Alnwich Settlement in Starfall | World Anvil
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Nestled among the towering pines of the Skjaldafoll foothills on the timeless shores of the Trollenmere, Alnwich makes its cold, secluded home. Here ancient wooden houses and new stone towers stand side by side watching over the bobbing fishing boats of the lakeside docks.   The newly bustling streets are alive with excitement over the fur boom. Trappers burdened with raw pelts and a lust for wealth make their way to the Royal Mercantile Syndicate's outpost. Wild warriors crash through the doors of Jeremy's Bender, their brawl spilling onto the street while comely ladies of Milä deftly sidestep the ruckus.  


In what was once the land of the Skidafolk before their clan fell under the rule of the Uskings, Northmarch encompasses the northwestern reaches of Usk, and where the Skaldafoll and Wilderlands meet, there is an ancient and deep lake with no rivers flowing into or from it. This crescent-shaped lake is known as the Trollenmere.   The sliver of a lake some 70 miles from north coast to west coast and about 10 miles wide at its widest as it curls around the southernmost mountain of the Skaldafoll, Kalwinberg. Of unknown depth, the unnaturally clear and icy waters still obscure its tremendous depths where legends whisper of primordial beasts and abominations. Still, the lake is home to many fish and birds, and countless deer, beavers, ermines, stoats, otters, and more drink from its frigid waters freely.   To the north of Trollenmere lies the slopes of Kalwinberg, covered in pines to an altitude of 9,000 feet, marks the northern edge of the Dunweald, and this branch is known as the Silverketh. On the southern shore of the great lake lies Dunmire, a large, still expanse of fens, bogs, and marshes about twenty miles long about which the Finwold wraps and hugs the lake. Where the Finwold and Silverketh meet in the west is a clearing occupied by the ruins of the ancient city Thanras whose doom is not known to man and most feel should stay that way. And nestled near that ancient city shrouded in secrets is a small, stony island known as Kattaholm. The otherwise unremarkable island gained renown generations ago when sorcerers built a castle atop its granite crags and cliffs and named it Seidrborg. The marvelous edifice still remains, but the school has long since vanished into the mists of time.   And on the opposite end of the lake in the north, an unassuming town called Alnwich clings to life amidst the enchanted forests of the Dunweald. There, the stalwart descendants of the Skidafolk eke out a living hunting, farming, and fishing in the puny hollow of civilization they have carved from the Wilderlands. Connected to the rest of Northmarch, they are among the most isolated congregations of people in Usk, but that is changing. A driving desire throughout the kingdom for furs has created a small boom, with the Royal Mercantile Syndicate moving in to acquire furs and feed the insatiable demands of civilization. Furs. The people of Alnwich all but exist these days to support the fur trade, but that same trade is changing their enchanting village. But the call of the Wilderlands is never far and the Skidafolk still remember days of communion with the Forest. The North remembers its freedom – a freedom that burns inside every resident.  


Alnwich has a long and rich history deeply marked by the subjugation of the local people by the Kingdom of Usk. This history is widely believed to extend to the time before the Starfall, but just as with so much from those forgotten days, the ravages of that apocalypse and ensuing dark age have taken their toll any knowledge of the local antiquity. Today, all that is known of the pre-fall lands about the Trollenmere is what is sung in the songs of the Skidafolk.   As far back as any Alnwich locals can recollect, the Skidafolk lived on the southern slopes of Kalwinberg, along the margins of the Silverketh, and from the eastern banks of the Trollenmere eastward for several days’ walk in Spring. They are a strong, hardy people accustomed to the hardships of such a northern existence, and their defiance of Kore’s call has made them proud. Quick to laugh and quick to fight, the Skidafolk always defended their own as they farmed what would grow in such harsh climes; husbanded sheep, goats, and reindeer; and gathered fruits and berries from the forest’s edge.   And while the Skidafolk may have fought the winter, they also fought their neighbors. Like so many of the northern peoples, the Skidafolk were most at home when at war. Their men and boys would don hides and linen for armor and march to war with axe and spear in hand, while their women would stay behind and defend the homeland with spears and polearms. Never did they yield territory, and always did they succeed in such gruesome ventures for generations upon generations. But then the King of Usk turned his northward.   Several generations ago, Usk was hemmed in on the south by Arnath, in the east by Carantania, and in the west were the unexplored Wilderlands that so fervently resisted any civilizing efforts. Despite these barriers, the king wanted to expand, so he looked to the one border that had yet to be truly tested. He gathered his armies and marched north into what is now Northmarch. The tribes of the North fought valiantly, but their hide armor was no match for the Uskings’ mounted charges, and their axes seemed to bounce off of Usking mail. The knights of Usk quickly defeated all resistance set forth, and the Skidafolk, among others, were subjugated.   This conquering took a mental toll on the psyche of the Skidafolk. They resented their new overlords, but even more, they were ashamed of their defeat. To this day, they still hold out hope of reclaiming their freedom in an orgy of blood and gore, but with each passing season, more Uskings move north, the Skidafolk culture diminishes, and that hope fades. The Skidafolk are becoming Usking, and they hate it.   This is why the Skidafolk of Alnwich are all too happy to take the money of Uskings for such silly things as furs and pelts. This is why the Skidafolk support crime and banditry as long as it targets Usking caravans and soldiers. This is why the aldermen quietly try to subvert the rule of the Baron and the Earl. This is why the Eklunds and Holts so fervently hate the Dahlgaards. This is why the Fiskers are so terribly proud of their lineage. This is why Skidisk is continues to be spoken. This is why the Earl is so lenient.  

Factions & Organizations

There are several noteworthy organizations and factions in Alnwich:  


The people of Alnwich are polytheists who worship a group of 13 deities that trace their roots back to the Skidafolk. For more information, see Religion of Alnwich.  

What Every Visitor Needs to Know

Visitors to Alnwich are stepping into a rough and tumble frontier town on the edge of the wilderlands. The streets are muddy and winding, the markets are dominated by the Royal Mercantile Guild, and local families control many of the industries. Most people follow rules because the local garrison is stationed here, but there are those who still try to work around the laws and edicts. Still, the local culture is vibrant and lively with nearly weekly festivals, a rich religious life and appreciation for art.  

Tolls & Fees

There are two places Earl Borg demands tolls of travelers: the town gates and the docks. This toll is $10 per person, plus $20 per beast of burden, plus $50 per wagon or cart. This fee is collected by the local garrison at the gates and by the Fiskers at the docks.   Aside from this mandatory toll, there are many voluntary fees for services adventurers may be unable or unwilling to perform for themselves or that just make life easier. The Dahlgaards, Eklunds, and Holts charge for wilderness guides and transportation, the Fiskers rent boats and charge a dockage fee for others’ boats, and the Royal Mercantile Syndicate rents animals and wagons and may sell maps of the wilderness.  

Local Talent

The typical hometown heroes are barbarians, clerics, druids, holy warriors, scouts, shamans, and thieves. Assassins, elementalists, innkeepers, knights, scholars, swashbucklers, and wizards are rarer than usual, and both demonologists and necromancers are all but unheard of in these parts – and when they do surface, are almost always evil. Martial artists, psions, and ninjas simply do not exist, even as foreign travelers.  

Profiting in Alnwich

It may nice to be able to live on the edge of society where laws are looser and one is more in control of one's destiny, but it’s even nicer to make a profit while doing it! Most adventurers make their profits by selling loot they find while off on adventurers, and that means interacting with the Alnwich’s economy.  


Alnwich is an isolated community on the edge of civilization whose only major industry is fur production. While several families specialize as trappers and furriers, by sanction of the king, there is only one legal way to export those furs – the Royal Mercantile Syndicate. That means there is always a buyer for rare or valuable things in town – even if the locals either have no interest in or the money for such goods. The downside is that they are very rigid in their pricing!  


Sometimes adventurers want to spend money on more than just stuff. Such intangibles include housing, entertainment, services, etc.  

Accommodations & Entertainment

Alnwich may be a small town compared to some other places, but it still supports a couple of inns and some of the rowdiest taverns in the region. Additionally, most homeowners are willing to rent a room or sell a meal, too. Homeowners typically charge $150 a week for such accommodations.   GURPS Mechanics
This requires a reaction roll of Good or better (13 or higher), but this can be influenced with coin! A bribe of $50 gets a +1 on the reaction roll. Increasing the bribe increases the benefit: $250 gets +2, $1,000 gets +3, and $5,000 grants +4.


There are two main inns in Alnwich: The Gambler and Close to Home. The former offers room and board befitting a common freeman for $150 per week and hosts a single suite suitable for a wealthy merchant for $300 per week. For patrons who cannot afford even a basic room, the Broken Sword will rent out an empty stable stall with daily leftovers stew for $75 per week. The Golden Cask is somewhat more upscale with rooms ranging from $150 per night up to $750 a week, and they don’t rent out the stables.   Other housing options include staying in farmhouses beyond the town walls, and even purchasing a home (this requires Comfortable Wealth and a payment of $10,000). Camping beyond the farms means facing daily random encounter rolls and making weekly Survival (Woodlands) rolls with the usual consequences. Living on the streets with Urban Survival works normally.   Both staying with a farmer or camping require paying the gate toll every time you need to enter town.  


There are three taverns in town – Jeremy’s Bender, Lucky Man Pub, and The Three Fates. These places are renowned for their rowdy crowds, bawdy barmaids, and wild bards and musicians. Of the three, Jeremy’s Bender is the most violent, but it’s also the best place in Alnwich to find more physical hirelings – and to make contact with the Fellowship. Lucky Man Pub caters to those with more eclectic tastes, and serves Rimewater, or their famous lingonberry meed on a roll of 12 or less on 3d, and employs a rather talented chef. And if you’re looking for excellent music, The Three Fates, located near the docks, won’t disappoint. It’s also a regular hangout for the Fiskers, dockworkers, furriers preparing to set out into the Wilderlands.  

Magical Services

The magic users of Alnwich offer a variety of services to townfolk and adventurers alike.  
Bespoke Enchantment
If a magic item can’t be readily found already made, you can always commission one through Collegium Arcana, Hella Winter’s coven, or the Alnwich Pantheon.  
Non-enchantment spells that do not count as “on” can be purchased from one of the magic-workers in Alnwich as a standard one-time service. The chance of someone in town knowing the spell is 15 or less on 3d, and the going rate for anything aside from Healing is $5 per energy point.   Dark Magic Corrupt magic, like that which raises the dead or summons demons, is not readily available. A Streetwise roll at -2 can turn up a cultist, diabolist, or some such skeleton in Alnwich’s closet who is willing to work for $50 per energy point. Critical failure means being literally branded a criminal somewhere visible, plus loss of all gear and possessions.   Powerful Castings These prices assume an effective skill level of 15, but higher quality castings are possible at +40% to cost per +1 to effective skill. There is no discount for lower effective skill levels.  
The Alnwich Pantheon employs a variety of mundane skills, curatives, concoctions, spells, and prayers in their healing rituals. These take 1d hours to complete, including time spent waiting for the priests and acolytes to prepare the sacred space. An offering of wealth is compulsory and offsets the cost of incense, oils, candles, and the clergy’s cost of living. Of course, the healing is always worthwhile; rituals performed properly always work!   Basic Healing Each HP cured costs $2, to a maximum of $100 for all HP. Awaken Subject from supernatural sleep, suspended animation, etc., so long as a Remove Curse spell is not specifically required. $5.   Cure Physical Affliction Remove any one disease, poison, or infestation; stabilize a mortal wound; etc., or put an incurable person in suspended animation. $50.   Cure Supernatural Affliction Removes one instance of madness, petrifaction, possession, shapeshifting, or any other curse. $100.   Repair Crippling Heals lasting or permanent crippling in one body part. For this purpose, a limb and its an extremity are considered a single body part. Each eye, however, is its own body part. $750 for instant restoration or $50 if it takes a month.  
Repairs & Refits
While hardly a large city, Alnwich has a few capable craftsmen either brought in by the Royal Mercantile Syndicate for their own use or who have moved into town to service the trappers and furriers. Most local artisans are skilled enough at woodworking, metalworking, etc. to maintain equipment and buildings, but they don’t specialize in armorsmithing, weaponsmithing, etc.   Trivial Repairs The kind of fixes that anyone might seek, these are easily handled by anyone in town. Such repairs cover basic functionality but not structural work resulting from loss of DR or HP; examples include straightening a bent tool, sharpening a knife or spear head, etc. Cost is $1 x 1d+4, and time is 1d x 10 minutes, if it matters.   Serious Repairs Specialized craftsmen are often needed to handle structural damage like restoring DR lost to corrosion or reforging a shattered blade – if it’s possible at all! Cost is (1d+1) x 10% of the object’s mundane value, which includes a 10% commission. The work takes a week, and if the item actually broke and magical properties were lost, the repairs won’t restore them.   Fixer Uppers As per Dungeons, p. 14, this allows craftsmen to refit armor, restring a bow to a new ST, etc., as long as it is permitted by the GM. These are all possible in Alnwich at a cost equal to 10% of mundane item value and takes one week.   Upgrades Any armor, shield, or weapon modifiers that represent materials (bronze, dragonhide, etc.) or integral structures (balanced, fine, etc.) cannot be added after the fact. Some can be polished until mirrored, made ornate or silver-coated, or bejeweled, though, and many shield modifications are possible as add-ons. Doing so costs the difference in value, plus a 10% commission, and takes one week to complete.

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