Tortuga Geographic Location in Stellaria Aeterna | World Anvil
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Tortuga is a star system located in the north of the Sarcholian empire, at the center-west of Paranis. It's by now a nebula from a star which was destroyed after by an Exor Miracle appeared from humans and slowly died because of it, which later helped the Jörmungandr to appear. The system is by now a contested neutral system, by mysticism or for its location, notably known these times for being of the rare system containing peaceful Priases.  
Do not mess with others without a reason.
— Motto and only Law of the Star Core Station, inside Tortuga.

The Star Itself

Tortuga was a giant blue star, having such a very bright light doubled by his Psi emissions caused the star to be at a time a kind of lighthouse, a marker within the nearby systems in case they had problems. Once it appeared and saved the Compendum from destruction, the Exor killed the star, accelerating its process into destruction, but instead of creating a huge supernova, she slowly leaked from itself, returning to her nebula state like a balloon. Nowadays, only the nebula remains with a huge greyish bubble similar to an atmosphere viewed from the sky within its center, created by the Exor and give the exact same atmosphere as some planets inhabited by humans.  


Between the gas planet and the asteroid field lays a huge space station which also serves as a petrol station, a motel, and a touristic guide with a thousand parking places with different sizes. On its surroundings are located 4 huge circles like buildings from the Grimms and Pure Kharises which are huge portals for fast travel, with 2 of them used by either the CSUN and Qualiangr.

The Compendum Mess

The Compendum is a worldship, which means its a ship large enough to be autonomous to sustain life onboard. When the Exor appeared and destroyed the star to protect the ship from drifting and its disintegration, it was heavily damaged though totally functionnal, several things went out of it, some buildings and a part of the main ship layer was destroyed and lays in space, it did several meteors drop, which caused some planets to move as the star gravity was unstable, clouds of gas and Psi out of the ship went wild and reacted with the newborn nebula clouds, disturbing all-electric and energiotic devices within the ship.   Around the star were located 3 dwarf planets long lost forgotten... all 3 imploded by some overcharge beams that pierced the Nebulous Exor slowly when the star began to explode. Further was located a giant gas planet with 7 moons, before the star incident, it theorized that they were more than 75 moons of different sizes, as the remnants formed a thick asteroid field around most planet remnant and the star corpse. The 7 remaining moons, while not completely destroyed, creating a very large asteroid belt of monstrous density, but with some "clear" paths at some of its parts which make it safe to use as a shortcut.


(Résumer la valeur de Tortuga, son statut qui a évolué de cataclysme stellaire à l'une des stations spatiales clés de l'ouest de Paranis, avec Sû'Grâan.) Story, system surtout use pour ces ressources ultra accessibles malgré les soucis de profondeurs ailleurs mais très fréquenté malgré tout, que c'est une station importante appartenant au Consort et l'une des plus important du côté ouest de Paranis avec Sû'Grâan, leeway, problèmes des systmes into desesperate and hopeful prayers des humains, qui créa l'Exor, draina l'étoile petit à petit pour aider le vaisseau au prix de "percer" l'étoile qui causa l'étoile de commencer à imploser, avec les humains qui sont restés coincé pendant quelques jours  

Leeway of the Compendum

(La dérive du vaisseau (appelé Compendum) qui transportait la 2e vague d'humains vers Sancta, l'apparition du Nebulous Exor)    

The Nullbase and the Star Core Station

(création de la station sus-citée au coeur de l'étoile & de la Nullbase)  

Jörmungandr Birth

  (Parler grossièrement de ce qui s'est passé pour l'infectation & de l'impact à venir du Jörm, qui va zbeuler la zone qui ne sera alors plus sous sa protection (luckily la Star Core Station avait déjà établi ses propres shields en cas de soucis avec la Nullbase).

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