Why Are There Many Planes of Existence? Myth in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Why Are There Many Planes of Existence?

The Sundering of the Omni


The Origin of the Omniverse


In the beginning, all was void. There was one in the void who explored the limits of limitlessness and plumbed the ends of infinity.

He reached into the emptiness. In reaching he conceived fullness; he conceived everywhere, he conceived everyone, he conceived everywhen. He pulled his arm back from the emptiness, and he held everything in his hand; it was a smooth orb that hid none of its contents.

It was full of darkness and light. Out of the Omni, he made the first children, and with the first children, he set about making a place for them all to live.

— Canto 1, The Zionic Chronicle
The earliest Cosmonauts occasionally encountered Dabus menials in the space between realities; these menials relayed the legend of the Omni and the fall of Zion. The Omni is a Paradox focus that supposedly contains all of reality inside of it. Dabus insist that the Omni has not been seen since the laundering. The stories of Zion and the Omni have been collected in several volumes by cosmonauts that sought out the dabus to learn about the nature of the Omniverse from them.

Zion, The First City

  The first children stepped out and found a firm foundation. They looked about and saw that their progenitor had set the Omni into the foundation. Around the Omni, they built a forum, and around the forum, they set their homes. Their children set their homes just beyond those, and their children set theirs just beyond those. As each generation piled onto the next the first city arose they named it Zion.
— Canto 2, The Zionic Chronicle
The Dabus claim Zion was the first city in all of existence. All other cities are an echo of its greatness. The city center was commanded by a great forum that housed an opalescent gem called the Omni.

The Great Sundering


Those that were brothers became diverse in form and creed. Worse yet, these brothers came to hate one another.

Squabbles became wars. The years of war came to outnumber the days of peace. some came to believe that the varied races and creed could not coexist.

Their reality was held together within the Omni; it would be through the Omni that they would achieve "peaceful" separation.

there came a Worldbreaker with a great hammer; The Worldbreaker struck the Omni. The orb didn't give. The Worldbreaker continued to assail the Omni with blow after blow; it would not break, but under its surface, fissures formed, and with each strike, the fissures multiplied.

The Worldbreaker grew weary and collapsed baffled that the orb withstood his onslaught. Outside the forum, the effects of the attack were evident. The initial blow shattered reality into many divergent facets, and each subsequent blow shattered those facets into branches and sequels. As reality split, entire worlds and sectors were pulled into their own separate quantum streams creating new self-contained realities. theirs was no longer a Universe, but a multiverse of multiverses, an Omniverse.

The Death of Unity
According to legend, Zion came to an abrupt end due to a temporal cataclysm. The sky became shredded with ribbons of prismatic tears, and quantum rifts swallowed Zion's denizens. Rifts opened up large enough to swallow entire city districts. Eventually even the Omniforum fell out of Zion's reality and into the space between worlds. The Omni was left to drift across existences.

Variations & Mutation

Monocosmist Interpretations

A monocosmist believes the Omniverse was meant to be unified; Quantum siblings are the dilution of a being's essence. A monocosmist account of the sundering will spend several stanzas describing pain Zion's citizens felt as they were torn apart and thrown to the Omniverse. The Worldbreaker is the villain of Monocosmist cosmology; he gets very unsympathetic treatment in their retellings of the sundering. 

Polycosmist Accounts

A polycosmist believes that the macromultiverse is a fact of our existence and was always in the plan of the creator. Polycosmist interpretations always include at least one stanza where an observer looks into the Omni before it falls out of Zion; they insure to make note that the proto Mox Gem possessed a newfound beauty as the fractures are integrated into its still whole form. The cracks would play with light passing through, and add elements of complexity to its form.
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