Wargidgr Species in Stellaria Aeterna | World Anvil
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https://www.worldanvil.com/w/kustaanos-graydon-dric/a/razormaw-basilisk-article good inspis   Few have ever been able to study them closely enough to determine their exact numbers, but due to their size and carnivorous nature, it is believed that their population never grows very large. It's even reinforced by the winter cycle and the cannibalism that accompanies it.   Si on le met dans une planète de crystaux genre bourrée de crystaux de psi étou, ça passerait Genre un apex predator starved de puissance, qui vole X élément de ses proies, pour à la fois s'évoluer, et possiblement réguler la chasse "aveugle" des prédateurs inférieurs qui eux se nourrissent des herbivores/cristallivores. Très possible que ce soit la planète native des Iums & d'Edra. Et j'pense donc que par extension cette planète est très surveillée. (Pour le Crab King, c'un boss dont les capacités & les stats s'améliorent en fonction des pierres précieuses que tu insères en lui) (Et je vois bien un prédateur, qui fait ça lui même.) Maybe la Forge Melenis y est ATTENTION ON PARLE DE LA VERSION NORMALE ET DE LA VERSION CRISTALLINE


  The Wargidgr is a very tall predator mainly from @Ibreon, possess one great eye, several antlers on its head, two slendish and strong arms, a thick body, and fur capable of enduring the worst winters, two legs with hooves and thick muscles to let him walk as a biped for a long time.
It stays on top of the feed chain thanks to its capacities of using ice and crystals, encircling its prey and then smash them with his long arms or by smashing them with his antlers, but also because of its huge size. Being on top of the chain helps the local environment as many other predators are only hunted and slain by the Wargidgr, and hopefully, for the others, the Winter Cycle contains this predator.

Winter Cycle

Quand l'hiver arrive, ils passent également en chasse aveugle à cause de leur corps qui chauffe trop, leur faisant perdre la boule, notamment causant leur cannibalisme et un fort attrait pour ce qu'ils considèrent habituellement comme dangereux, même pour eux. Cela inclut notamment la civilisation et les ancêtres Terriums les plus anciens et puissants, comme les Galateiums ou les Tiberiums. When winter finally arrives, the Wargidgr enter into a period, they body overheat and disturb their mind which causes a temporary dementia which causes them to attack everything, even their own race which causes cannibalism, but also attacks the Terriums, a race of creatures that the Wargidgr basically accept near them. But it also affect heavily the fragile border between civilisation and nature, and Aferchites can't do this job everywhere and for everyone especially as its the normal nature, so civilisations must deal with those creatures by themselves and can cause heavy damages, especially on landscapes or city borders.    

Crystallian Variant

The Crystallian Wargidgr is similar to his normal version, but use cristals instead of ice to encircle prey, make their own lair if necessary, and consider the Terriums as some kind of pets. Besides their antlers are made with an ice-like cristal which can easily break with contact with hard surfaces, but regenerates quickly, especially with Terrium helps.

Female & Scarcity

Female Wargidgrs are very rarely quoted as they are way more discrete than their male counterpart, definitely known to exist despite their rare observations. But even so, it doesn't detract from a female's innate instinct to be more fearsome and lethal than even its male counterpart, even more, when considering the Winter Cycle exacerbating their hostility but also their maternal protection. Wargigrs are nomadic and move alone and often avoid each other by marking their territory through Psi. The only time when at least two can be seen together is when mating. But even after, the newborns are often left alone, to be raised by their killing instinct after a short protection span of a few weeks by the mother.  

Aferchites Usage

Even though unclear, it is highly possible that Edraïstos; while being one of the first Afernarian born by Afernaza; was based upon the Wargidgr, notably its Cristallian variant. This theory is highly reinforced by the unstable life cycles of Edraïstos, his cyclopean eye and its abilities bound to geology.

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