The Big Freeze Myth in Summer Camp 2020 | World Anvil
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The Big Freeze


The conspiracy blames the events of the Ice Fog on the Lake Tribe.   The general claims are that the Lake Tribe has been waning in power, and with outright war, banned by the accords of the The Fairy Court they used other means to claim more influence.

Historical Basis

The conspiracy is rooted in the events of Ice Fog which caused a considerable amount of damage to both the Forest Tribe and the Mountain Tribe.


The conspiracy is pretty well known by many in the four tribes. While everyone knows it, it most widely believed by the fairies of the Mountain Tribe and a few of the downtrodden members of the Forest Tribe.

Variations & Mutation

Some versions of the myth claim that it was not the Lake Tribe, but a group from the Mud Tribe who summoned the storm. Their purpose is widely theorized on from a standard power grab, to a personal vendetta, with some claiming it was merely to sow discord.

Cultural Reception

Many of the Lake tribe brush off the accusations as little more than harmless tales however there are those who take deep offense and have started their own conspiracy as to the true nature of the fog and the Mountain Tribes involvement. The members of the Forest Tribe are more forgiving with their assessment of the Mountain Tribe. As they too lost much in the Ice Fog they understand the pain and the searching for meaning in the events of nature.

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