Sundered cosmos Manifestation of Dahak
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Manifestation of Dahak

Life, Failure / Mishap


Amid the destruction wrought by Earthfall, Dahak saw a chance to wreak havoc on Golarion without drawing his father's wrath. After several years of research, he discovered a flaw in a portal of Alseta's Ring and managed to manifest himself on Golarion. He carefully invested the manifestation with just enough power to avoid rousing Apsu. Before Dahak could finish the job started by Earthfall, Three years later, he was stopped by the Ekujae elves, who, at a great cost of lives, managed to turn Dahak's own power against his manifestation, trapping it without a body in the spaces between the portals of Alseta's Ring.

Amid the destruction wrought by Earthfall, Dahak saw a chance to wreak havoc on Golarion without drawing his father's wrath. After several years of research, he discovered a flaw in a portal of Alseta’s Ring and managed to manifest himself on Golarion. He carefully invested the manifestation with just enough power to avoid rousing Apsu. Before Dahak could finish the job started by Earthfall, Three years later, he was stopped by the Ekujae Elf, who, at a great cost of lives, managed to turn Dahak's own power against his manifestation, trapping it without a body in the spaces between the portals of Alseta's Ring.

Related Location
Fariel’s Ring