Chancellor Manos Character in Starlight Travel Company | World Anvil
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Chancellor Manos

Chancellor Kythina C Manos

When the Assembly of Stars was founded a leader was called for and she was the one requested by it's people. Kythina Manos was an elected representative of the Palacios colony during its initial founding years. She had brought the Fexians to the diplomatic table to end The Azeban Conflict. This made her to be the prime candidate to lead the new federation as the first Chancellor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She stood with confidence. At any given moment you could see her presence, especially in public matters. Her body was thin and somewhat athletic, and face Her face was sharp and clean and always showed her to be angry and people would rarely see her smile.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kythina was always on the edge of civilizations seeing what many never did. She was leader that always kept her head in desperate situations. Her past taught her out to survive and her journey taught her how to live. The galaxy was defined by her actions.     Early Life
Born in the slums of Earth, she grew up in a period of fear and scarcity known as the Age of System Exploration. However, her time there was brief as explores from deep space returned with news of planets habitable for humanity. The United Alliance of Earth began making preparations to send out three expeditions. The first would the Yullican, the Second the Palacios, the Third would be the Balurs. In order to fill these expeditions, governments began recruiting volunteers to be sent on the journey. Scientists, military officers, financial donors, farmers, and engineers were the most desired by them and many lined up just to leave the planet in hopes of a better life. This left many would lack educations and money to even have the possibility of going. When the Yullican left it was the brightest hope humanity had in a long time even for Kythina.   It would never be heard from again. When time came for the Palacios, recruitment rates were much lower. This forced governments to create a lottery. A mandatory ticket that allowed anyone in the world to go. Many saw this has a possible new chance even with the risk. Others saw this as being sent to their grave. Kythina became one of the those luckily draftees at age 10. Separated from her family she was sent a year later on the colony ship to this new world. While little is known about her family, it was believed that they sent her off without question and records state that Kythina would never speak with her family again.   It would be an entire two years later when they arrived at the planet which, the colonists named Palacios. While there were many struggles with the colony, it was not as difficult as they would have thought. The planet was a golden world, a paradise that had everything they needed. Years later, the colony would prosper and when the third expedition arrived, they were welcomed with open arms. Within the next ten years, trade was established between Earth and Palacios reigniting the desire to explore the cosmos.
  Representing the Planet
Due to the lack of children in the early stages of the colony, she was apprenticed by many professions, but took an affinity towards public speaking and resolve conflicts. With such a skill set she was at first brought into the police force as an assistant deputy. She did well for a time, but it wasn't till the colony wanted representing in the UAE. Some protesters began rallying support legally and illegally. She allowed all of it whether her supervisor agreed or not. The current Colony Commissioner was employed by the UAE to manage the colony and in truth the colony didn't have any representation other than him. When she argued about this in a city commision meeting she was fired.   For the next year, she joined the protestors and many more rallied to the cause as a popular law enforcement officer was fired for disagreeing with the Commissioner. When the time came for election of the Commissioner, it was postponed due to civil unrest. A simple official soon became a tyrant in the eyes of many of its citizens. Riots ignited in the city and the Massacre of Sanhana Square took place. With fifteen dead, the rioters turned into an organized movement called the Liberation Activists. Being one of the few surviving witnesses, Kythina would stand with them and with her Sanhana Square Speech, she turned the hate away from their fellow citizens working in the local government, but to the UAE would allow this all to happen. The unrest spread all the way to Earth and to the other growing colonies. Protestors sprouted out all over to help the fight. It would not be enough for change.   By now Kythina would be a popular member of the Liberation Activists. She was a symbol of change as she was once against them, but now had turned the tables in their favor. Knowing more action was needed, a large-scale rally was needed so action could be taken. This event would be labeled the Execution of Liberty as the rally turned into something different by the UAE authorities. They arrested anyone who attended, but radicals decided to fight instead of letting them take their brothers and sisters. Over one hundred people died that day. Kythina was wounded in the leg from the battle just would recover after a few days of medical assistants. With her and a few others as the last remaining leadership, she took whomever was left and willing to storm the government all the way back on Earth. There she made a speech with three others the crimes committed to ensure that they would not be allowed their own rights. Broadcasted across the nation, many rallied to their cause. It would be a few months alter the UAE would concede to their demands. Kythina was made Colony Representative by a fair election held by the Palacios colony where we would work to establish the power the colonies had to this day.
  The Azeban Conflict
By now she was well established in the political realm. She was a part of the Distant Systems Party, which advocated colony rights, reduced of a centralized power, and exploration. She was reelected twice and going strong in her third term. However, colonization of Azeban became a conflict completely unexpected to everyone. While many advocated war, Kythina was not which surprised her closest friends. Even against the UAE's orders, she began speaking with fexian diplomats to bring the conflict to its end swiftly. It believed that her efforts along with the tactical occupation of key mining facilities brought peace between them.   When the treaties were being signed she pushed the party to develop a xenophile stance to encourage an alliance which had proved beneficial with the Kessnar Assembly. While a popular opinion it was controversial with the recent war. However, with her actions to help persuade human and Tasinara populations of the idea. She was on the ground talking directly to them which was a normal move for the colony representatives. Once again, she was under fire from the lead nations and when it was discovered her actions during the war she was removed from office to due to treason.   This did not stop her, but it was unknown what she did afterward. Some accounts say, she toured United Democratic States as the first human to do so. Others say she stayed in UAE space and worked to bring them alliance together. In the end, the Distant Systems Party and the smaller Xeno Connections Party were able to bring the talks together for the three galactic powers. Kythina was ordered to come as a speaker during this conference. The Conference of Galactic Powers was held on 2221 which had speeches and debates from the most prominent people in the nations discussing the implications of such an alliance. Kythina did something different and proposed a Galactic Federation that would be a mediatory for such disputes and bring all planets a state of equality, so they all have a voice and not just ones that have the most influence. Each nation at first was completely against it, but it was the normal people who deserve it the most. The speech blew up over social media and small-time politicians from all over saw this as a great opportunity to support a cause. A single voice began millions and as the week went by, so did the minds of the older politicians.   On 2221, two weeks after the speech, a new treaty was signed one to united them under a federation called the Assembly of Stars. It would be a month later before the official operations would made and elections for this new organization would be held. Kythina was a natural candidate for Palacios's seat and won it with no competitions. During their first ever meeting as senators, Senator Manos would be proposed to be Chancellor along with Senator Damaris and Senator Nxya. With a slim victory Kythina won the election and began the first Chancellor of the Assembly of Stars.
  The Chancellorship
Chancellor Manos would be chancellor for about 30 years with several reelections before she retired. She was an advocate of much, but most notably lowering the requirements for traveling and migration. While Chancellor her successors would take her actions as a guide on how to be the Chancellor. Her unbiased nature assisted the foundation of the Assembly and would be noted to have saved it from collapse on a few occasions. Most notably First Contact with the Qiuva, the Rise of the Nationalists of 2236, and 2246 Coup of Kessnar Assembly would be the most difficult trials she had to endure during her service.   Her final actions in office would be the enactment of a large standing fleet loyal to the Assembly and not the member nations. Many would cite this as a reduction of planetary rights to a centralized authority of the Assembly would make many enemies within the senators of the assembly. It would fortify the borders if any hostile species were still out there. This would be the first step for the Assembly to be a power then an agreement which she advocated.


  Chancellor Kythina Manos would be remembered for her passions and past. The skills of public speaking would be cited by many up and coming politicians. She was a leader of the people first and foremost. Her actions allowed for more equality and liberty in the member nations. With the Assembly would be the greatest achievement that galaxy has ever seen, it would lead the world in freedom. The people of the galaxy would praise her actions and is seen as a great hero of democracy. In the year of her retirement a statue of her was place in the Garden of Democracy within Assembly Station . In her later years she still worked as an advocate towards the Assembly and bring together the species of the galaxy.

Personality Characteristics


She desired representation among the colonists she lived with. As time went on it became more about allow others to have equal say no matter where they were from or their background.  

Personal Life

  Many of people who had a chance to befriend her, which were few and far between, would notice the a change she would undergo from her time in law enforcement to political leader. During her early years, she said be very relatable and at times a great sense of humor. As a result, everyone in the colony knew her and because of her actions in her job; she became quite respected. She would have friends from all walks of life but would end up somewhat distant from them. Friends and coworkers would mention how she would enjoy her alone time and was a avid reader of history. When first contact was made with the Tasinara, she wouldn't stop talking about them. Her mentor and adopted father at the colony would say her curiosity to understand others and to solve their problems was almost contagious when around her. Even during the times of sorrow, she held her head high and would be the one encouraging others to do the same.   As time passed and she went from an activist to a representative of the entire colony her perspective changed and her demeanor would sour. Friends would desire to see her would receive the normal excuse of being busy or she was too tired to talk. While not completely a lie, her job put a great toll on her mentally. With dealing with Earth's elite who saw her more as a threat to their power then a fellow representative from a distant world. She had to quickly navigate the struggles of two faced politicians who lived and breathed this culture compared to her small colony back home. It was a change that didn't happen overnight, but would be notice by her fiance at the time. He would explain that she became more logical more calculated something which was not her normal self before taking the position. Her morality would be darkened and by the time of the Azeban conflict, the two would go their separate ways.   When the she declared a traitor by the UAE, she still had her optimistic stubbernous, but it was clouded. She went to live with childhood friends for sometime and this is when many historians would cite as a real transition for her. Her motivation was to help the her people of Palacios, but by now the colony was more like a budding metropolis compared to the colony she once fought for to represent. She was a different woman and the colony was different as well. This made her go from looking at the small picture to the big picture. By then everyone she knew from the colony would push her out of their lives fully. She became completely foreign to them. This made her begin traveling to all over the galaxy. It changed her and as such she began making new friends in the political circle. No longer the trusting colonist of her youth, but a cutthroat politician who would become a master of the game making her self imposed isolation grow to an unhealthy extenet. By this point there was no distinction between work and leisure time. The time had become one in the same. Instead of reading about history, she read dossiers on her enemies and would charm potential allies with what she researched about them. This could be the time where she would meet her longest lasting friendships. Even as Chancellor, she would rely on these friends almost daily. She only ever kept accepting heavier burdens because if she didn't the she would have failed the people who couldn't speak out.   It would only be during her time as Chancellor in which she would start seeing mental help at the request of her friends. In time and through therapy she would mellow, and her stress levels would lighten up. The people of today would remember this side of her the most. She became extremely forgiving and her humor would return, but not as charming as it once was in her early years. While never marrying, she returned to dating with one specific Tasinara for several years, but work for both of them would prevent any such union. In her final years, she was calm, collected, and as stubborn as a bull. Her friends found her engaging, happy, and on occasion she her smile if only her successor wasn't making her wish she didn't retire.
Neutral Neutral
2185 2267 82 years old
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.8 m
59.2 kg
Aligned Organization


While distance between us is far, it is up to us to forge bonds strong enough so the stars align closer together
Tyrants believe their power is absolute, but it's there people who supports their strength. Remove it's base and he will crumble.
Hard power is the strength of armies and fleets, but soft power is the ability to have people give you their hard power.

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Cover image: by AnthonyFoti


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Sep 25, 2019 23:11

I really like the quotes from her. They have a very emotive feel to them, which I think is key when trying to understand someone whose life has had a very strong impact on the world around them. From what you have written, I have a good understanding of why her work was so important. I'm very curious to know more about her, such as how her devotion to politics affected her personal life.

Sep 26, 2019 03:07

Thank you for the compliment! I really appreciate it! I added some more content to enlighten her life a little bit more. Hopefully that answers your curiosity.