumeer?"   He nodded and pulled out the sketch. A young elf-child was caught shoulders up, a toothy grin charming even through picture alone.   She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, dropping her mind into the void place between realms, between words and meaning. Her mind scraped along deeds and desires, the weight of the top warming in her hands. She heard a giggle from the void and started the top in the ink, letting it pull along the string of her gnosis. Her mind spread and split, no longer Elira but a searching, endless wave seeking between the world's pages.   And then she was a witch again, a witch with a body, a ridiculous headache, and before her, a name, dragged along the point of the top across the parchment before it spun out, resting at the end of a thin line drawing away from the letters.   "Darina Dumeer"
Elira's spinning top is an instrument created and used by the wordwitch Elira. While shifting her mind to a state of searching gnosis, the top carries a string of Elira's will, keeping her goal and intention in scope while she de-individualizes and searches the voidspace. The top is a remnant from her childhood, infused with years of magic and wear.   The disc of the top is roughly an inch and a half-wide and covered with engravings of tiny flowers, although they are worn almost flat now.   Despite pinging to anyone looking as a magical item, it is largely useless for anyone besides Elira except as a toy.

Item type
3 inches (height), 1.5 inches (diameter)


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Jul 7, 2021 07:10

'Wordwitch' is a fantastic title, and it's a very interesting way of divination :D Super cool!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.