Elvish Language in Sundered Cosmos | World Anvil
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Natively known as: Alonder /ˈalonde/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind... tra bru glervar vouirlar reu puano tra rienar reu able nelma sua suatre Pronunciation: /tʁa bʁy ˈɡleʁvar ˈvwiʁlar ʁœ ˈpɥɑ̃o tʁa ˈʁjɛ̃ar ʁœ abl ˈnelma swa swatʁ/ Elvish word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d f j k l m n p s t v w z ɡ ɥ ɲ ʁ ʃ ʒ/
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ɲ
Stop p b t d k ɡ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ ʁ
Approximant j
Lateral approximant l
  Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-palatal Labial-velar
Approximant ɥ w
  Vowel inventory: /a e i o u y ø œ ɑ̃ ɔ ɔ̃ ɛ ɛ̃/
Front Back
High i y u
High-mid e ø o
Low-mid ɛ ɛ̃ œ ɔ ɔ̃
Low a ɑ̃
  Syllable structure: Custom defined Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable Word initial consonants: b, bj, bl, bw, bʁ, d, dw, dʁw, f, fl, fw, fʁ, fʁɥ, j, k, kl, kw, kɥ, kʁ, kʁw, l, lj, lw, lɥ, m, mj, mw, n, nw, nɥ, p, pj, pl, pw, pɥ, pʁ, s, sp, st, stʁ, sw, sɥ, t, tj, tʁ, tʁw, v, vj, vw, vʁ, w, z, ɡ, ɡl, ɡʁ, ɥ, ʁ, ʁj, ʁw, ʃ, ʃw, ʒ, ʒw, ʒɥ Mid-word consonants: b, bl, bɥ, bʁ, bʒ, d, dbʁ, dj, dm, dɥ, dʁ, dʒ, f, fj, fl, fw, fʁ, j, k, kl, km, kn, ks, ksj, ksp, kspl, kt, ktɥ, ktʁ, kʁ, l, lj, lk, ll, lm, ls, lt, lv, lw, lɡʁ, lɥ, lʒ, m, md, mw, n, nd, nm, nɥ, p, pj, pl, plw, pm, psj, pt, pɥ, pʁ, s, sj, sk, sl, sm, sp, st, stj, stw, stʁ, stʁɥ, sɥ, t, tj, tm, tn, tw, tɥ, tʁ, v, vj, vl, vm, vn, vw, vʁ, z, zj, zn, zw, ɡ, ɡl, ɡm, ɡz, ɡʁ, ɲ, ʁ, ʁd, ʁdɥ, ʁf, ʁfw, ʁj, ʁk, ʁkw, ʁl, ʁm, ʁn, ʁnj, ʁpʁ, ʁs, ʁsj, ʁsk, ʁsp, ʁsɥ, ʁt, ʁtj, ʁv, ʁw, ʁʃ, ʁʒ, ʃ, ʃt, ʒ, ʒj, ʒm Word final consonants: b, bl, bʁ, d, dʁ, f, fʁ, j, k, kl, ks, kst, kt, l, lk, lm, lʒ, m, n, nd, p, pl, pt, pʁ, s, sk, st, stʁ, t, tm, tʁ, v, vʁ, z, ɡ, ɲ, ʁ, ʁd, ʁdʁ, ʁk, ʁl, ʁm, ʁn, ʁs, ʁsk, ʁt, ʁv, ʁʃ, ʁʒ, ʃ, ʒ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • t → ʃ / _E
  • w → b / V_V
  • f → w / _V
  • u → w / _a
  • ja → aː / C_
  • t → s / _i
  • b → β / V_V
  How to read phonological rules   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
(CC)# 1e
d# de
e# e*4 | er
j i
jɛ̃ ien
k# que
k c / !_{i,e,ɛ}
k qu
ks# xe
ks x
ksj cti
kt ct
sk squ
t# te
v# ve
w u
wi oui
wɑ[aɑ] oi
wɛ̃ oin
y u
ø eu
œ eu
ɑ̃ an
ɔ o
ɔ̃# on | om
ɔ̃ on
ɛ e
ɛ̃ in
ɡ g
ɥ u
ɲ gn
ʁ# r | rd | rt
ʁ r
ʃ# che
ʃ ch
ʒ# ge
ʒ g / _{i,e,ɛ}
ʒ j
ʒm gem


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key. Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun. Adposition: prepositions  


Singular Plural
Masculine If starts with vowel: Prefix m- Else: Prefix mo- momioro /ˈmomjɔʁo/ man If ends with vowel: Suffix -l Else: Suffix -ɛl miorol /ˈmjɔʁol/ men
Feminine If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁt Else: Suffix -ɑ̃ʁt piedarte /ˈpjɛdaʁt/ woman Prefix mjɑ̃- mianpieda /ˈmjɑ̃pjɛda/ women
Neuter If ends with vowel: Suffix -lʒ Else: Suffix -ilʒ frorolge /ˈfʁoʁolʒ/ doɡ Suffix -i froroi /ˈfʁoʁoi/ doɡs


Definite cre /kʁɛ/ the
Indefinite geul /ɡøl/ a, some


1st singular tra /tʁa/ I, me, mine
2nd singular druoncte /dʁwɔ̃kt/ you, yours
3rd singular masc bru /bʁy/ he, him, his
3rd singular fem gler /ɡle/ she, her, hers
3rd singular neut cler /kle/ it, its
1st plural suom /sɥɔ̃/ we, us, ours
2nd plural ilque /ilk/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd plural masc cue /kɥɛ/ they (masc), them (masc), theirs (masc)
3rd plural fem cleve /klev/ they (fem), them (fem), theirs (fem)
3rd plural neut vom /vɔ̃/ they (neut), them (neut), theirs (neut)

Possessive determiners

1st singular speutme /spøtm/ my
2nd singular li /li/ your
3rd singular masc reu /ʁœ/ his
3rd singular fem fa /fa/ her
3rd singular neut tote /tɔt/ its
1st plural rien /ʁjɛ̃/ our
2nd plural save /sav/ your (pl)
3rd plural masc pum /pum/ their (masc)
3rd plural fem puan /pɥɑ̃/ their (fem)
3rd plural neut er /e/ their (neut)


Present Past Remote past Future
1st singular Suffix -ɑ̃bʁ todraranbre /ˈtɔdʁarɑ̃bʁ/ (I) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁt Else: Suffix -ɔʁt todrarorte /ˈtɔdʁarɔʁt/ (I) learned Prefix zo- zotodrar /ˈzotɔdʁar/ (I) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -ib todrarib /ˈtɔdʁarib/ (I) will learn
2nd singular If ends with vowel: Suffix -pt Else: Suffix -ypt todrarupte /ˈtɔdʁarypt/ (you) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁs Else: Suffix -oʁs todrarorse /ˈtɔdʁaroʁs/ (you) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -fʁ Else: Suffix -ɔ̃fʁ todraronfre /ˈtɔdʁarɔ̃fʁ/ (you) learned (lonɡ aɡo) If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -øk todrareuque /ˈtɔdʁarøk/ (you) will learn
3rd singular masc Suffix -i todrari /ˈtɔdʁari/ (he) learns If ends with vowel: Suffix -lk Else: Suffix -ulk todrarulque /ˈtɔdʁarulk/ (he) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -b Else: Suffix -øb todrareub /ˈtɔdʁarøb/ (he) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -a todrara /ˈtɔdʁara/ (he) will learn
3rd singular fem Prefix a- atodrar /ˈatɔdʁar/ (she) learns Suffix -ɔ̃ʁd todraronrde /ˈtɔdʁarɔ̃ʁd/ (she) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁdʁ Else: Suffix -iʁdʁ todrarirdre /ˈtɔdʁariʁdʁ/ (she) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -y todraru /ˈtɔdʁary/ (she) will learn
3rd singular neut If starts with vowel: Prefix ʒɥ- Else: Prefix ʒɥo- juotodrar /ˈʒɥotɔdʁar/ (it) learns If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁk Else: Suffix -eʁk todrarerque /ˈtɔdʁareʁk/ (it) learned If starts with vowel: Prefix fʁ- Else: Prefix fʁo- frotodrar /ˈfʁotɔdʁar/ (it) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -ɔ̃ todraron /ˈtɔdʁarɔ̃/ (it) will learn
1st plural Prefix vja- viatodrar /ˈvjatɔdʁar/ (we) learn Suffix -œʁʒ todrareurge /ˈtɔdʁarœʁʒ/ (we) learned If starts with vowel: Prefix z- Else: Prefix zo- zotodrar /ˈzotɔdʁar/ (we) learned (lonɡ aɡo) If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁʃ Else: Suffix -ɛʁʃ todrarerche /ˈtɔdʁarɛʁʃ/ (we) will learn
2nd plural Suffix -in todrarin /ˈtɔdʁarin/ (you all) learn Suffix -ɛlm todrarelme /ˈtɔdʁarɛlm/ (you all) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -d Else: Suffix -id todraride /ˈtɔdʁarid/ (you all) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Prefix fa- fatodrar /ˈfatɔdʁar/ (you all) will learn
3rd plural masc Prefix nɛ- netodrar /ˈnɛtɔdʁar/ (they) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -ep todrarep /ˈtɔdʁarep/ (they) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -kt Else: Suffix -akt todraracte /ˈtɔdʁarakt/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -œ todrareu /ˈtɔdʁarœ/ (they) will learn
3rd plural fem If ends with vowel: Suffix -kl Else: Suffix -ɛkl todrarecle /ˈtɔdʁarɛkl/ (they) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʁ Else: Suffix -aʁ todrarart /ˈtɔdʁaraʁ/ (they) learned Suffix -as todraras /ˈtɔdʁaras/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) Suffix -uvʁ todraruvre /ˈtɔdʁaruvʁ/ (they) will learn
3rd plural neut If starts with vowel: Prefix lɥ- Else: Prefix lɥɑ̃- luantodrar /ˈlɥɑ̃tɔdʁar/ (they) learn Prefix ɔ̃- ontodrar /ˈɔ̃tɔdʁar/ (they) learned If ends with vowel: Suffix -l Else: Suffix -el todrarel /ˈtɔdʁarel/ (they) learned (lonɡ aɡo) If starts with vowel: Prefix tj- Else: Prefix tjy- tiutodrar /ˈtjytɔdʁar/ (they) will learn


  Elvish has a base-20 number system:   1 - pre 2 - geugn 3 - geurche 4 - ner 5 - vrin 6 - zotan 7 - fa 8 - cheute 9 - plilme 10 - bru 11 - ipte 12 - zoluo 13 - dodjaxte 14 - douilme 15 - falque 16 - uofo 17 - buve 18 - ceduo 19 - douipre 20 - bus 21 - buspre “twenty-one” 400 - pre arche “one fourhundred” 401 - pre arche pre “one fourhundred one” 800 - geugn arche “two fourhundred” 8000 - pre reu “one eightthousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix i- Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʁw- Else: Prefix ʁwɛ- Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix ɔ̃- Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix vʁ- Else: Prefix vʁɛ̃- Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix ɔ- Noun → verb (to create [noun]) = Prefix fʁɥi- Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix a- Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb]) = Prefix i- Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix mw- Else: Prefix mwo- Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix e- One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ɡl- Else: Prefix ɡle- Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix a- Diminutive = Prefix vwi- Augmentative = Prefix e-


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