Letter from Xei Document in Stellarium | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Letter from Xei

Hello Masami,   I concede, I may have overexerted myself which led to my loss of sight. But steady now, we are alive and well. As Ame was kind enough to read me the letter you've sent, she will be writing this letter to you. But if I am honest, I haven't been able to see more clearly before. I told you before that I had a plan, and that when all was said and done, I would ask a favor of you.    When I was a boy, what feels like many long years ago, I yearned to be an adventurer. To stand tall as the forgotten heroes of eld. But like a fool seeking to pluck the stars from the heaven, my every attempt to reprise their deeds fell short. So like cattled sheep I followed the footsteps of my family- to retain their legacy. I wasn't much good at many things, but I was gifted with photographic memory and a keen mind of problem-solving   And then, one day, an all but forgotten dream from my youth stood before me... in the flesh. At a dance club no less.   At journey's end, an opportunistic thief makes off with the hero's prize. A trivial way to end a chapter I admit. But your grand tale will continue, and my role in it will scarcely be remembered. Worry not. Whatever shall become of me, I shall be happy and free. Safe in the knowledge that I have given and played my part. If I have not traveled down this path I loathed, we wouldn't not know the knowledge I've learned.   Szorawai is so fixated on the fleeting thoughts, the dying memories of the past, they fail to heed the lessons of the past. The eternal blight of fiends has confounded them neigh on thousands of years. For each we put down, another risen in it's place, born of the same damned soul that was relinquished by it's predecessor. Szorawai forgets that while man is trapped in an endless cycle of life and death... their hopes and dreams of those that came before that are bequeathed to those that come after, that they might in time build upon the foundation of their forbearers. These are the bounds that hold man and this world together. These are the bonds that makes man eternal, and feared by the those who live eternal.   But now we have a way- we have heroes to contain that corruption. With you and yours, the fiends power will be broken, and this world twisted by the blood war will return to it's rightful form. There's more I wish to say about this but... that will be for another letter.   With you, Masami, my dreams and knowledge will travel the ends of the world and beyond. So I hope you'll forgive me this moment of selfishness. And I wouldn't want you to feel obliged... Promise me you'll take Amelia and Alicia on your next adventure. A journey. Together. That's all I ask.   With every good prayer for your success, thank you for fighting for this world, my friends-- my inspiration.  Yours Sincerely, Xei   P.S - If I was to tell you this isn't the end, that we will meet again. Would you believe me?
Text, Letter


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