Star wars: shards Great Jedi Purge

Great Jedi Purge

Political event

14/8 15:00

slaughtered most of the Jedi Order

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordered the extermination throughout the Galaxy of the entire Jedi Order from Grand Master Yoda down to the newest youngling in the Jedi Temple Creche.


Because Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn had strong influence as young Anakin Skywalker's Master, Darth Sidious was never able to subvert young Anakin to the service of the Dark Side. He shifted his efforts to training Inquisitor Jerec, a former Jedi Master who chose to deny the Light Side in favor of the Dark. Jerec led the hunt for escaped Jedi until the apprenticed twins from the Tapani Sector, Feyd and Dragomir, were ready to take over the main effort.


In the Tapani Sector, this event included the Mecetti Purge when House Vormecetti whittled House Vorpelagia down to a fragment of its former size.

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Tapani Imperium (article)