The Game is Afoot, Part 3 Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

The Game is Afoot, Part 3

General Summary

Hunters, Bounties, and History Lessons!

  (image Episode302_part_3.jpg goes here)  

When last we left . . . .


. . . . following the trail of clues leads our heroes to the world of Coruscant. There, they follow two paths.


The first takes Vanya, Danar, Davish and Aerena down to Coruscant's level 1313, once "Vance Kerplocken" made his presence known on Coruscant. There, they meet with Auntie Maicha, the matron of the bar 'Dead Ringer'. After a brief negotiation, and winning an illegal race against Auntie's champion, Auntie agrees to help the heroes with information. That is, until bounty hunters smash into the Dead Ringer looking for the heroes!


Meanwhile, the Force guides So'Zen to a mysterious figure sitting on a bench outside the Knight's Hall. There the young Jedi gains some insight into the mysterious hyperspace passage to and from Byss that cannot possibly exist. Then the Force leads So'zen directly to the detectives investigating the murders in the Crimson Knights Hall. This leads the young Jedi to the Imperial Palace of the Star Empire, drawn by an urge from the Force. One that told him to take the historical tour.

unidentified Weequay: What the HELL is that guy firing??!
Vance Kerplocken: I don't know … but I've got to buy MY furniture where Auntie does!

Life according to Aerena Kolene:

The Game is Afoot 3: Spook!?!?!?!?!?
Report | Feb 24, 2019

Notes from VN Ysadora:

The Game is Afoot 3: Mystic Mob Investigations
Report | Mar 4, 2019

Aftermath: Next Destination


OOC, from the GM:

Ok, this is a question I need input from all the players. So, at the end of the Episode 3.02, part 3 session … all of you had talked about wanting to discuss with the Empress about getting the items from her to take along with you.
I would like to propose I handle that as the intro of a new episode, instead of running that small conversation at the start of the next session. INSTEAD, I was wanting to advance the story some by having a "traveling opening scene" that Star Wars loves doing. But to do that, I need to know where the characters are wanting to head to next?
I know Vanya is intent on going to Thyferra. After some discussion, N8-4C0 was wanting to head to Chalcedon.
Where is Danar, So'zen, and Aerena wanting to head next on this investigation? Chalcedon? Thyferra? Somewhere else?
Bear in mind, that I am COMPLETELY OK with the characters splitting up to go to different locations at the same time. That is very "Star Wars" ( aka Luke goes to Dagoba while the others are at Cloud City, etc ).
I just need to know this week so I can plan for the next session.

Aerena's player:

Aerena is interested in going to Thyferra. She still has an important conversation to have with a certain techie.


So'zen's player

That kind old man in the park suggested that I go to Thyferra, that it would remind me of home and I'd find something interesting there….the Force has also pointed me in that direction, but So'zen after stating these facts will go with the group as a wholes decision.


Aftermath: Detective Work


Vanya's player

Questions from the character:

  [quote]How much similarity is there between how a kid becomes a Crimson Knight and how a kid becomes a Jedi Knight? Does Commander Ivana Maeques have about as much idea of "budget" and "finance" as Master Kenobi? Or do the Crimson Knights, too, stare at Sir Tam blankly when he says "money does not actually grow on trees"?  

(She's asking because Vanya has this "great" idea to stick a very small advertisement in the Holonet version of Craigslist. But if the CKs are not likely to be trying to make ends meet, or conceal their actual needs inside other activities, there's no point asking the GM if I can set something in motion between sessions.)



The Crimson Knights do not operation like the Jedi monk order. The knights have a 'business manager' whose entire job it is to interact with a financial investment firm out of the Corporate Sector, and manage the money for the knight order as a whole.
The Order actually, quite literally, 'owns' property. The property takes the shape of actual land, and merchant ships. A small fleet to be exact.
This property is rented out for use, after the renter has been approved by the Knight-seneschal. Part of the proceeds are brought back in and subdivided between Order expenses, future investments, payment of the investment firm, and covering expenses of this business arm of the Crimson Knights themselves.
With the knights missing, Davish has no idea what the Knight-seneschal's instructions were to the financial institution of Bartins, Marrow, and Ton'wath.
So yes, Commander Maeques has an idea of budget and finance. In fact, part of her job as Commander is as a business administrator as much as it is a military commander of a Force sensitive knight order.

So'zen's player

As for Davish and the Crimson landholders….I say he should follow the money…if they left as a hole, my guess is they are in one of those "safehouses"


Vanya herself

Our problem with following the money, so far, is that Bartins, Marrow, and Ton'wath tell Sir Tam that he's not on the Authorized Account User list, have a good day sir, and then they terminate the holonet call. So we need to either rescue someone who's ON the list; or get Davish inserted onto the list; or get a Skywalker twin to take a couple semesters of finance law courses and then show up identifying as an authorized auditor (not the religious version!) who suspects one of the renters may be conducting financial shenanigans.
I am not sure Luke can keep a straight face.
I am not sure Leia can not shoot anybody for obfuscating. Somewhere she picked up this phrase, "Boring conversation anyway!", and it means a trigger is being pulled.
Anyway, it looks like we are currently split as 4 for Thyferra, 1 for Chalcedon, and Danar has not yet spoken up.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Corellian Twister, Bartins, Marrow, and Ton'wath


(Vanya spent a Force Point on stopping the momentum of all moving objects in the Dead Ringer, in order to try to keep her friends and the civilians alive.)
Report Date
02 Apr 2016
Primary Location


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