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Natively known as: Nayf /naɨv/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... ho dall be rhallom dadʊma in ho sdurab ping be naddad me go Pronunciation: /hɔ daɬ bɛ ˈr̥aɬɔm daˈdʊma iːn hɔ ˈsdurab piŋ bɛ ˈnaðad meː ɡɔ/ Nayfian word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d h j k l m n n̥ p r r̥ s t v w ð ŋ ɡ ɬ ʃ θ χ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n n̥ ŋ
Stop p b t d k ɡ
Fricative v θ ð s ʃ χ h
Approximant j
Trill r̥ r
Lateral fricative ɬ
Lateral approximant l
  Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-velar
Approximant w
  Vowel inventory: /a ai au aɨ aː ei eɨ eː i iː oː u uː ɔ ɔi ɔɨ ə əu ɛ ɛu ɨ ɨu ɨː ɪ ɪu ʊ ʊɨ/   Diphthongs: ai, au, aɨ, ei, eɨ, ɔi, ɔɨ, əu, ɛu, ɨu, ɪu, ʊɨ
Front Central Back
High iː i ɨ ɨː u uː
Near-high ɪ ʊ
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a aː
  Syllable structure: Custom defined Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable Word initial consonants: b, bl, d, dr, dw, h, j, k, kl, l, m, n, nt, n̥, p, pl, pr, r, rn, r̥, s, sd, sn, t, tr, v, w, ð, ɡ, ɡw, ɡwl, ɡwn, ɡwr, ɬ, ʃ, θ, θj, χ Mid-word consonants: b, d, dl, dr, h, l, m, ml, mr, ms, n, nr̥, nt, nw, r, rb, rd, rv, rw, rɬ, sɡ, tbl, v, vj, vl, vn, ð, ðj, ŋ, ɡ, ɡl, ɡw, ɬ, θ, χ, χr Word final consonants: b, d, k, l, ld, m, n, nd, nt, r, rs, rθ, s, sɡ, t, v, vn, vr, ð, ŋ, ɡ, ɬ, θ, χ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • d → Ø / V_V
  How to read phonological rules   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ɡ g
f ph
v f
k c
ŋ ng
χ ch
θ th
ɬ ll
ð dd
ɪu iw
ɨu uw
ʊɨ wy
ɛu ew
ɔi oi
əu yw
ɔ o
ɪ i
ɛ e
j i
ɨː y
ɨ y
ə y
ʃ si


  Main word order: Subject (Prepositional phrase) Object Verb. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary with a key the door opened. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun. Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have six cases:
  • Ergative is the doer of a verb, when the verb is done to something: dog bites man.
  • Absolutive is used in two scenarios: the doer of a verb when not done to something (dog bites), and the done-to of a verb (man bites dog).
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
Ergative Prefix ɛ- edang /ˈɛdaŋ/ doɡ (doinɡ the verb to somethinɡ)
Absolutive No affix dang /daŋ/ doɡ (doinɡ the verb, but not to somethinɡ)
Genitive Prefix meː- medang /ˈmeːdaŋ/ doɡʼs
Dative Prefix kɔ- codang /ˈkɔdaŋ/ to (the/a) doɡ
Locative If starts with vowel: Prefix ɡ- Else: Prefix ɡɛ- gedang /ˈɡɛdaŋ/ near/at/by (the/a) doɡ
Ablative Prefix ɨ- ydang /ˈɨdaŋ/ from (the/a) doɡ
Masculine Feminine
Singular No affix thyfy /ˈθɨvɨ/ man No affix ol /ɔl/ woman
Plural If starts with vowel: Prefix d- Else: Prefix da- dathyfy /daˈθɨvɨ/ men If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix ba- bol /bɔl/ women


Definite da /da/ the
Indefinite cig /kiːɡ/ a, some


Ergative Absolutive Genitive Dative Locative Ablative
1st singular go /ɡɔ/ I cai /kai/ me, I gwil /ɡwiːl/ mine gy /ɡə/ to me hai /hai/ at me mil /mɪl/ from me
2nd singular a /a/ you ba /ba/ you pei /pei/ yours e /ɛ/ to you gwing /ɡwiːŋ/ at you /dʊ/ from you
3rd singular masc dall /daɬ/ he, it dy /də/ him, it be /bɛ/ his, its cain /kain/ to him, at it de /dɛ/ at him, at it dyd /dɨd/ from him, from it
3rd singular fem te /tɛ/ she, it yl /əl/ her, it nei /nei/ hers, its dwe /dweː/ to her, at it do /dɔ/ at her, at it sy /sɨː/ from her, from it
1st plural re /rɛ/ we ydd /əð/ us, we fy /və/ ours ma /ma/ to us co /kɔ/ at us yng /ɨŋ/ from us
2nd plural da /da/ you all ca /ka/ you all o /ɔ/ yours (pl) an /an/ to you all thioil /θjɔil/ at you all chefr /χeːvr/ from you all
3rd plural masc y /ɨː/ they (masc) ma /maː/ them (masc), they (masc) snewr /snɛur/ theirs (masc) in /ɪn/ to them (masc) chidd /χɪð/ at them (masc) syg /səɡ/ from them (masc)
3rd plural fem ded /dɛd/ they (fem) ce /kɛ/ them (fem), they (fem) cen /kɛn/ theirs (fem) pywf /pəuv/ to them (fem) poil /pɔil/ at them (fem) cydd /kəð/ from them (fem)

Possessive determiners

1st singular gwil /ɡwiːl/ my
2nd singular pei /pei/ your
3rd singular masc be /bɛ/ his
3rd singular fem nei /nei/ her
1st plural fy /və/ our
2nd plural o /ɔ/ your (pl)
3rd plural masc snewr /snɛur/ their (masc)
3rd plural fem cen /kɛn/ their (fem)


Present Past
Singular If starts with vowel: Prefix k- Else: Prefix kiː- cihait /ˈkiːhait/ (I/you/he/she) learns No affix hait /hait/ (I/you/he/she) learned
Plural If starts with vowel: Prefix d- Else: Prefix da- dahait /ˈdahait/ (we/they) learn No affix hait /hait/ (we/they) learned
  Nayfian uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
Future Particle before the verb: kɨvn - cyfn hait /kɨvn hait/ will learn


  Nayfian has a base-20 number system:   1 - nan 2 - gwʊ 3 - puwng 4 - pung 5 - refa 6 - cla 7 - poynend 8 - a 9 - dy 10 - gos 11 - idi 12 - idra 13 - pungar 14 - lyrʊ 15 - ydeihe 16 - cegwayraing 17 - namle 18 - rhadadd 19 - nuddal 20 - prifa 21 - nan ho prifa “one and twenty” 400 - barad “fourhundred” 401 - barad ho nan “fourhundred and one” 800 - gwʊ barad “two fourhundred” 8000 - ii “eightthousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix a- Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix k- Else: Prefix kɔ- Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix ɡwraɨ- Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ɬ- Else: Prefix ɬə- Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix mu- Noun to verb = Prefix aː- Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix aː- Tending to = Prefix a- Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix ɔ- Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If starts with vowel: Prefix k- Else: Prefix ka- One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix a- Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix ba- Diminutive = Prefix ɡɛ- Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix ð- Else: Prefix ða-


4439 Words.
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