Fairies Species in Strange West 2.0 | World Anvil
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Song that I belive would match the mood of this article   Fairies are a species of molluscs whit a humanoid appearance. I would describe a fairy as a boneless,green and small human .They are the only faction that ever oppose the Venetian empire.

Basic Information


Fairies are preaty much humans without bones, instead they have 2 sets of muscles, the exterior one that is similar to the human muscle structure , the second set is internal serving as support for the second one , replacing the bones, it looks like a set of tentacles. The avarage height of a fairy is 20 cm but if you pull on its legs and arms it can get to 30 cm , to bracke in half a fairy you will need a force of 70 horsepower ( that foce that would kill a fairy is about 60 horsepower) . One eyes are pretty big and the ears are pointy, the hair is always short and it oily grows on the head . The genitals are hiden and only show up when the individual wants.

Biological Traits

Outside its skin making it nearly imposible to kill whit a conventional weapon ( swords and bows whit no karma help) they also have a natural affinity for karma and naturally can use it to fly and to see at a 300 degree angle around their head. Also because of the square meter low and the karma amplifing their stenght they can use weapons like sword larger that their own body, fairies have been observed useing swords that weight even 10 kg . Fairies like useing lighter special made swords, fairies often prefer speed and cuting capacity so the swods they use look like big sharp squares whit sides of 40 cm.

Genetics and Reproduction

One of the favorite activity performed of this species is cosplaying. They like dressing like other creatures (crocodiles, ants, snakes) and other cultures (Vespeti, Erembirs) and even "celebrities"(The Ebola hunter, Angelo) and on special occasions they all dress whit a theme in mind and have massive orgies. Because the father is imposible to find the childrens are grown by all the people in the tribe .

Ecology and Habitats

Fairies never leave the unciviles world, they live in trees and hunt in swamps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fairies are carnivores that hunt and eat bigger animals . Fairies do not eat much so they hunt once 2-3 month .

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fairies live in tibes that make small viliges in the trees. Every village has its rules but all all villages need to responses to the Deer king , the supreme leader of the fairies and the protector god that takes care of them.


Fairies where the slaves of the vespetian empire until the deer kind give them freedom by buying all if them .

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Swamps in the uncivilised world

Average Intelligence

You can call them "barbarian" because they are still in the bronze age.They are capable of inteligent thought, Tull(basically the guy that discovered the pythagoras theorem in this world, that is why it is called the Tull theorem)being a big philosopher that was a fairy but the avarage fairy isn't that smart.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fairies have a natural affinity for karma and they use it to bend light around their head and gain a 300 degree view around the head. This light bending makes their head to look disproportionate.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

They all are one faction that dies not have a name , it is often called after the place they live , the "uncivilized world"

Gender Ideals

Males are the ones how fight and female read and think .The kids and thing like preparing food or cleaning are for everyone.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The fairy language is English but just change every "n" whit a "u" and "is" is always pronunced "lo"

Common Dress Code

They never where cloths outside cosplaying


Between the years 400 and 600 fairies where took from their natural habitat and made slaves by the Vespetian empire. In the year 557 a spirit named The Deer King start buying fairy slaves whit the intention of giving them freedom.Fairies had bunch of fizical strength and didn't consume much so many people didnt want to sell them . After bunch of boring politics the Deer King had buy every single one of them .In the year 602 all the gold the Deer used to buy the fairies turned into wood , this being his one of the Deer king power, to turn wood into things ( nearly anything but more on that on the deer king article) .This started a war between the faries and the empire that has not have been resolved until this day . The fairies are now free to do fairy stuff.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The are afraid of Boot fairies because they eat normal fairies.
50 years
Average Height
15 cm

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