Galen Panos Vorreena (Gae lehn PAN noss vohr REE nuh)
Dean Emeritus of Digital Architecture Engineering, Professor of Hyperspace Program Development, oh and also that "High Lord" bit
Dean Galen Vasilis Panos, Ph.D (a.k.a. Count Vorreena, High Lord Vorreena)
Higgins notes:
To effectively write a precis on the High Lord of Reena Province that will serve the needs of current journalism, I have to give the full treatment to three different men. They all happen to be the same person. Context is critical for any article or holonews segment that includes this person.
Also: when checking historical documents, remember to verify the middle personal name or initial! "Dean Panos, G. V.", was named in honor of his maternal and paternal grandfathers and pursued related studies. "Dean Panos, G. D." was also "High Lord Count Vorreena" before Expansion Week, 12722. Their Deanships over their respective branches of Reena University overlapped by several years, during which G.V.'s mother and G.D.'s daughter Baroness Professora Ismini Glykeria Panos Reena was the confirmed High Lord's Heir, while cousin Lord Professor Costas Kallirroi Vorreena was the confirmed Count's Heir. All three perished in two separate Twilight bombardments, leaving Dean Panos as the first candidate for either role that could be ratified by the surviving members of the Council of Counts. Their scholarly accomplishments should be honored, but not mistaken for the work of a different member of this House.
Dean Panos
Although it is neither mandatory nor customary within the Tapani educational systems, members of House Vorreena -- who have generally favored scholarly pursuits in service to their namesake Province -- often drop their Vorish noble name in favor of the closest related non-noble Tapani name from which they can claim direct descent. Various Counts and Countesses Vorreena have traced a direct line of ancestry for (currently) seven generations to Ian Vasilis Panos, who married then-Countess Thina Pelagia Vorreena. Galen Vasilis continued in his family's tradition of scholarship. He has steadfastly clung to the "Galen Panos" identity through the political turmoil of his life because he values service to his people through research and education. He has been "Professor Panos", then "Dean Panos" for most of his adult life. He did not anticipate ever becoming "Count Vorreena", much less "High Lord Count Vorreena". Answering to those forms of address requires a conscious effort for the man who still introduces himself as "Dean Panos from the Programming College".
As the highest authority within the Reena University College of Programming, Dean (Emeritus) Panos is a brisk but pleasant administrator and educator. He oversees the quality of education within his branch of Reena University, supported by Dean Yvona Hornek and her staff. He audits a session in each instructor's courses over the span of a given semester. He reviews the resources available, whether those are HoloNet bandwidth and storage capacity for students, or time on the most powerful research servers, or upgrade and maintenance parts for same.
He designed a one-day seminar, mandatory for all incoming students or new professors, on the system of checks and balances in the teacher-student power structure, including what steps must be taken by which person and when it is appropriate to bring a problem to the Dean's Office for resolution. For several years Dean Panos taught this seminar in person. After his off-campus responsibilities increased, he had to select three other professors he could trust to conduct the seminar in his stead.
Like many career computer programmers, Dean Panos is result-oriented, imaginative, fond of detailed marginal notes, and subtly anti-authoritarian in his thinking. If a process breaks "rules" or "tradition", Dean Panos looks at what the consequences of this alternate process may be on the entire system before he decides whether he will disapprove.
Dean Panos favors "tomfoolery", by which he means that he enjoys experiments that start from the question,
On the other hand, he is poorly disposed toward resource-wasting work that could have been accomplished by a simpler solution. One of his earliest projects in his teaching career was to organize a campus-wide "Complicated Contrivance Contest", intended to teach students that such time- and resource-sinks were never worth the end result. Unfortunately the contest proved wildly popular. Competing student groups fought to invent the most ridiculous multi-step process for pouring a cup of imicasschay. The winning group proudly paraded the obsolete holopad that served as the contest prize across campus to their dormitory, where in short order it became the target of serial thefts. Within six months, "raiding for the CCC Holopad" became its own over-complicated tradition full of bragging rights.I wonder what would happen if I just...
Professor Panos disavowed the CCC, but never managed to suppress it. By the time he was established as Dean Panos, the CCC was fully entrenched in student culture. A highlight of each annual award ceremony is the Raid Critique, where Dean Panos uses the student groups' self-documentary holovids to give notes in "dissertation review style" on the previous year's attempts to steal the CCC Holopad -- interspersed, where he can manage it, with his indignance at various stages of developing the Contrivance submissions.
The Raid Critique is usually hilarious, insightful, and affectionately encouraging. It is also -- in classic Dean Panos methodology -- forbidden to record or digitally archive in any way. The High Lord of Reena Province aggressively pursues any leaked footage, should someone manage to circumvent the anti-holorecording technology lining the Student Center. Dean Panos hates the idea of a young creator's past tomfoolery being used against them in their future career.
When Galen Panos Vorreena was elevated to the position of High Lord, Reena University's Chancellor promoted Dean Panos to the semi-retired position of "Dean Emeritus of Digital Architecture Engineering". Simultaneously, his Associate Dean for Faculty was promoted to Dean of the College of Programming.
High Lord Vorreena speaks in a calm, clipped manner. Every hard consonant is a sharp sound; every syllable is textbook-precise. High Lord Vorreena's voice projects into an auditory space so strongly that he can be heard over a babble of voices within the Council Chamber without assistance from electronics.
Those with long familiarity of Dean Panos hear High Lord Vorreena speak and usually suspect he is angry because of this vocal delivery.
They might be correct. If the duties of High Lord Count Galen Vorreena must interrupt the scholarly and administrative responsibilities of Dean Panos, then Galen Vasilis will be at minimum annoyed.
However, he conducts himself in his High Lord capacity so that others around him will be efficient, precise, and armed with factual citations to back up their choices. High Lord Vorreena feels the ethical weight of several million lives within his Province, their well-being dependent on good choices from their High Lord and his privy council.
In his role as the noble power for specific components of Reena Province, Count Galen Vorreena is a difficult man to define. He has a healthy, understated sense of humor. He tends toward the Progressive Party within the Council of Counts, but not universally so. He dislikes the Tapani Ministry of Information. He takes a great deal of persuading before he would consider giving his support to any military expenditure bill. On the other hand, he favors Imperium funding and direct management of the Hyperspace Navigational Network throughout Tapani Sector.
For a man so averse to private spy networks, and so unlikely to appear at High Vor society events or even to give interviews on a news service, Count Vorreena can be astonishingly well-informed on facts and trends not known to his peers within the Council of Counts. When questioned about this by High Lord Count Vorkosigan after one frustrating Council debate, Count Vorreena gleefully lectured his colleague on the software programs used to coordinate navbuoys along the Procopian Shipping Lane ... and what traffic information can be extracted from the maintenance logs by any passing astrogator.
I am Dean of Programming at Reena University, you know.
All that time you spent being a soldier, milord, I spent being a researcher.
Because he became High Lord with insufficient training and a plethora of responsibilities, High Lord Vorreena pushed an unusual arrangement through the Council of Counts in the chaos of the Tapani Civil War. He is, of course, "Count Vorreena" as part of becoming High Lord of Reena Province.
But he divided up the Countship:
- As High Lord, Count Galen Vorreena rules all of Reena Province through the High Vor and Low Vor nobility within the "House Vorreena" collective.
- Furthermore, Count Galen Vorreena collects taxes and levies justice on major infrastructure areas of the Province, particularly Caloria Run and Reena University, and the Province capital city Aarti on Reena.
- Sister-in-law Faina Lada Vorreena, Dean of Botanical Studies at Reena University, is also Countess Vorreena. She is the noble who reigns over Reena System, collecting taxes and levying justice in service to High Lord Vorreena and Emperor Gregor Vortapani. She is also the first "reigning Countess Vorreena" to not be directly descended from the Panos line in some time, having married into the family.
This division of responsibilities may not continue in following generations. Baron Quinn Sheffield is the current designated High Lord's Heir while Lord Matvey Ilari Panos Vorreena is his mother's designated Countess's Heir, but these appointments may change if the next few years prove politically stable.
Family Ties
Galen Vasilis was born the third child of then-Lady Professora Ismini Panos Vorreena and her partner, Lord Professor Gavriil Bohdan Vorkontos. His oldest sister Charis Theria joined the Bene Gesserit religious order. Middle sibling Lidmila Avra emigrated to Coruscant shortly before the end of 12720; the family lost contact with her during Expansion Week, 12722. Lidmila Vorreena is believed to have changed her identity voluntarily, and since has not chosen to reveal herself or return home.
Galen Vasilis has one younger sibling: Baroness Ksenia Sveta Panos Vorreena, Dean of Business Administration. Her spouse is Countess Faina Lada Vorreena, Dean of Botanical Studies at Reena University.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
49 Years old
Current Residence
Vorreena Embassy, Estalle Island
black, graying
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel next week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. If not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online. Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3
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Hi there! And thank you so much!
Were you at GACUCon? I had a green vest with patches and pins. I can't recognize faces but I feel like your overall style in your avatar is something that fascinated me recently.
You're welcome to read this aloud if you like, absolutely. Would it be best for me to dig up pronunciation links, either in text or with audio samples, for any of the Greek and Czech names that I used in here?
Thanks for permission! I'll try to let you know when I plan to stream in case you'd like to check it out. You can also always watch streams after the fact on my YouTube channel if you aren't able to make it or prefer not to be there live. :) Unfortunately, I was NOT at GACUCon, though it does seem like fun and it would have been awesome to go. It would be nice to meet you and so many other wordlbuilders in person! Thanks for complimenting my style :) Yes, I have an eclectic flavor sometimes. Also, pronunciations would be awesome, if you could provide them here in comments or DM them to me. That would be nice. Thanks again! <3
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Just an update: I've scheduled to go live at 8am and 8pm Eastern Time every weekday this week. If you join the stream and comment, I can go over your article right then and there! If you'd like to coordinate a specific date, feel free to reply below or contact me at one of the places in my post above. If not, remember you can watch anytime at my YouTube channel. I'll try to go back through and let you know which episode yours fell on. :D
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Hi there. I pray all is well. I went over your article last night in my final stream. Here's the link for the replay if you'd like to take a look. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE STREAM IS ALMOST SEVEN HOURS XD but I tried to link the articles in the comments in the order they appeared for your skippy-through convenience. :D If not, no worries at all. Thanks again for allowing me the honor! Have a blessed one. <3
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Seven hours! My goodness! You give so much of yourself to so many people! Thank you for all that you do, for me and for all the rest of us as well. I plan on listening to your streams in many small segments over the next few days. You will be keeping me company while I go through my chore checklist. I'm looking forward to it!
aww that's so sweet! Much success with your chores <3
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