Barbarian Profession in Stollrun's Folly | World Anvil
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This is the "unskilled" warrior of tribal societies. The only notable skills possessed by a barbarian are the skills of combat. While any person can claim to be a barbarian, most don't. Barbarians aren't worried about being a barbarian, they just worry about how they're going to get their next meal (usually as a hired thug or through pillage and conquest). The only forces that utilize barbarians as their main unit are the tribes and hordes on the fringes of society, especially the Durzir. They say there is no barbarian more fierce or terrifying than a Durzir barbarian, but many non-durzir barbarians would take that as an insult, so don't go repeating that.



You just need to be big and mean to be a barbarian.

Career Progression

Either keep being a barbarian, or step up to warlord status through hard work and lots of killing.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment only comes in the form of what you can pillage or what you are paid to break or protect.

Other Benefits

Some barbarians can find a more leisurely life in fighting arenas, but the high social life of prestigious champions is not fit for most barbarians, so life is either spent as a stepping stone on to the conquest of their champions, or as meat shields and fodder for the lower brow entertainment.


Social Status

Barbarians are often viewed as the bottom of society. It may be better than begging for scraps, but not by much. Sometimes, barbarians are a necessary tool on ships or in wagon trains for defense and menial labor.
There's always a demand by merchants and lesser lords for dispensable help on long journeys, but the rules and requirements (being polite to the nobles, bathing, etc.) often drive them away to tribal lands.
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