Toksik Frosch Species in Steeghan | World Anvil
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Toksik Frosch

The toxic frog was named not because of where it lives and thrives, the Tǎr-Nati, the sulfur caverns in the Teren-Okeân Divar, and the northern wasteland to name a few places, but because it is the most poisonous animal in the land. With a mere touch, the Toksik Frosch's poison can debilitate and kill a large buffalo in less than one hour.

After a few unfortunate starts, the study of the Toksik Frosch demonstrated that the average looking frog's poison is concentrated in it's liver and courses throughout the body which explains why poison enters the pores and contaminates with a simple touch. Before the victim comprehends the fatal error, the nerves have already started to be attacked by the poison. Within minutes, the seizures start, followed by paralysis and then death.

When the Gods decide to unleash their wrath on the land, only the Toksik Frosch will remain.

Throughout the ages, many attempts have been made to eradicate the Toksik Frosch, all without success. Since the size of the toxic frog is roughly one half of a Crown's hand (4 inches), and it's colors can vary, identifying the poisonous fiend is no easy feat. The only true identifiers are that the feet and webbing are constantly black. All of the extermination efforts accomplished only two things. First, 'if in doubt, squash' became the marching order to destroy the Toksik Frosch. By doing so, many other species of frogs came close to extinction. Second, the Toksik Frosch remained isolated in inhospitable locales.

As dangerous as the Toksik Frosch is, most of the population do not remember the plagues and the fear these little critters have caused throughout history. One organisation that has not forgotten is the Asamblare Kontaminace. They have devoted their lives to the accumulation of knowledge about every existing poisons. They use jewel encrusted representations of the Toksik Frosch as pendants to identify themselves.
3 years
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by Peter Hager


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