Shanshe and Kaivashe Myth in Stars of Destiny | World Anvil

Shanshe and Kaivashe


The old legends tell of the first queen and her daughters. The youngest was called Kaikou. She was loved by a man named Aori and he desired to have her with him always as his very own to share with no other. Such things were forbidden then. Though at first, she didn’t love him, she grew fond enough of him to want the same thing. Outraged, her mother called down a curse on their heads. She turned Kaikou into the smaller moon, the one we call Shanshe, and Aori into the larger moon, Kaivashe. Though they would always seen each other, they would never be able to touch out of embarrassment, for all of Nomaie would see it if they did. So they were doomed to forever wander the skies


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