Official House Rules in Stellarium | World Anvil
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Official House Rules

Character Perks

When a character uses a particular skill, ability and spell constantly, it may get boosted to more of their liking.  
Example: A player uses the Healer's kit constantly to the point where they're proficient with it's tools. They may get a perk of adding their proficiency bonus modifier to her roles.   Another example is if a player helps with curing illnesses constantly, they could gain a perk of using the Healer's kit to cure a disease.
  (Player's are free to offer suggestions, but perks are determined at DM's discretion)

Skill Challenge

A new type of encounter inspired by 4e rulings. Instead of combat, racing or chase scenes where it would take too long to do by the mechanics. Skill Challenges implements challenges by having players roll for their ability skills.   They must meet the total number of successes to win, depending on the difficulty of the challenge. If there are 3 rolls below the required DC to succeed, then the skill challenged is considered a failure.
  • You can only use skills you're proficient with.
  • Once a skill is used, you cannot reuse it for the rest of the skill challenge.
  • No two players can use the same skill in the same round.

Milestone Leveling

Level up only done by milestones in Story Plot Progression and accumulation of every 3 Side Quests.

Tandem Turns

Using your reaction to hold your turn and wait for a trigger to take your turn; eg after another player's turn or during an ally's turn.

Advantage Stacking

Players now have the capability of stacking up Advantages and Disadvantages. They receive Advantage, +2, +4, +6, +8 +10 to attack on the number of advantages stacked.   Vice versa is true for Disadvantage; they receive a penalty of Disadvantage, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10 to attack respective to the number of disadvantages stacked.

Flanking Variant

In additional to the Flanking RAW, Flanking can be stacked as Advantages/Disadvantages can. Players who are flanking will grant Advantage, +2, +4, +6, +8, +10 respective to the amount of players flanking a single enemy.   (Example: If 4 players surrounds an enemy, the player directly behind the enemy gains Advantage +4 on the attack/damage roll)   Same ruling applies for enemies.

Focused Attacks

Players can target specific parts of the enemy by rolling at Disadvantage. On a hit when meeting a specific damage threshhold, the creature will gain a critical status ailment. (Example: Stunned for 1 round, loses an extra attack, blinded, etc)

Prone Variant

In addition to the RAW rulings on being prone, when a creature rises from being prone, you have opportunity attack against that creature.

Movement Speed Uses

You may use particular amounts of movements for additional perks.  
  • Use full movement to gain advantage on a single attack.
  • Use half movement movement speed to swap a single weapon you are proficient with that lacks the Heavy and Special properties.
  • Rest System Revamp

    Resting is how you gather your wits and and recuperate from injuries. The new alternative rest system goes as follows.  
    • Short Rest: A minimum of 1-2 hours is required for a short rest, RAW.
    • Long Rest: A minimum of 6-8 hours is required for a long rest. RAW.
    • Full Rest: A minimum of 1 day and a safe area with a bed to rest in comfort is required for a Full Rest. All Hit Dice, Health and Spell Slots are regained after a Full Rest. Feeling at their absolute best, Full Rests also provide temporary hit points. This rest is often lead into downtime, so the longer the full rest, the more benefits gained from it.

    Companions Rules

    Stibbles Codex of Companions will be included, overruling the RAW regarding pets. Pets have HP, but if they take damage twice their health, they die instantly. If raised back to life, the relationship will drop down to Fragile.

    Exhaustion when Unconscious

    When a character is revived or return to be being conscious, they will suffer 1 level of exhaustion and start prone on their turn. The exhaustion will stack if they continually reach 0 HP and brought back. If a player revived after being killed, they suffer 2 levels of exhaustion.

    Critical Hits

    Critical hits give maximum damage on their die roll. On a critical hit, the creature suffers an injury. Roll a d20 reflecting the type of damage dealt to determine the severity of the injury.

    Critical Fails

    When a creature critically fails an attack roll, a d20 is rolled for severity. Low severity would be a miss while high severity would be a detrimate effect to the creature or item.   (Example: falling prone, damaged armor, breaks weapon)

    Cover System

    Walls, trees, creatures, and other obstacles can provide cover during combat, making a target more difficult to harm. A target can benefit from cover only when an attack or other effect originates on the opposite side of the cover.
    If a target is behind multiple sources of cover, only the most protective degree of cover applies; the degrees aren't added together. For example, if a target is behind a creature that gives half cover and a tree trunk that gives three-quarters cover, the target has three-quarters cover. It is at DM's discretion

    • Half Cover: A target has +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. The obstacle has to cover at least half of its body. The obstacle might be a low wall, a large piece of furniture, a narrow tree trunk, or a creature, whether that creature is an enemy or a friend.
    • Three-Quarter Cover: A target has +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. About three-quarters of the body must be covered by an obstacle. The obstacle might be a portcullis, an arrow slit, or a thick tree trunk. You cannot have three-quarter cover with another creature.
    • Total Cover: A target cannot be targeted directly by an attack or a spell, although some spells can reach such a target by including it in an area of effect. A target has total cover if it is completely concealed by an obstacle.


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