Telleron Organization in Stollrun's Folly | World Anvil
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Demography and Population

A distrust of others bordering on zenophobia leads to the country being almost exclusively tevlo. Most are nice enough to outsiders, but magic is not tolerated (though not outlawed) and will result in the offender being kicked out of establishments.


Most of the Stronto Plains falls under Telleron authority. The far northern and northeaster borders are officially under Telleron authority, but are effectively controlled by various durzir tribes. The western mountainous region to the western sea are also under Tevlo authority.


Telleron is primarily a military stratocracy, where the voting populace is limited to current and former military members. All higher political offices are held by commissioned officers, while administrative positions and the position of Doge of the Tevlo require current or former officer commission in good standing.  The Telleron military is widely viewed as the most capable fighting force (even among magic-using nations). The combination of military capability and technological advantage make the Telleron too difficult for any other nation to bother conquering.

Technological Level

Telleron has achieved a technological level beyond most other nations. They guard this technological advantage with religious fervor, claiming a manifest destiny, of sorts, to scientific knowledge. The military is even starting to employ crossbows for certain strike squads and in a few legions as a test of the technology. Many durzir raider tribes frequent the northern border. Astute information officers in other nations note that, should the raider tribes ever cease their raiding, the Telleron military would quickly turn its face south in face of a foe to test its ever-expanding technological marvels on.


Iludrocism is the near exclusive religious belief held by the tevlo of Telleron.

Foreign Relations

Telleron maintains a fragile diplomatic peace with most nations.

Agriculture & Industry

WIth tevlo being more carnivorous than other sentient species, their agriculture centers around possat ranches with minimal farming to round out the diet. Telleron possats are considered of higher quality than wild possat in other regions. Whispers abound that Telleron agents regularly hunt down and ruin any possat ranch claiming or believed to have Telleron possat breeds outside Telleron control.    Telleron industrial capabilities and methods are another widely kept secret. Little outside Telleron authorities know the full scope of what Telleron can produce.


Education is mostly limited to military members. Most tevlo will serve a brief period in the military, where education is a few years followed by a few years of military service. The brightest minds to come out of the educational programs receive officer commissions. While most educational programs follow a minimum standard that raises the average Tevlo above other sentient races, not all Tevlo are "well educated" enough to become officers or hold political office. Even in Telleron, not all schools are made equal.


Aqueducts and road networks bring most of the Telleron cities within relative marching distance of each other. Telleron engineering is the best in the world, after all, not that other nations widely know that.
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Terron is the official coin of the people, as minted by the government. It uses traditional gold, silver, and copper pieces of standard weights. The only difference is an imprint of the monarch at the time and a small hole drilled for running a cord through.
Major Exports
Most exports are related to the possat industry, with Stellock Ranch goods being among the highest quality commodity. Telleron allows this since leatherworking is a common trade and the exclusivity of Telleron possats is in the animal quality itself, and no amount of leatherworking can compensate for the best quality leather. Lumber and stone are high quantity exports from the western region of the Stronto Plains that leads up into the heavily forested mountain border on the west side.
Major Imports
Telleron tries to import as little as possible, but precious metals are not common. Telleron deals with [rincori nation] for precious metals and provides lumber that The Black Range cannot grow.
Legislative Body
Federal laws are voted in by the den chiefs. New dens can be formed by a super-majority vote of other den chiefs. Each den gets one den chief, and the matters of succession, replacement, and term limits are managed by the dens themselves under their own constitutions.
Judicial Body
The judicial body is administered by the den chiefs for their own dens (or however the constitution is set up), for matters between dens, and for military law. Most civil judicial issues are left to the yolum by most dens.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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