The Game is Afoot: Government houses are all the same Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

The Game is Afoot: Government houses are all the same

written by Aerena Kolene's player

General Summary

Which way did it go?


Day 3


I am part of a trio this time. The young Jedi, the protocol droid, and I are detailed off to meet a representative of Impsec. This young woman already knows who we are, our pasts, and our skill set. She knew I had a past with the Medusas, that young So'Zen has a special ability with astrogation, and how good the protocol droid is. She takes us to a tech center with the various bits and bobs sent in from our last assignment. She also mentions that we can see the body if we want then leaves us “alone”.


Mandalorian iron is a component of the arm that was on the bounty hunter. The cybernetic arm is highly advanced. It appears to be outlaw tech, so I get out my tools and open it up. Damn thing shocks me. That is going to be painful for whichever tech was responsible for setting that trap. I shake it off and get back into it using my special multi-tool. I am able to move the wiring up without disconnecting anything and suddenly the light dawns. I have seen something like this in the Medusas. We got a special thing made once by Silar Mins, a genius even among the genius outlaws, for a job. It allows the controller to remotely control droids within range and this particular baby has the ability to talk to nearby communication systems for a boost to the range. Now why would this bounty hunter have this? And how did he get it? I need to get in touch with Silar – for two reasons now.


N8 and the So’zen are discussing the possibility of what their combined data tells us. There is one planet that seems to be important to both sets of data. So’zen calls back in our contact and they begin talking about the map he has been able to create. There is a straight line on it which should be impossible, but he trusts the force. However, he does say that it is probable to be of some “dark” power. She tells us that there is a citadel on that planet that was used by the Emperor for his special projects. The young So’zen tries humor – does as much good as a lead balloon.


She then asks both N8 and I what we have learned. I don’t know if they tell her everything, but I don’t tell her anything except about the trap which I am sure they saw on the monitors. She leaves and then I move on to the arm to destroy it so they can’t learn what I did. I try, but Silar did yet another trap. Just as it zaps me again, the building rocks to a huge explosion. N8 gets us re-breathers when gas starts filling the room. So’zen tells his droid to get the fans working, but that is a no go. Apparently the building is being controlled by someone or something outside the building. We discuss options and N8 is going downstairs, where the explosion occurred, while So’zen and I head upstairs to the cars to evacuate. So’zen grabs the arm, which I couldn’t blow up, and puts it in his droid. We head for the door when a blast knocks the droid back. Outside are five mercenaries in full armor who scan us and say, “It’s in the droid. Get the droid!”


The mercs fire a device at the droid and it looks like they are trying to hack in. One fires in, she appears to be in charge and telling the others what to do. She fires in and So’zen dodges while one of the others dons a hologram and heads off to the side – maybe the maintenance room? And for what? Then So’zen does this Jedi thing and suddenly the device on the droid crunches and falls off. I try to shoot my blaster, but the computer in this building detects the ignition and disables my weapon! I grab two batteries off the shelf and chunk them at the chick in front. I hit her with both of them and she goes down. N8 heads off to do protocol droid things and manages to contact building security for backup.


The Jedi goes into some sort of trance while I get down behind the wall and shoot my blaster – from outside the door!- in order to bypass the suppression field. I hit another one of the mercs and knock it down. Two down, two busy, one to go. The one in front gets partially up and fires at So’zen who is walking towards the mercs with his light saber out and ready.


One of the mercs fire at So’zen who blocks it with his light saber and it ricochets into the ceiling and suddenly the fire suppression tube is blown out and the hallway around So’zen is filled with water. He walks on though dripping wet. I fire at the merc from behind the wall and hit solidly. She doesn’t fall and fires back. She hits the door frame and another shot at So’zen seems to have some sort of effect. I fire at her again with less of an effect and she fires and misses again. One of the mercs had tried to get away from the fight so he could concentrate on the droid. A projectile heads toward So’zen who jedi’s it and it goes into the room the merc had been heading. It was a sonic grenade! The merc is affected and is having trouble. So’zen also is feeling some effects from the last blast.


An Arc trooper suddenly pops in the back and fires a cleansing fire. All mercs are taken care of and he leaves just as suddenly as he came. Now I will admit that I might have a few details wrong here. There was so much going on and shots were going in every direction. All I know for certain is that I do love me an Arc trooper!!

Character(s) interacted with


From Beskar Aran Chaplain Ysadora, who always likes to talk up the Clone Troopers:  
His name is Brutto and his personal philosophy is “More Is More”. Some people have tried to suggest to him, such as the company quartermaster, that in fact LESS is More, and maybe he could stop throwing ammo around in large numbers. Brutto says no. He likes large quantities of ammunition, big noises, massive weapons, big parties, punching an opponent a few extra times, overpowered explosions, and baking. He has no time for anybody who does not live their life as large as possible.
It is entirely possible that Brutto may have dated a Medusa at one time or another, his designated chaplain does not know. He has never been actually stabbed by an angry ex-girlfriend, so … maybe? I mean. Getting knocked on his shebs is a natural consequence of trying to date up a member in good standing of a successful, highly feared pirate gang.
Report Date
20 Feb 2016


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