The Sanctuary Myth in Star Wars Galaxy | World Anvil
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The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is a ship of legend, it is a ship lost to time that many archeologists have made their lifetime goal to find.   Most scholars and ancient astronaut theorists agree the ship to be a Valor class cruiser of the Old Republic but as for the cargo, there has been much debate. Some say it was filled with Beskar, others believe powerful weapons, some say a treasure trove of technology from ancient civilizations. However the most popular theory is that it is carrying information on the creators of the galaxy aboard. This information could give answers to the origins of everything. To this Ancient Astronaut theorists say Yes.   Now more of a legend than a realistic goal, it has become a popular subject among conspiracy theorists and click bait holo net programming. Nearly every treasure hunter has heard rumors of the ship and anyone who had information on it's location would certainly want to keep that a secret. Who knows what someone may do to get information on this treasure's whereabouts?   For now the ship remains a story and nothing more, with many doubting it ever existed.  





Chin Mounted Battleship Ion Cannon

Fire ArcDamCritRangeQualities
Forward94MediumBreach 3, Ion, Slow-Firing 2

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