The Traveler of the Depths of Paranis, V1, P7 : Insulting peoples is not always good. Language in Stellaria Aeterna | World Anvil
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The Traveler of the Depths of Paranis, V1, P7 : Insulting peoples is not always good.

Pals ! After discovering those wonderful recipes, perhaps I have few things to make you learn !

Do you know what is even worst than insult someone hidden ? Insult him in front, e-xa-ctly ! But what is even worst than this ? Insult a Grimms and lynch it ? Nah, you're false.

There are things to ABSOLUTELY not do say in front of a Kharis, whatever it's a Grimms, a Pure Kharises or any other unknown group of Kharises.. And I will tell them to you ! Well, obviously that means don't repeat them to your Kharis neighbor, except if you want to a new burned face.
  I asked to a lot of Kharises what would be the worst insults to them.. And strangely some were basically UNABLE to tell them as they are horrible ! To say that you should NEVER say them ! So, I basically classified them into 3 categories ; the worst worst worsts, the pure insults, and the one sometimes you say while joking.  

The Worsts

  • Dar'kharis : This is kind of the "ultimate insult" meaning that the one targeted by the insult is a honorless person, and is isn't even worth being a Kharis. 'Dar" being "Not a/your" , you're not a Kharis, you're nothing.
  • Dar'vak : As an insult to qualify people who aren't capable of living by themselves, and/or need to believe in something. Vak meaning "Life" it can directly being translated by : Not your life, which means that you don't own your life, and you're someone's puppet, clearly something that isn't very appreciated in the Kharis culture.
  • Grim'inn : This word is used as a direct insult, is one that has been directly created because of the wars between Pure Kharises and Grimms. It was originally an insult to qualify a Grimms, like for a "(anti)propaganda insult" against a doctrine.

The Used-In-Jokes-Sometimes

  • Briegla :This insult is, from the ancient Kharis, meaning as being violent for doing something to be proud of in the Kharis culture. It's a way to qualify a very rude and unfriendly attitude.
  • Kai'var :When you sometimes prefer to lack of honor in order to obey to your superior just to please them.
  • Krivam : When you disesteem other people, and act like you're the best, and other people are shit, you're a Krivam, to be simple. Boasters are often named "Lil'Kriv" when they are just funny, clowns.

The Offendings

  • Ek'Cuy :An Ek'Cuy is the most ugly creature that is known to the Kharis. It is also mainly used as an insult against someone's ugly personality or physic.
  • Merga:People that doesn't show empathy, or sympathy towards other people and do not help the people in needs are Merga.
  • Jorga :From the ancient Kharis, this insult was born after the first great war between the Grimms and Pure Kharises. Due to the honor that both groups have, it was meant to the people who used to be easily violent, especially the Grimms, but towards the Pures, as a surname aimed to qualify people who didn't used to be kind and polite, and were direct.
  • BalverWhen you're being perfidious, and vicious, this word is used as an insult. Even if some people don't find it very offensive, generally when hearing it you don't take it well.
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— Kharis Dictionary, with a dedicated part to the "bad" and "familiar" words.

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Author's Notes

As I don't have precise things to add in the sidebar, after the Summer Camp, I will probably move this article to a Prose-full-width article for a best visibility.

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