Tarlaki People Ethnicity in Straos | World Anvil
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Tarlaki People

To anger the Tarlaki means to anger the Gods.  
  • common idiom
  • The Tarlaki People were massive tarantula Arachnids living deep in the jungle of the West. With their size exceeding even the tallest humans by far, they're one of the most dangerous and terrifying threats to the human invasion of Straos. They were able to withstand the invasion for years but eventually lost to the human's advanced weapon technology.   The whole tribe was wiped out completely by the humans invading Straos on the search for valuable materials. What remains are the grown-over ruins of their capital Tarlaki and the myths surrounding this proud and strong people.


    Beauty Ideals

    The Tarlaki people mostly have a very muted body color, ranging from shades of brown to - in rare cases - black. The general rule for this is: the darker, the better. Arachnids with completely black, velvet-y fur are considered the most beautiful; this body color is very rare, though. If a Tarlaki is light 'skinned' they will usually try to darken their apperiance with makeup consisting of a dark brown powder which is applied on the whole body.   Completely white Arachnids occur among this people as well as a result of a certain genetic mutation. They are said to be gifts of The Huntress and The Groundsman. Having white offspring is both a blessing and a curse for the family: they are usually highly respected but on the other hand tradition requires them to sacrifice their white children at the age of 3 days after hatching. Little to none white Tarlaki can escape being sacrificed and if they do they and their families are considered heretics.

    Gender Ideals

    As usual in Arachnid culture the Tarlaki gender roles are written in stone. The women are bigger and stronger than their male counterparts and thus do heavy and dangerous duties as soldiers, guards or hunters. Men are supposed to stay at home, keep the children and household in check and participate in arts and crafts.   Furthermore, most leading positions are typically taken by women. A physically and mentally powerful Tarlaki woman is the ideal role which many young girls work hard towards. On the other hand the boys of this people are encouraged to be loving and creative. Many pursue an artist career or become a caring homehusband.

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