Cadriaan Province Geographic Location in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Cadriaan Province

Tapani Sector, Cadriaan Province, and most locations therein created by Paul Sudlow and Chris Doyle,
working for West End Games, under license for Lucasfilm LTD. No infringement is intended or implied.

Ruled by House Vorcadriaan, Cadriaan Province would be at the extreme end of the (135 degree) heading on a two-dimensional plot with Procopia at the center. It consists of seven systems, only two of which are major systems, and misses claiming Aleron from the Freeworlds Territory by mere days on the Shapani Bypass. Cadriaan Province relies heavily on trade; they had a very tight sensor net through their territory before the Long Night, and likely will have one at least as good in the near future.

Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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Locations in Cadriaan Province:



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