Goblinoids Species in Sunshade | World Anvil
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Few creatures have been slighted the way of the humble goblin. In cities, they are met with the sort of disdain most often reserved for vermin, in the countryside their presence is regarded with fear. What began as a simple mistake in taxonomy, with scholars assuming them to be a relative of the Shrieklings, has morphed into a tragedy of the decades. The more reviled they become for their criminal reputations, the fewer opportunities they have to be anything but a common bandit.   Goblins are crafty creatures, living in the corners of society that no one else dares to enter. With resiliency not unlike the rats other races so often compare them to they have managed to carve out a niche for themselves in almost every known climate on the planet of Ara.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

  • reproduce quickly, not unlike rabbits, goblin babies are more commonly born as twins, gestation is fairly short (a matter of months)
  • Ecology and Habitats

    Most goblinoid creatures live subterranean lives in complex tunnel systems, called warrens, that can stretch on for miles in both depth and distance. Anywhere they can tunnel into the earth they can thrive and this fact is the biggest reason for their widespread foothold in the land of Ara.

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Evolution has finely honed the common goblin for life underground.  
  • keen hearing
  • acute eyesight (large eyes and slit pupils)(w/heavy lashes to protect them)
  • their sense of hearing and touch are closely entwined and their vibrational awareness is incredibly sensitive, they can often tell someone is approaching by the feeling of their footsteps well before they hear them
  • Civilization and Culture

    Beauty Ideals

    What goblins find attractive in one another varies little from gender to gender.


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